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This article discussed the marketing strategy of domestic commercial banks, gave a thourough analysis to the marketing development of the China Citic Bank, and its specialties, strength and weakness. Strategic Positioning of the China Citic Bank has been summarized in aspects of procts, price, distribution, and promotion. Future development of the China Citic Bank has been forecasted.

❺ 急求银行营销的英文参考文献!!!

【英文篇名】 Theory and 执行ution of Loyalty Marketing
【作者】 冯军; 孙习祥;
【英文作者】 Feng Jun; Sun Xixiang; School of Management; WUT; Wuhan; China.;
【作者单位】 武汉理工大学管理学院; 湖北武汉;
【刊名】 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版) , Journal of Wuhan University fo Technology

[Information & Management Engineering], 编辑部邮箱 2006年 09期
期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊
【关键词】 忠诚营销; 数据库营销; 亲情营销;
【英文关键词】 loyalty Marketing; database marketing; emotion marketing;
【摘要】 高的顾客忠诚度几乎是每一个企业追逐的目标。忠诚营销是针对建立客户忠诚而全面展开的市




【英文摘要】 Every enterprise wants to go after the high consumer faithfulness.Loyalty

marketing is regarded as marketing strategy which enterprises carry out thoroughly in order

to build up consumer loyalty and gain a high market share.The concept and the influencing

factors of loyalty marketing are studied.Suggestions of how to carry out loyalty marketing

are presented.

❻ 求银行方面英文文献,资料

Interest rate marketability and our country State-owned Commercial bank countermeasure

Interest rate marketability connotation

The so-called interest rate marketability, is refers to the money market fund supply and demand both sides independent determination interest rate level interest rate decision mechanism vicissitude process 。Says specifically, the interest rate marketability is refers to the Central Bank to need to regulate the datum interest rate according to the monetary policy, various commercial bank saves the loan interest rate according to the fund market supply and demand change independent adjustment, Finally forms take Central Bank datum interest rate as the guidance, multi-level, can manifest fund supply and demand condition and the reflection Central Bank monetary policy intention interest rate operational mechanism fully。The interest rate marketability emphasis interest rate really reflected the fund cost and the supply-demand relation, effectively display its economical leverage nimbly。

一. Our country interest rate marketability reform existence question
Is opposite says in the Chinese economic reform and the opening to the outside world overall step, the interest rate marketability reform progresses slowly. Looked on the present situation that, our country not yet completely realizes the interest rate marketability, the interest rate control creates the interest rate this important price release lever to receive the serious restraint in the resources disposition aspect function, the interest rate structure distortion. Our country interest rate system marketability degree quite is also low, mainly displays in following several aspects:

1. The interest rate control degree is high, the interest rate level and the structure are incompatible, and the bank independency is restricted. The current our country interest rate policy movement environment controls the interest rate primarily, the interest rate level decision, the difference interest rate policy making and so on the related interest rate each aspect policy all by the government strict control, displays the high planning and closeness.

2. The interest rate level determination has certain subjective blindness; the rate adjustment flexibility is insufficient. At present our country interest rate level decision is makes by the monetary policy committee, the interest rate decision-making power high degree of concentration in the central authorities, the interest rate formulation and the adjustment has the serious time lag effect.

3. Lacks the effective market datum interest rate. On November 1, 2003, the NAP Standing Committee Cheng Sewer, vice chairman of the Forum, said: "The market-oriented interest rates, the key is to set the benchmark interest rate. The benchmark interest rate is determined, in order to determine the interest rate structure, risk structure. No established the benchmark rate, the interest rate market is a empty sentences. "Benchmark rate in the entire interest rate system has played a core role and prevents other interest rates, in a sense, the benchmark interest rate options and determine the interest rate market is the core of the reform steps.

二.Implements the interest rate marketability state-owned commercial bank significance
First, is advantageous to the expansion state-owned commercial bank right of autonomous management, the enhancement competitive power. After the interest rate lets loose, the bank had the independent fixed price power, may use this kind of right to independence and its flexible full display fully. The various countries' reform experience indicated that, after the interest rate marketability, the deposit real interest rate all has the different scope raise. The real interest rate rise will have the positive influence to the deposit, the attraction fund from bank systems and so on the stock market, black market accepts the human bank system, the enhancement commercial bank's competitive power. Next, is advantageous in raises the state-owned commercial bank management level. The interest rate marketability causes the fund price to let loose truly. Price competition between the banks presents the new ball game from this. But the price competition must rise take the low cost fund as the backing. In order to gain the low cost capital source, various bank in the financial proct, the marketing strategy, service method general unfolds manager respectively, this will intensify inevitably the competition intense degree, will urge the bank change management way, who will grasp is initiative who to be able to obtain market (In the new situation, the commercial bank guild cared about the interest rate market change situation and the international interest rate unlation tendency, and according to own situation, determines the cost scientifically, formulates the price reasonably, the enhancement economic accounting, strengthens its profit ability. It can be said that, the interest rate marketability reform, the interest rate proction mechanism transformation, is to a commercial bank management and operation from inside to outside comprehensive forging. Is once more advantageous in creates a relatively fair competition environment. The interest rate marketability and the money market consummation is a process which complements one another. The developed money market is the interest rate marketability reliable guarantee. Because in the developed consummation money market, the financial tool type is rich, financial main body multi-dimensional, the financing way is diverse, the competition is full, the interest rate can reflect fully the fund price, can guide the resources reasonable disposition, enhances the resources use efficiency. Otherwise, the interest rate marketability can promote the money market development consummation; The money market is the interest rate marketability advancement beginning, also will be carries on the risk management to the interest rate the place, the interest rate system change promotes the money market development. Finally, is advantageous in speeds up the microscopic main body the property right reform, interest rate marketability important condition is the state-owned enterprise and the state-owned commercial bank's property right must be clear. The property right is not clear, is not strong to the interest intrinsic budget restraint, exceeds the time limit the risk responsibility to attenuate, and cannot be keen to the interest rate reflection. At present, our country State-owned Commercial bank and very big part of state-owned enterprise's property right slurred, the interest rate market changed into its reform to provide the power, on objective impelled their property right reform.

三.The interest rate marketability causes the state-owned commercial bank faced with to challenge sternly

The interest rate marketability, is the historical stage which our country Commercial bank must pass through, can impel our country State-owned Commercial bank enormously the reform. But after the interest rate marketability, the interest rate level change does not decide, Our country Commercial bank which survives under the control possibly can develop the new financial tool for a long time to dodge the interest rate risk without enough time, will certainly to face the stern challenge, this displays in:
Has enlarged the bank rate risk. After the interest rate marketability, the interest rate level ascension and the irregular unlation enlarge, intensified the bank vulnerability, ha have enlarged the bank rate risk. After the interest rate marketability, the interest rate level ascension and the irregular unlation enlarge, intensified the bank vulnerability, have the possibility to cause the bank crisis extremely the occurrence. As a result of our country long-term interest rate control, the interest rate by artificial force down, after the interest rate is let loose, the interest rate level can elevate inevitably. The analysis indicated that, in the credit activity, along with the real interest rate enhancement, the risk borrower more will become the bank by chance the customer, But loathes the risk originally the enterprise borrowers also favor in change oneself project the nature, enable it to have a higher risk and the income level. The cause property average horizontal drop in quality, the credit risk increases.
Moreover, from looked for a long time that, the interest rate change the fund supply and demand real-time influence, can unlate frequently, but the interest rate unlation namely meant risk existence. How forecast accurately the interest rate change tendency, the reasonable determination has the competitive advantage price water; how assigns scientifically saves, the loan deadline layout, maintains the best advantage bad level;
How forecast accurately the interest rate change tendency, the reasonable determination has the competitive advantage price water � How assigns scientifically saves, the loan deadline layout, maintains the best advantage bad level; How adjusts the property debt structure nimbly,
Enhances prepares pays the level, the active control interest rate forms fluid wind �? How will supervise perfectly restricts the mechanism, prevented has human sentiment interest rate risk and so on, these will all cause the commercial bank faced with the stern test.
2.Leads the service to the commercial bank to have the huge impact. Along with the interest rate marketability, various bank launches the intense contention superiority customer to save the loan war inevitably, the keen competition will cause to save the loan advantage difference large scale deflation. At the same time, the interest rate marketability impetus money market development, the massive enterprise temporary fund no longer rises in value through the deposit form, but is in the capital market, the money market puts in obtains the short-term to receive;Whether there is does the inhabitant also no longer excessively regard as important only contains the risk value deposit interest rate, pays attention contains the risk value the money market to receive �? The bank leadership service will be under the huge impact.
It can be said, after interest rate marketability, bank true competition magic weapon instead outside interest rate method. Because the monetary fund is highly the homogeneity commodity, the grade of service is more important, highly effective, the low cost manages finances the service enable the customer to have a higher income, has the attraction to the customer.
3.Proposed the challenge to the bank management and operation.
Under interest rate control system, regardless of is the interest rate level or counts the rest method all to have the country to decide, regardless of how the country does adjust saves the loan interest rate, all fully considered commercial bank actual situation, maintains the reasonable advantage bad level throughout. Commercial bank's interest rate management is extremely simple, so long as gives according to the People's Bank the fluctuation scope carries out the national interest rate level then, the interest rate change is limited, the interest rate risk is controllable. In such situation, the bank management is inevitably passive. But in under the interest rate marketability condition, the intense market competition forces the bank either to use the price method, through raises the deposit interest rate, reces the loan interest rate to attract the customer; Either depends upon the high quality service, through the function innovation, the proct innovation, the technological innovation satisfies the customer. But this request commercial bank changes present the management, the method and the organization system.
4.Proposed the challenge to the commercial bank staff quality. Along with interest rate marketability reform advancement quickening, the interest rate risk enlarge, will strengthen to the future interest rate trend analyzes and forecast oneself will be very urgent. The state-owned commercial bank seeks the financial professional who needs one batch of this aspect high quality, not only these people must have the deep theory foundation of basic skills, but also must have the rich commercial bank practice experience, Both must thoroughly understand the domestic interest rate change the unlation condition, and must be skilled in the forecast interest rate change tendency. But the present state-owned bank lacks generally can promptly effectively the control and the circumvention interest rate risk tool and the interest rate risk management professional, to the interest rate trend development forecast, the risk recognition and control is weak.
四.The state-owned commercial bank should to strategy
Along with the interest rate marketability advancement, the interest rate is more and more big to the state-owned commercial bank's influence, in this situation, the state-owned commercial bank should seek positively should to the strategy.
1.Establishment finance proct fixed price system. In the interest rate marketability situation, whether does the commercial bank draw up a science reasonable fixed price system, has the nimble effective quoted price ability, the realization risk �? Between 20 income balances,
Is key which whether it does develop continually. In this process, must establish the effective comprehensive income reckoning system, the overall evaluation customer comprehensive income which brings to the commercial bank,The customer credit risk size, the loan deadline length is the interest rate risk size, as well as commercial bank's collection fund cost and the operation cost share and so on the aspect questions。
2.Increases the middle service proct development ability, the adjustment profit structure. After the interest rate marketability, the bank saves, the loan favorable difference reces, the profit level reces, and this request state-owned commercial bank must develop the middle service vigorously. The bank may while develop positively receives on another's behalf, pays on another's behalf and so on service, uses the commercial bank market main body qualifications fully, positively provides the proxy for other financial organ to distribute the bond, the silver card account transfer, the proxy insures, the fund trust, the broker manages finances, The property management, financial consultant, the investment consultation and so on, enhances the middle service to buy a girl child, on own initiative develops the low risk, the high income middle service new variety positively, promotes the bank large scale by this profit ability, promotes the bank sustainable development.
3.Establishes nimbly, the highly effective interest rate management organization, trains the interest rate managerial talent vigorously. According to the Bethel bank supervising and managing committee about the bank effective supervising and managing core principle request, under the interest rate marketability environment, various commercial bank must set up the specialized interest rate risk management department, manages and instructs the entire good interest rate work, Coordinates and coordinates inside and outside the bank to be connected the work. The interest rate control section's most important task is carries on the comprehensive interest rate sensitive tube on the bank asset debt level ; Exterior determination, internal advantage � The definite general headquarters to branch office's interest rate authorization, are responsible for staff interest rate risk management training and so on. In addition, but also should establish the high interest rate information communication channel, after the interest rate marketability, the commercial bank interior enhances greatly about the interest rate information transmission effectiveness, guarantees can transmit promptly general headquarters formulation each interest rate to commercial bank's any business mesh point, guarantees the commercial bank interest rate policy the unity.
4.Speeds up the state-owned commercial bank the property right reform. Stipulated according to "Law of corporation" that, the commercial bank belongs to the competitive profession, does not need to adopt the state-owned sole ownership property right, and does not have the legal barrier to its joint stock system transformation. To the state-owned commercial bank's property right reform, its concrete transformation form establishes the joint stock system commercial bank. The reality in China, in accordance with international practice, and graally achieve solely by the state to transform the state-owned holding company, and ultimately joint-stock limited companies, and establish corporate system of corporate governance institutions, the establishment of the right to operate, ownership and the right to supervise the separation of the framework, China's commercial banks to become real significance of commercial banks, do business operations.




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First, the privately operated enterprise the question and the reasonanalysis which exists in the financial control As everybody knows, business management including proctionmanagement, marketing management and financial control and so on manyaspects, but the financial control is the enterprise entire managementsystem core, enterprise's financial control goal is a goal which theenterprise pursues. Obviously, only has take the financial control asthe center, the coordination operates management system each aspect,can effectively strengthen the business management, the promotionenterprise develops.Said from the nation that, the privately operated enterprise quantitymultitudinous, distributed is widespread, the characteristicrespectively differently, in addition receives the macroscopiceconomic environment and the system influence, the privately operatedenterprise was strengthening the financial control aspect to meet thecertain resistance, for example: The policy "the discrimination"causes the privately operated enterprise and the major instry cannotthe fair competition, the local authority, the profession controlsection's intervention, causes the privately operated enterprise thefinancial control goal short-term, again is main is the privatelyoperated enterprise financial control owner's influence oversized andso on some subjective factors existences, causes the financial controlthe importance to neglect. Therefore, in its financial control existsquestion also many and varied, I believed, at present the universalexistence question and the reason mainly have: .
(1) financing difficulty, the revolving fund is insufficient, causeslake of the financial control Cheng Duanyuan. At present, the our country privately operated enterprise initiallyestablished has been independent, the channel many Yuan financingsystem, but, financed difficultly, to guarantee difficultly, still wasthe most prominent question which the restriction privately operatedenterprise developed, the main question was: First, is in debtexcessively many, financing cost high, risk big, creates the privatelyoperated enterprise credit rank low, helps the letter relatively to beworse. Second, the majority privately operated enterprise right andwrong major instry, some banks the traditional ideas and theadministrative intervention influence, insufficiently are warm-heartedto its loan. Third, the facilitating agency is not perfect, lacksspecially the financial facilitating agency and the loan guaranteeorganization which serves for the privately operated enterprise loan. Analyzes its main reason to display in two aspects: One is the financeinstry is insufficient to the privately operated enterprise's creditaid. Our country finance system from establishes to the serviceproject, mostly is take the big enterprise as the service object, theprivately operated enterprise's credit service is often neglected.Because the loan is difficult, in the proction management processneeds the fund to be insufficient, enormously has restricted theprivately operated enterprise's development. Some privately operatedenterprises, although exists temporarily difficultly, but the bankonce supports can bring back to life; Two is the privately operatedenterprise's financing channel is unitary, adapts the market demandchange with difficulty. As a result of some privately operatedenterprises, in both cannot obtain the bank the loan support, and doesnot have self- financing or to the social public financing ability,imperceptibly, strengthened the enterprise financial control also tobecome an empty talk, the financial control has also become mediateslake of the source.
(2) financial control is weak, lacks the scientific nature, causes thefinancial control to take a step difficultly. The majority of privately operated enterprises have the financialcontrol link to be weak, moreover to strengthens the financial controlaspect insufficiently to take, has not understood the financialcontrol from the true significance in enterprise's status. The mainquestion includes: One is the fund management is lax, financialcontrol weak, creates the fund to leave unused or to be insufficient.Two is the receivable account funds turnover is slow, causes the fundrecycling difficulty. Three, the inventory control is weak, createsthe fund delay. Four is re- Qian Qingwu, the property drainsseriously. Analyzes its reason mainly is: One is some privately operatedenterprises thought cash more the better, causes the massive cashesnot to participate in the turnover, some are the fund lacks the planarrangement, excessive purchase real estate, but causes the enterpriseto be unable to deal with the management urgently needed fund, fallsinto the financial difficult position. Two is does not have theestablishment strict selling on credit policy, lacks powerfullydestroys receives the measure, should receive money cannot cash orform the ll account. Three is very many privately operatedenterprises end of the month the goods in stock takes the fund oftento surpass its turnover above two times, creates the fund delayturnover to malfunction. Four is many privately operated enterprisessuperintendents, to management and so on raw material, half-finishedproct, fixed asset did not arrive, leaves question nobody toinvestigate, the property waste was serious. Above analyzes thereason, most importantly because the enterprise upper formationleadership financial control idea is backward, lacks the scientificnature, the untrue understanding financial control to does in thethought greatly makes the role which the strong enterprise plays, hasnot bought into line with the financial control the businessmanagement in the effective mechanism, lacks the modern financialcontrol idea, caused the financial control to lose it the status andthe function which should have in the business management, took a stepdifficultly.
3) management pattern boundary, manages the idea obsoletely, causesthe financial control to be dark however 失色. Because receives the old financial system since long ago in thethought the restraint, business management personnel's idea comparisonlag. The main question includes: One is at the same time enterprise'sinvestor is the operator. Two is the enterprise superintendent'smanagement ability and the management quality bad, manages the thoughtto be backward. Analyzes its reason mainly is: The privately operated enterprise modelmanagement pattern is the property rights and the operating righthighly unifies, at the same time enterprise's investors is theoperator, this kind of pattern inevitably will give the enterprise thefinancial control to bring the negative influence, in the privatelyoperated enterprise quite a part will belong to the indivial tooperate privately the nature, in these enterprises, enterprise leadercentralization phenomenon serious, and will lack the understanding andthe research to the financial control theory method which will besupposed to have, will cause its responsibility not to divide, exceedsauthority to handle affairs, creates the financial control chaotic,the finance will supervise the nucleus not to be lax, accountant thepersonnel alone boat difficult line, to think the standard managementwill be very difficult. The majority of enterprises not or are unableto establish the interior auditing department, even if has, also isvery difficult to guarantee the internal audit the independence.Moreover, some enterprises have not bought into line with thefinancial control the business management in the effective mechanism,lacks the modern financial control idea, the most privateenterpreneurs not yet establish such as scientific management the andso on time value, risk value, marginal cost, opportunity cost concept,as a result of the management pattern boundary, manages the ideaobsoletely, causes the financial control to be dark however 失色,has lost it the status and the function which should have in thebusiness management.

❾ 你好,帮我翻译下句子吧,谢谢了

This article through to the domestic commercial Banks marketing strategy, this paper further analysis of citic bank development course, and in marketing brand marketing characteristic and advantages and disadvantages, from proct, price, distribution, promotion four aspects of citic bank in banking summarized, and the strategic positioning of citic bank doing some prospects for future development.



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