『壹』 各种茶叶的英文名称和用英语销售茶叶的实用口语
英文的Black Tea是红茶 普洱茶是Pu er Tea 铁观音 TeiGuanYin Tea 西湖龙井Long Jing Tea 大白豪DaBaiHao Tea 冻顶乌龙Dongding Wulong Tea 牡丹绣球 MuDanXiuQiu Tea
观音王GuanYin King Tea 御品龙井 top-class Longjing Tea
绿茶是Green Tea
茶叶 Tea Leaves高山茶 High Mountain Tea茉莉花茶 Jasmine Tea
枸杞茶 Wolfberry Tea保健茶 Health Care Tea减肥茶 Diet Tea
参茶 Ginseng Tea熏衣草茶 Lavender Tea乌龙茶 Oolong Tea
薄荷茶 Mint Tea菊花茶 Chrysanthemum Tea冰柠檬茶 Lemon Iced Tea香草茶 Vanilla Tea柑橘茶 Camomile Tea
『贰』 关于茶的英文
绿茶:green tea
红茶:black tea
乌龙茶:Oolong tea
茉莉花茶:jasmine tea
花茶 菊花茶:chrysanthemum tea
桂花茶:osmanthus tea
玉兰茶:magnolia tea
减肥茶:diet tea
『叁』 急求营销策划方案,题目“茶饮品进入美国市场”求高手指教!!采纳必重重加分!谢了!!
在国际品牌与国内品牌竞争的格局下,美国如今的饮品市场,可谓五彩缤纷,品种样样齐全:有咖啡、碳酸饮品、果汁、含乳饮品、植物蛋白饮品、瓶装饮用水、茶饮品、特殊用途饮品、固体饮品及其他饮品等 10 大类产品。如下图:
(三) 宏观环境分析
1.消费观念多元化 对外来文化的吸纳和接收,加之本土文化的灌溉,美国民众的消费观念越加多元化,更求新求异。
2.健康热点 由于咖啡及碳酸等软饮料对身体的负面影响,美国民众对健康问题提出了更高的要求。追求饮品的健康、安全、卫生变的尤为重要。在饮品方面我们要抓住消费者追求健康饮品的极大热情,在目标人群中树立健康的品牌形象。
3.金融危机 金融危机对美国的影响巨大,这将利于中美贸易的发展。
●国际环境优势 劣势(Weaknesses)
●健康饮茶是大势所趋 SO WO
●突出健康饮茶概念 ●要推出配套产品
●坚定自然健康的特色 避免过大市场竞争 ●加强品牌建设
1.按购买者年龄细分: 青年人是主力军。调查显示,15-25岁消费者是茶饮品的主要目标消费群,其次是26-35岁年龄段的消费者,这两年龄段占总体的69.5%,成为茶饮品的消费主体。年轻的一代思想开放,追求健康、时尚的高品质生活,因而符合潮流、天然健康的茶饮品迎合了其要求。
2.按购买地域细分: 根据市场调查数据显示,茶饮品市场渗透率高的城市主要集中在沿海经济发达城市,并且与人均收入正相关,其中以纽约,洛杉矶,旧金山(唐人街),华盛顿为主。这些地区人流量大,消费群体大,消费水平高,能够更好的提高知名度其中年轻人的购买力更强。这些地区人流量大,消费群体大,消费水平高,能够更好的提高知名度。
利益细分市场 年龄 使用数量 心理
口味 20岁以下 重度消费者 追求流行、时髦、新奇和
健康美容 20-34岁 重度消费者 追求时尚、健康、休闲,
保健养生 35岁以上 轻度消费者 保守,追求安稳、平静,
(二)目标市场的选择 通过目标市场细分,我们决定选择统一绿茶为我们的营销对象,将15-35岁的消费群体作为我们的目标群体,将沿海发达城市市场作为我们的目标市场,将绿色健康作为我们的品牌定位。由于人们不断加强的健康意识,美国又是世界主要茶叶进口国和消费国之一,绿茶的受关注度和受欢迎度在其国内不断上升。主要消费绿茶的人群又主要是15-35岁的年轻人,所以我们将在青年中年人聚集的地区进行统一绿茶的营销推广活动。
品牌 主题 表现
统一 天然、健康、清新、纯正绿茶 “希望大自然是统一的绿色”、“亲近自然,统一绿茶”
『肆』 茶主张的营销策略是什么
摘要 1.茶叶营销策略一:升茶叶品牌知名度
『伍』 求茶叶的国际市场营销策略
『陆』 茶叶的英文是什么
/ti:; ti/
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(dried leaves of an) evergreen shrub grown in China, India, etc 茶叶; 茶树:
* a pound of tea 一磅茶叶.
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(a) [U] drink make by pouring boiling water on these leaves 茶:
* a cup/mug/pot of tea 一杯[茶缸子/壶]茶
* China, lemon, iced tea 中国茶、 柠檬茶、 加冰的茶
* Shall I make (the) tea? 我沏点儿茶好吗?
(b) [C] cup of this 一杯茶:
* Two teas, please. 劳驾, 要两杯茶.
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[U] drink made by pouring boiling water on the leaves of other plants 代茶(用其他植物的叶子沏的饮料):
* camomile, mint, herb tea 菊花、 薄荷、 药草茶.
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[C, U] (light meal served at an) occasion when tea is drunk, esp in the late afternoon 茶(点); (尤指)下午茶点:
* The waitress has served twenty teas since 4 o'clock. 这女服务 员从4点钟开始已供应了20份茶点.
* We usually have tea at half-past four. 我们一般在四点半喝下午茶.
* When is tea? 什麽时候有茶点? =>Usage at dinner 用法见dinner.
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(idm 习语) sb's cup of tea => cup1. not for all the tea in `China no matter how great the reward 无论报酬多高; 无论得到多大好处:
* I wouldn't marry him for all the tea in China. 有天大好处我也不嫁给他.
复合: `tea-bag n small paper bag holding enough tea for one person (供一人饮用的)袋茶, 茶袋.
`tea-break n (Brit) (in an office, a factory, etc) short period of time when work is stopped and tea, etc may be taken (办公室、 工厂等处的)喝茶时间, 工间休息时间.
`tea-caddy (also caddy) n box in which tea is kept for daily use 茶叶盒; 茶叶罐.
`teacake n (Brit) small flat cake, usu eaten hot with butter at tea 茶点饼(扁平的小饼, 通常在饮茶时加黄油热食): toasted teacakes 再烤的茶点饼.
`tea-chest n light wooden box lined with metal, in which tea is exported 茶箱(装茶叶出口的大木箱).
`tea-cloth n
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cloth for a tea-table or tea-tray 茶几布; 茶盘布.
『柒』 chinese tea 的英文文章,介绍中国的茶文化!急!
History of Chinese Tea
Chinese tea consists of tea leaves which have been processed using methods inherited from China.
According to popular legend, tea was discovered by Chinese Emperor Shennong (Shen Nung, Shen Nong, The Yan Emperor, The Emperor of the five grains) in 2737 BC when a leaf from a Camilla sinensis tree fell into water the emperor was boiling. Not everyone agrees on the origin, but no one disputes that tea is deeply woven into the history and culture of China. The beverage is considered one of the seven necessities of Chinese life, along with firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.
Some writers classify tea into four categories, green, white, black and oolong. Others add categories for red, scented and compressed teas. All of these come from varieties of the Camilla sinensis plant. Chinese flower tea (花茶), while popular, is not a true tea. Most Chinese tea is consumed in China and is not exported. Green tea is the most popular type of tea used in China.
Within these main categories of tea are vast varieties of indivial beverages. Some researchers have counted more than 700. Others put the number at more than 1,000. Some of the variations are e to different strains of the Camilla plant. The popular Tie Guan Yin 铁观音, for example, is traced back to a single plant discovered in Anxi 安溪 in the Fujian province. Other teas draw some of their characteristics from local growing conditions. The largest factor in the wide variations comes from differences in processing after the tea is harvested. White and green teas are cooked soon after picking to prevent oxidization, often called fermentation, caused by natural enzymes in the leaves. Oolong teas are partially oxidized. Black and red teas are fully oxidized. Other differences come from variations in the processing steps.
Chinese Tea History
Tea (Camellia sinensis) is native to China. The ancient Chinese used them for medical purposes, then developed the infusion we know as tea; to this day tea is said to purge the digestive system of 'toxins'. Later the Chinese learned to grow tea plants and use their leaves to make various types of tea.
Many different types of tea were grown ring each of the dynasties in China.
The Tang Dynasty
A list of the differing grades of tea grown in the Tang Dynasty:
Premier Grade Tea: Xiazhou, Guangzhou, Huzhou, Yuezhou, Pengzhou.
Second Grade Tea: Jingzhou, Ranzhou, Changzhou, Mingzhou.
Third Grade Tea: Shouzhou, Hangzhou, Muzhou, Hengzhou, Taizhou, Xuanzhou, Yiazhou, Luzhou.
Fourth Grade Tea: Jinzhou, Lianzhou, Huangzhou, Sozhou, Yunzhou, Hanzhou, Meizhou.
Tea dates back to the West Zhou Period in ancient China, when the Chinese used tea as offerings. Since then, tea leaves have been eaten as vegetables, used as medicine, and, since the Han dynasty, infused in boiling water, the new drink making tea into a major commodity. There are many different kinds of tea. The three basic categories are non-oxidised green tea, semi-oxidised oolong tea, and fully oxidised black tea. All true teas are usually made from the same type of plant, “Camellia Sinensis”, although some teas are flavored with other plants and flowers.
Tea is made through a very long and delicate procere where young tea leaves are picked, steamed or pan fried, then dried and sifted, and finally distributed to wherever they need to go. The flavor of tea varies depending on how it is prepared.
Many people drink tea because of its health advantages. Tea promotes in occasions digestion[citation needed], is rich in vitamins, and brings a feeling of relaxation when you drink it.
The Song Dynasty
Tea was an important crop ring the Song Dynasty. Tea farms covered 242 counties. This included expensive tribute tea; tea from Zhejiang and Fujian provinces, where some was exported to Southeast Asian and the Arab countries.
In the Song Dynasty, tea started to be pressed into tea cake, some embossed with patterns of the dragon and the Phoenix and was called exotic names including:
Large Dragon tea cake, Small Dragon tea cake, Surpass Snow Dragon ball cake, Fine Silver Sprout, Cloud Leaf, Gold Money, Jade Flower, Inch of Gold, Longevity Sprout, Eternal Spring Jade Leave, Dragon in the Clouds, Longevity Dragon Sprout, Dragon Phoenix and Flower, Eternal Spring Silver Sprout.
The Ming Dynasty
Ming dynasty scholar 文震亨 Wen Zhenheng's book 长物志 Zhang Wu Zhi (On Superfluous Things) chapter 12 contains description of several famous Ming dynasty teas:
Tiger Hill Tea and Heaven Pool Tea
During this time Tiger Hill Tea was purportedly developed as (still) the finest tea in the world, however, the proction quantity was rather small, and growing is regulated by the Chinese government. Some, however, consider its taste to be second to Heaven Pool tea. Zhen Heng.
Jie Tea
Jie Tea from Chang Xing of Zhejiang is superb and highly regarded, though rather expensive.
Those from Jing Qi find it is slightly inferior.
NB: "Jie" is the short hame for "Luo Jie". Luo Jie was the name of a mountain bordering Zhejiang and Jing Qi (in the Ming dynasty), where "jie"-- meant boundary. Chang Xin was south of Luo Jie mountain, Jing Qi was north of Luo Jie. Chang Xin retains its name till today.
Luo Jie tea from Gu Chu mountain in Chang Xing county in Zhejiang was also known as Gu Chu Voilet Shoot. Gu Chu Voilet Shoot had been imperial tribute tea since the Tang dynasty for nearly nine hundred years until the middle of the Qin dynasty. Gu Chu Voilet Shoot was revived again in the seventies as a top grade tea in China.
NB. Jin Qi is now called Yi Xin township. Jin Qi tea was also known as Yang Xian tea. Ruo Leaves are leaves from Indocalamus tessellatus bamboo. The leaf is about 45 cm long.
Liu An Tea
"Liu An" tea is used for Chinese medicine, although if it is not baked right, it cannot let out its aroma and has a bitter taste. The inherent quality of this tea is actually quite good. Wen Zhenheng
Note: Liu An is a county in Anhui. Liu An tea is still proced from Liu An county in Anhui province in China. The Liu An tea from the Bat Cave of Jin Zai county is of superior quality, as thousand of bats in the cave can provide an ideal fertilizer for the tea plants.
Song Luo Tea
Song Luo tea is manufactured at Song Luo mountain located north of Xiu Ning township in An Hui proovince in China. The tea farms are scattered between a height of six to seven hundred meters on the mountain.
There is no real Song Luo tea outside an area of a dozen mu* and only one or two families possess the refined skill to prepare Song Luo tea. Recently the tea hand-baked by mountain monks is even better.
Genuine Song Luo tea is proced at the foot of the Dong Shan (Cave Hill) and on top of the Tian Chi (Heaven Pool), highly treasured by people in Xin An county. It is also a favourite for the people of Nan Du and Qu Zong counties, e to its ease in brewing and intense aroma.
One mu = 667 square meter.
Dragon Well Tea and Eyes on Heaven Tea
Long Jing and Tian Mu may match Heaven Pool tea e to the weather in their growing regions. Because the cold season comes earlier to the mountains, there is abundant snow in the winter, hence the tea plants germinate later. [Wen Zhenheng]
Long Jing tea is manufactured in the West Lake district in Hangzhou city, China. There is a Longjing (Dragon Well) on the Feng Huang mountain. Tian Mu mountain is located in Lin An county in the north west of Zhejiang province. There are two 1500-meter peaks, each with a pond on top filled with crystal clear water looking like an eye, hence the name of Eyes on Heaven.
『捌』 茶叶相关英文专业名词有哪些
一 制茶
1 tea bush :茶树
2 tea harvesting 采青
3 tea leaves 茶青
4 withering 萎凋
Sun withering 日光萎凋 indoor withering 室内萎凋 setting 静置 tossing 搅拌(浪青)
5 fermentation 发酵
6 oxidation 氧化
7 fixation 杀青
Steaming 蒸青 stir fixation 炒青 baking 烘青 sunning 晒青
8 rolling 揉捻
Light rolling 轻揉 heavy rolling 重揉 cloth rolling 布揉
9 drying 干燥
Pan firing 炒干 baking 烘干 sunning 晒干
10 piling 渥堆
11 refining 精制
Screening 筛分 cutting 剪切 de-stemming 把梗 shaping 整形 winnowing 风选 blending 拼配 compressing 紧压 re-drying覆火 aging 陈放
12 added process 加工
Roasting 焙火 scenting 熏花 spicing调味 tea beverage 茶饮料
13 Packing包装
Vacuum packaging真空包装 nitrogen packs 充氮包装 shredded-tea bag 碎形小袋茶 leave-tea bag 原片小袋茶
二:分类 classification
According to the degree of :fermentation ,rolling, baking and tea leaf maturity :根据制造时发酵,揉捻焙火与采摘时原料成熟度来分类
Non-fermented :不发酵茶,即绿茶
Post fermented :后发酵茶 即普洱茶
Partially fermented 部分发酵茶,半发酵茶,即乌龙茶
Complete fermentation:全发酵茶,即红茶
Steamed green tea蒸青绿茶 Powered green tea 粉末绿茶
Silver needle green tea 银针绿茶 Lightly rubbed green tea 原形绿茶
Curled green tea 松卷绿茶 Sword shaped green tea剑片绿茶
Twisted green tea 条形绿茶 Pearled green tea 圆珠绿茶
Age-puer :陈放普洱 pile-fermented puer:渥堆puer
White oolong:白茶乌龙 twisted oolong:条形乌龙
Pelleted oolong 球形乌龙 roasted oolong熟火乌龙
White tipped oolong:白毫乌龙
Unshredded black tea:功夫红茶 shredded black tea:碎形红茶
Scented green tea 熏花绿茶 scented puer tea熏花普洱
Scented oolong tea 熏花乌龙 scented black tea熏花红茶
Jasmine scented green tea熏花茉莉
上述各类如果假如食品或香料,就成为调味茶(spiced tea),如果加到绿茶,则成为:spiced green tea 调味绿茶,以此类推。
White tipped oolong 白毫乌龙 wuyi rock武夷岩茶
Green blade 煎茶 yellow mountain fuzz tip 黄山毛峰
Dragon well 龙井 green spiral 碧螺春
Gunpower 珠茶 age cake puer 青沱
Pile cake puer 青饼 jun mountain silver needle 君山银针
White tip silver needle 银针白毫 white peony 白牡丹
Long brow jade dew 玉露
Robe tea 大红袍 cassia tea 肉桂
Narcissus 水仙 finger citron 佛手
Iron mercy goddess 铁观音 osmanthus oolong桂花乌龙
Ginseng oolong 人参乌龙茶 jasmine tea 茉莉花茶
Rose bulb 玫瑰绣球 gongfu black 功夫红茶
Smoke black 烟熏红茶 roast oolong 熟火乌龙
Light oolong 清茶 anji white leaf 安吉白茶
Liu’an leaf 六安瓜片 fenghuang unique bush 凤凰单从
Tea powder 茶粉 fine powder tea 抹茶
四 茶具名称
Tea pot 茶壶 tea pad 壶垫 tea plate 茶船 tea pitcher茶盅
Lid saucer盖置 tea serving tray奉茶盘 tea cup 茶杯 cup saucer杯托
Tea towel tray茶巾盘 tea holder茶荷 tea towel 茶巾 tea brush 茶拂
Timer 定时器 water heater煮水器 water kettle 水壶 heating base煮水器底坐 Tea cart 茶车 seat cushion座垫 cup cover 杯套 packing wrap包壶巾
Tea ware bag 茶具袋 ground pad 地衣 tea ware tray 茶托 strainer cup 同心杯 Personal tea set 个人品茗组(茶具) tea basin 水盂 brewing vessel 冲泡盅 covered bowl 盖碗 Tea spoon 茶匙 tea ware 茶器 thermos 热水瓶
tea canister 茶罐 tea urn 茶瓮 tea table 茶桌 side table侧柜
Tea bowl 茶碗 spout bowl 有流茶碗
五 泡茶程序英译
1 perpare tea ware 备具 2 from still to ready position :从静态到动态
3 prepare water 备水 4 warm pot:温壶
5 prepare tea 备茶 6 recognize tea 识茶
7 appreciate tea 赏茶 8 warm pitcher:温盅
9 put in tea 置茶 10 smell fragrance ;闻香
11 first infusion 第一道茶 12 set timer 计时
13 warm cups 烫杯 14 pour tea : 倒茶
15 prepare cups 备杯 16 divide tea 分茶
17:serve tea by cups 端杯奉茶 18 second infusion :冲第二道茶
19 serve tea by pitcher: 持盅奉茶 20 supply snacks or water::供应茶点或品泉
21 take out brewed leaves :去渣 22 appreciate leaves;赏叶底
23 rinse pot 涮壶 24 return to seat 归位
25 rinse pitcher 清盅 26 collect cups 收杯
27 conclude ;结束