A. ~跪求NBA季候赛宣传片的视频~或者上边的话以及翻译~有高分的哦~~
Howard & Paul 霍华德和保罗 We gonna win, yea. Thats not me pride, thats me beleive it, thats me beleive in myself and my teammates. Trust me, you guys whoever want the ring and whoever been the champion. They beleive it, too. We are not here to lose. 德怀特·霍华特/克里斯·保罗 我们将会胜利,没错。我并不自傲,但我和队友都对此深信不疑。相信我,无论谁成为冠军,戴上戒指,他们都相信这一点。我们为了胜利而来。 Kobe & Oneal 科比和奥尼尔 There's so many emotions at the end of the season nobody likes to talk about it.. but one of them is fear. fear that you come this far and it could all end; but me.. I like the fear! It means I'm close It means I'm ready. 科比·布莱恩特/沙奎尔·奥尼尔 赛季末总是百感交集,但却没人愿意谈论。有一种感觉叫做恐惧,害怕漫长的征程就此结束。但是我?我喜欢恐惧。它意味着我离冠军更近了一步,它意味着我已经准备好了。 James & Garnett 詹姆斯和加内特 Our dream about wining it all since Im probably nine years old. I remamber the same verb winning it all. I made my mind right there, that was gonna be me, that I was gonna to be part of that.Some dreams fade over time, but not this one. 勒布朗·詹姆斯/凯文·加内特 九岁时,我就梦想要赢。我记得赢也是个动词。当时的我下定决心,赢属于我,我要赢。时间会让梦想褪色,但这个永远不会。 Kidd & Nash 基德和纳什 After 82 games, theres part of you that wonder if you have anything left, if you have anyhting more to give. But somehow from somewhere, you find it. You dig deeper. You have to, because if you dont, you go home. 贾森·基德/史蒂夫·纳什 经历了82场比赛,你还剩下什么?你还有什么可以付出?但你还可以做得更多。你也必须这么做,否则,就不要打篮球。视频 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_ce00XMjM5MDc1Mjg=.html
B. 篮球比赛进行中在场馆里会放一些音乐,不是歌曲,是一些进攻防守时很有节奏,能调动观众情绪的旋律。
《Rocket Man》: 歌手Elton John-艾尔顿.约翰,休斯顿火箭队的队歌,不须太多介绍~
《everyday》:就是CCTV5经常出现的NBA广告“Where amazing hanppend”里的背景音乐钢琴曲《Conquest Of Paradise》:曾经在易建联与诺维斯基对抗中播放,其实这是Vangelis在1992年,为Ridley Scott执导的影片《1492》配乐,从而使电影的音乐概念完全体现出来,成为不少音乐学院的教材,完完全全史诗般气派的神作!
《juelz santana - the second》: 耐克青出于蓝广告的音乐,完全的一种君临天下的霸者气势
《hey ya ——Outkast 》nba 全明星歌曲
《Daughtry-it's not over》:在2006年“美国偶像”大赛中异军突起的“光头人气王”克里斯·多特里(Chris Daughtry)的首张专辑中的歌曲,曾被用作CCTV5 NBA07-08常规赛集锦背景音乐
《Lupe Fiasco - Superstar 》:2009年1月22日热VS骑士中场时播放的韦德VS詹姆斯宣传片
《Can't Stop》:NBA宣传歌曲,来自Red Hot Chili Peppers 对于一个后卫来讲最强的杀手锏是什么?毫无疑问——速度。如果说U2的那首歌是为了中锋而做的,那么红辣椒的这首Can't Stop就是做给后卫的了。
《I Believe I Can Fly》:1996年,R. Kelly为篮球上帝迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)的电影Space Jam录制的单曲成为了他最伟大的单曲之一
《she is my sin》:CCTV5播放的NBA十佳球和十佳盖帽的常用背景音乐
《That's My Goal》:来自Shayne Ward,央视为弗朗西斯回归火箭以及离开火箭做的背景音乐
《Army Of The Pharaoh》: CCTV5 NBA精彩赛事预告曲,NBAlive的曲子,很精彩的前奏+RP...
《Contradanza-陈红 》: CCTV5 NBA12月中旬精彩赛事预告曲,很轻松欢快的一个旋律
《Last of the Wilds》:来自重金属天团NIGHTWISH, 风笛,摇滚类型的曲子
《If I ain't got you》:去年playoffs时介绍湖人队历史的音乐
《Fighter》:来自Christina Aguilera ,NBA02-03赛季季后赛歌曲
《hero - 玛丽亚凯莉》NBA02赛季全明星赛主题曲
《Remember The Name》:来自林肯公园主唱Fort Minor,NBA扣篮盖帽集锦背景音乐,也是星际联赛的主题曲~06年最火的竞技音乐。
《so young——the corrs 》 - nba主题曲,或者比赛完后回顾当场比赛的精彩集锦。
《seasons in the sun-西域男孩》07赛季火箭最后一场给爵士淘汰了,CCTV放的一首很悲壮的歌。
《close your eyes-西城男孩》CCTV某次回顾火箭比赛放出的柔和旋律。
《chang the world -西城男孩》回顾金州 贼徒戴维斯等人的歌
《hero's theme 》这也是电视剧(士兵突击)的背景音乐,也是NBA集锦视频的音乐,激扬人心啊。
《the game of love 爱情游戏 艾微儿》很好听的歌曲,央视经常在直播比赛时放的。
《last night-艾弗森》这是小艾的个人专辑,常用语他个人的视频集锦。
《we will rock you-后街男孩》就是那首摇鼓,并发出高音的歌,很激动。。
《will and elizabeth- 加勒比海盗原声》常常用于CCTV自己制作的NBA宣传片中,很气势滂湃。
《behind these hazel eyes》一个麦迪集锦视频的背景音乐,很柔,给人一种宽阔的感觉。
C. 奥尼尔宣传片
D. 2008NBA季后赛宣传片中的台词
Howard & Paul 霍华德和保罗
We gonna win, yea. Thats not me pride, thats me beleive it, thats me
beleive in myself and my teammates. Trust me, you guys whoever want the ring
and whoever been the champion. They beleive it, too. We are not here to lose.
Kobe & Oneal 科比和奥尼尔
There's so many emotions at the end of the season nobody likes to talk about it.. but one of them is fear. fear that you come this far and it could all end; but me.. I like the fear! It means I'm close It means I'm ready.
James & Garnett 詹姆斯和加内特
Our dream about wining it all since Im probably nine years old. I remamber the
same verb winning it all. I made my mind right there, that was gonna be me,
that I was gonna to be part of that.Some dreams fade over time,
but not this one.
Kidd & Nash 基德和纳什
After 82 games, theres part of you that wonder if you have anything left,
if you have anyhting more to give. But somehow from somewhere, you find it.
You dig deeper. You have to, because if you dont, you go home.
E. NBA季候赛宣传片科比和奥尼尔的对话谁有视频
F. 求NBA奥尼尔和科比的一段宣传片里的话
G. NBA宣传片
There are so many emotions at the end of this season.
Nobody likes to talk about it.
But one of them is fear——
fear that you come this far when it can all end.
The dream could die
But me?
I like the fear
It means I'm close.
It means I'm ready.
After 82 games, there's a part of you that wonder if you have anything left,
if you have anyhting more to give. But somehow from somewhere, you find it.
You dig deeper. You have to, because if you don't, you go home.
Howard & Paul 霍华德和保罗:
We gonna win, yea. Thats not me pride, thats me beleive it, thats me
beleive in myself and my teammates. Trust me, you guys whoever want the ring
and whoever been the champion. They beleive it, too. We are not here to lose.
科比和奥尼尔的Kobe and O'neal:
There are so many emotions at the end of this season.
Nobody likes to talk about it.
But one of them is fear——
fear that you come this far and it can all end.
The dream could die
But me?
I like the fear
It means I'm close.
It means I'm ready
H. cctv5奥尼尔宣传片的音乐是啥
I. 哪能弄到NBA季后赛时中央5的一系列宣传片
NBA季后赛宣传片,詹姆斯VS加内特 《梦想》
【猴姆独家】球场耍帅!小天王Justin联手奥斯卡影帝Jamie Foxx最新NBA季后赛宣传片曝光
J. 求nba09季后赛宣传片英文字幕
--NBA Playoffs.....
It's(that's) somethin' that u dream about
You hear people,
no matter what they r talking about that moment
just like staring at somethin'
everything around u slows comeletely down.....
O'neal 大舌头。。。实在听不清咋说的。。呵呵
Chris bosh...
u remember everythin' that u were doing ...
u know ...u have to be there.....
Micheal Jordan ,what a(这应该还有个词....貌似ES..什么什么的...听不清...也可能只是个前缀) particular move....
he walks out his leaping....but he is still here...willis reed is back
that's why we are play this game.
but all those moments like that because u never forget
it's an out of body experience
so..when u have it...cherish it!
lights r brighter....
it's more cameras....
everything is more chris(音同。实在不知道是哪个单词)
it's all about love...(大叔:"OMG")..the love of the game...