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发布时间:2020-12-21 08:06:06

❶ 最近的一首魔性电音,大部分词就只有两个词:watch this。

歌名-Area 卡地亚钉子手镯的广告背景音乐和iPhone8的广告音乐

❷ 来说说看让你用一个词来形容电音,会如何来形容


❸ 抖音上一首很火的,人声中带有电音的英文乐曲,开头的词好像是don't you beilieve for mine live 啥的

《Counting Sheep》,澳大利亚电子流行乐队SAFIA于2015年发布的歌曲。这是一首与失眠有关的歌,歌曲的点击量很高可以称得上比较火,旋律很有魔性

❹ QQ音乐歌单名字 关于电音,背景音乐 游戏必备BGM 神级超燃! 要带渲染词 烘托气氛,

Welcome to Planet Urf
Don't Give Up (Original Mix)
Rave After Rave (Original Mix)
There For You
Clsr (Aash Mehta Flip)
Shadow Of The Sun (Adventure Club Remix)
Tony Igy - Astronomia (Jiaye Bootleg)
Tremor (Original Mix)
Beautiful Now
Tiger (Original Mix)
Five Hours

❺ 电影院宣传语帮我想几条电影院的宣传语,文艺点也好,30字内,可以是句子,对偶也行.谢谢!








❻ 求一首曲 好像在广告里出现过一段 忘了什么广告了 没有词 忘了是什么节奏了 可能是舞曲或电音

The Saltwater Room
歌手: City
I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light
Walking down by the bay on the shore
staring up at the planes that aren't there anymore
I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold
Like an introvert I drew my over shirt
Around my arms and began to shiver violently before
You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me
Running into the dark underground
All the subways around create a great sound
To my motion fatigue farewell
With your ear to a seashell
You can hear the waves in underwater caves
As if you actually were inside a saltwater room
Time together is just never quite enough
When you and I are alone I've never felt so at home
What will it take to make or break this hint of love
We need time only time
Can you believe that the crew has gone
and wouldn't let me sign on
All my islands have sunk in the deep
so I can hardly relax or even oversleep
I feel as if I were home some nights
when we count all the ship lights
I guess I'll never know why sparrows love the snow
We'll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow
~~So tell me darling do you wish we d fall in love ~~
Time together is just never quite enough
When you and I are alone I ve never felt so at home
What will it take to make or break this hint of love
We need time only time
When we re apart whatever are you thinking of
If this is what I call home why does it feel so alone
So tell me darling do you wish we d fall in love
All the time all the time
Time together is just never quite enough
When we re apart whatever are you thinking of
What will it take to make or break this hint of love
So tell me darling do you wish we d fall in love
All the time

❼ 电音节的海报设计思路怎么写


❽ 如何为影片写宣传语

《赤壁》 激烈酣畅的战争,旷世倾城的爱情,温馨调侃的细节,令人看了难以忘怀的震撼美感,《赤壁》有着现代元素并突破传统的经典的大片,绝对给你不一样的感受和感动。

❾ 关于电音的四字成语

飙举电至 飙:疾风、暴风。风起云涌闪电到。形容声势猛烈。
电光石火 闪电的光,燧石的火。原为佛家语,比喻事物瞬息即逝。现多形容事物象闪电和石火一样一瞬间就消逝。
电光朝露 一闪而过的电光,日出以前的露水。比喻存在不久的事物。
电闪雷鸣 闪电飞光,雷声轰鸣。比喻快速有力。也比喻轰轰烈烈。
飞云掣电 掣:闪过。像流云飞和闪电一样。形容非常迅速。
风驰电掣 驰:奔跑;掣:闪过。形容非常迅速,象风吹电闪一样。
风旋电掣 掣:闪过;旋:奔跑。你风一样飞驰而过,像闪电一样一角即逝。形容非常迅速。
鬼出电入 比喻变化巧妙迅速,不易捉摸。
疾如雷电 快提就像雷鸣闪电。形容形势发展很迅速。
石火电光 形容事物象闪电和石火一样一瞬间就消逝。
星驰电走 驰:奔驰;走:跑。象星疾驰,如电急闪。形容极其迅速。
星旗电戟 军旗象繁星,剑戟如闪电。比喻军容之盛。
星行电征 象流星闪电。比喻奔驰迅速。
飙发电举 形容声势迅猛。
潮鸣电掣 极言气势大、速度炔。
潮鸣电挚 极言气势大、速度快。
尺波电谢 波,水波。指人世短促,如波逝电闪。
电掣风驰 形容像闪电刮风一样迅速。
电掣星驰 如闪电和流星似的掠过。比喻迅疾。
电流星散 比喻迅速消散。



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