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发布时间:2020-12-05 21:08:59

㈠ 我们的销售以A产品为主 用英语该如何翻译

Our sales is mainly on proct A.

㈡ 急求菲利浦科特勒市场营销英文定义

Marketing: a social and managerial process by which indivials and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging procts and value with others. ( Principles of Marketing by Philip Kotler )
营销管理(marketing management)作为一种艺术和科学,它需要选择目标市场,通过创造、传递和传播优质的顾客价值,获得、保持和发展顾客。

㈢ 请说说营销市场4P中,产品,价格,渠道以及营销的英语单词


㈣ 用英语怎么翻译,“通过产品、市场、渠道、促销等有效的策略手段,逐步实现其品牌营销

The brand marketing will graally be implemented through the effective strategy and measures, such as proct, market, channel, sales promotion.

㈤ 卖产品的销售话术经典用英语怎么说

[词典] classical; classics; scriptures; sutra;
Featured are both his classics and his latest creations

㈥ 市场营销英语sample

Its success has rested on clever marketing an eye for innovation and strong customer service.
Sales Assistant 销售助理
Wholesale Buyer 批发采购员
Tele-Interviewer 电话调查员
Real Estate Appraiser 房地产评估师
Marketing Consultant 市场顾问
Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监
Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析员
Manufacturers Representative 厂家代表
Director of Subsidiary Rights 分公司权利总监
Sales Representative 销售代表
Assistant Customer Executive 客户管理助理
Marketing Intern 市场实习
Marketing Director 市场总监

㈦ 这些产品销售的很好 英文怎么说

these procts sell well
well-sell procts


Marketing Planning

planning 英[ˈplænɪŋ]
n. 规划; 计划;
v. 计划; 设计; “plan”的现版在分词权;
[例句]The trip needs careful planning
[其他] 原型: plan

㈨ 英语作文产品成功销售的原因

For the success of the sale, we shall have a knowledge of the market firstly. Only by knowing what the market need, can we find the selling outlet.
Then, we shall have a confidence in our proct and a thorough understanding of all its properties d functions. That's premise that we can ensure our customers to believe the good quality of our proct too.

Last but not least, we shall practice our selling skills all the time. We should react fast and correct when customers turn us down and never lose our heart.

㈩ 你是销售什么产品的用英文怎么翻译拜托各位了 3Q

what kinds of procts do you sell?



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