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三拼音节(11个):ia ua uo uai iao ian iang uan uang iong üan。
多音节:ia ua uo uai uanüan ian iao iang uang iong
声母:b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s y w
5个ia: dia lia jia qia xia
6个ua:gua kua hua zhua chua shua
14个uo:o tuo nuo luo guo kuo huo zhuo chuo shuo ruo zuo cuo suo
6个uai:guai kuai huai zhuai chuai shuai
14个uan:an tuan nuan luan guan kuan huan zhuan chuan shuan ruan zuan cuan suan
4个üan(但是写为uan): juan quan xuan yuan (整体认读)
10个ian:bian pian mian dian tian nian lian jian qian xian
10个iao:biao piao miao diao tiao niao liao jiao qiao xiao
5个iang:niang liang jiang qiang xiang
6个uang:guang kuang huang zhuang chuang shuang
3个iong:jiong qiong xiong
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