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① 找有关网络营销的外文资料

Internet marketing, also referred to as online marketing or eMarketing (or e-Marketing), is the marketing of procts or services over the Internet. The Internet has brought many unique benefits to marketing including low costs in distributing information and media to a global audience. The interactive nature of Internet marketing, both in terms of instant response and in eliciting response, are unique qualities of the medium.

Internet marketing ties together creative and technical aspects of the internet, including design, development, advertising and sales. Internet marketing methods include search engine marketing, display advertising, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, interactive advertising, online reputation management and also Social Media Marketing Methods such as blog marketing, and viral marketing.

Internet marketing is the process of growing and promoting an organization using online media. Internet marketing does not simply mean 'building a website' or 'promoting a website'. Somewhere behind that website is a real organization with real goals.

An Internet marketing strategy includes all aspects of online advertising online activity that promotes a company online, including websites, blog sites, article and press releases, online market research, email marketing, and advertising, as appropriate for the promotion of ones' business.

Business models

Internet marketing is associated with several business models. The model is typically defined by the goal. These include e-commerce, where goods are sold directly to consumers or businesses; publishing, or the sale of advertising; and lead-based sites, where an organization generates value by getting sales leads from their site. There are many other models based on the specific needs of each person or business that launches an internet marketing campaign.

Internet marketing refers to the placement of media along different stages of the Customer engagement Cycle, through Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Banner Ads on specific sites, email marketing and Web 2.0 strategies. In 2008, The New York Times working with comScore published a first estimate to quantify the user data collected by large Web companies. Counting four types of interactions with company sites plus the hits from ads served from advertising networks, they found the potential for collecting upwards of 2,500 pieces of data on average per user per month.[1]

nternet marketing is relatively inexpensive. Companies can reach a wide audience for a small fraction of traditional advertising budgets. The nature of the medium allows consumers to research and purchase procts and services at their own convenience: An internet marketing campaign puts an organization's message in front of consumers precisely when they want it.

However, internet marketing isn't a panacea. It still requires intelligent planning and careful execution. Emphasize business goals and use methods such as CVP analysis when determining strategy and the overall effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

There are a few important characteristics that differentiate Internet marketing from "off-line marketing":

- One-to-one vs. one-to-many approach: The targeted user is typically browsing the Internet on their own, and the marketing messages reach them personally. This can be very clearly seen in search marketing, where the users find advertisements targeted to specific keywords that the users asked for(1).

- Demographics targeting vs. behavioral targeting: off-line marketers typically segment their markets according to age group, sex, geography, and other general factors. Online marketers have the luxury of targeting by activity. This is a deeper form of targeting, since the advertiser knows that the target audience are people who do a certain activity (upload pictures, have blogs, etc.) instead of just expecting that a certain group of people will like their new proct or service.

- Measurability: Almost all aspects of an online campaign can be traced, measured, and tested. The advertisers either pay per banner impression (CPM), pay per click (PPC), or pay per action accomplished. Therefore, it is easy to understand which messages or offering are more appealing to the audience.

- Response and immediate results: Since the online marketing initiatives usually require users to click on the message, go to a website, and perform a targeted action, the results of campaigns are immediately measured and tracked. On the other hand, someone driving a car who sees a billboard, will at best be interested and might decide to get more information at some time.

Internet marketing, as of 2007, is growing faster than other types of media.[citation needed]Since exposure, response and overall efficiency of Internet media is easier to track than traditional "off-line" media, through the use of web analytics for instance, Internet marketing can offer a greater sense of accountability for advertisers. Increasingly, however, marketers and their clients are becoming aware of the need to measure the collaborative effects of marketing, i.e. how the Internet affects in-store sales, etc., instead of siloing each medium. The effects of Multi-Channel Marketing can be difficult to determine, but are an important part of ascertaining the value of media campaigns.


Because Internet marketing requires customers to use newer technologies than traditional media, not all people may get the message. Low speed Internet connections are one barrier. If companies build overly large or complicated web pages, some Internet users struggle to download the information on dial up connections or mobile devices.

From the buyer's perspective, another limitation is the inability of shoppers to touch, smell, taste or try-on tangible goods before making an online purchase. However, it is an instry standard for e-commerce vendors to have liberal return policies and in store pick up services to reassure customers.

A survey of 410 marketing executives listed insufficient ability to measure impact, a lack of internal capability, and difficulty convincing senior management as the top three barriers to entry for large companies looking to market online. [2]

[edit] Security concerns

For both companies and consumers that participate in online business, security concerns are very important. Many consumers are hesitant to buy items over the Internet because they do not trust that their personal information will remain private. Recently, some companies that do business online have been caught giving away or selling information about their customers. Several of these companies have guarantees on their websites, claiming customer information will be private. Some companies that buy customer information offer the option for indivials to have their information removed from the database (known as opting out). However, many customers are unaware that their information is being shared and are unable to stop the transfer of their information between companies.

Security concerns are of great importance and online companies have been working hard to create solutions. Encryption is one of the main methods for dealing with privacy and security concerns on the Internet. Encryption is defined as the conversion of data into a form called a cipher. This cipher cannot be easily intercepted unless an indivial is authorized by the program or company that completed the encryption. In general, the stronger the cipher, the better protected the data is. However, the stronger the cipher, the more expensive encryption becomes.

Another major security concern that consumers have with ecommerce merchants is whether or not they will receive exactly what they purchase. Trustworthy, reliable merchant performance has been a consumer concern since the inception of ecommerce, and to date, merchants have attempted to address these concerns by investing in and building strong consumer brands (Amazon, eBay, Overstock.com), and by leveraging merchant / feedback rating systems and ecommerce bonding solutions. All of these solutions attempt to assure consumers that their transactions will be free of problems because the merchants can be trusted to provide reliable procts and services. In addition, the major online payment mechanisms (credit cards, PayPal, Google Checkout, etc.) have also provided back-end buyer protection systems to address problems after they actually do occur.

[edit] Effects on instries

Internet marketing has had a large impact on several instries including music, banking, and flea markets, as well as the advertising instry itself. As Advertisers increase and shift more of their budgets online, it is now overtaking radio in terms of market share.[3] In the music instry, many consumers have begun buying and downloading music files (e.g. MP3s) over the Internet in addition to buying CDs.

More and more banks are offering the ability to perform banking tasks online. Online banking is believed to appeal to customers because it is more convenient than visiting bank branches. Currently, over 150 million U.S. alts now bank online, with a high growth rate. The increasing speed of Internet connections is the main reason for the fast growth. Of those indivials who use the Internet, 44% now perform banking activities over the Internet.

Internet auctions have gained popularity. Unique items that could previously be found at flea markets are being sold on eBay instead. eBay has also affected the prices in the instry. Buyers and sellers often look at prices on the website before going to flea markets and the eBay price often becomes what the item is sold for. More and more flea market sellers are putting their items up for sale online and running their business out of their homes.

The effect on the ad instry itself has been profound. In just a few years, online advertising has grown to be worth tens of billions of dollars annually.[4][5][6] PricewaterhouseCoopers reported US Internet marketing spend totalled $16.9 billion in 2006 [7].

② 网络营销的常用方法有哪些



On-line Marketing





③ 急求关于网络营销的外文原文!有翻译最好!


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Analysis of the enterprise network marketing

21st century, mankind has entered the Internet-based network economy. Computer Network Technology's rapid development and wide application of contemporary society have had a full range of impact to the enterprise marketing management has brought enormous change. Network Marketing is to adapt to network technology development and information network of the new era of change in marketing, it has changed the traditional marketing concepts, marketing strategies, marketing tools and methods will become the 21st century the mainstream of corporate marketing. Compared with traditional marketing, network marketing is showing a more extensive, real-time, the economy, and interactive features.
Currently, China's number of online computers, Internet users to the total number of relatively large but penetration is not high, information technology application in China's enterprises are also less optimistic about the status quo. By comparing the Chinese enterprises and foreign enterprises, the size of network marketing, the enterprise has a range of issues such as the number of Web sites and found that the overall level of China's Internet marketing is still relatively low, restricting the marketing of our enterprise network and the main obstacle to the development of questions are as follows:

First, constraints of our enterprise network marketing obstacle to the development of
Network Marketing is the enterprise's own management activities. The development of enterprise network marketing, we must actively adapt to market changes in the environment and consumers, our corporate network of marketing development obstacles mainly from enterprises, including enterprises in the understanding, management and personnel obstacles.
1. Understanding of the obstacles
This is network marketing enterprises to develop the biggest obstacle. At present, enterprises network marketing awareness, show the two diametrically opposed attitude: a kind of network marketing are over-deification, a network marketing are lack of understanding. It can be said that both the awareness of network marketing is one-sided, on the company's network marketing practice has enormous harm.
2. Regulatory barriers
China's enterprises to develop Internet marketing, in the internal management of the three levels: the grass-roots level management, middle management and senior management are still certain constraints. Currently, some domestic enterprises, the management system is not perfect, does not have a standardized system management system. Most enterprises are reactive type, with the emergence of new issues, from managers to develop new measures, but rarely consider whether the new system to adapt to the actual situation of the enterprise and so on. Lead to rigid inflexible management system, the system is not strong between the systemic.
3. Talent barriers
Human resources has always been the most important intangible assets. Enterprises to develop network marketing, all aspects of personnel required, especially with new concepts and new information on the knowledge structure of compound talents, their enterprises are the backbone of network marketing. At present, the domestic enterprises in the technical talent, management talent, as well as the complex-type personnel, and international enterprises, are extremely scarce.

Second, our corporate network of marketing specific issues exist
1. Internet infrastructure is weak
China's telecommunications instry for more than ten years despite the great development, especially in the construction of communication networks for China's national economy has laid a network of information-based foundation, but with the flow of network requirements for future development, but also far from enough. Different regions, in the development of network marketing there are larger differences.
2. The lack of enterprise network marketing professionals
Human resources has always been the most important intangible assets. Enterprises to develop network marketing, all aspects of personnel required, especially with new concepts and new information on the knowledge structure of compound talents, their enterprises are the backbone of Internet marketing, which is precisely the lack of China's enterprises are familiar with technology knows marketing business processes comprehensive talent. One to the majority of the enterprises will only use, but not in cultured human concept, and secondly the lack of effective internal incentive mechanism, leading to brain drain in serious condition.
3. Safe, convenient payment mechanism for the lack of network
Directly on the network can not be separated from the bank card payment on the way. At present, China's network of technology is not yet ripe to pay, although the bank card online payment in China banks, investment banks, China Construction Bank to achieve, but in China the level of electronic banking in general is not high, safety and poor quality banking network relative closed, there should not assume the network to pay the cost of electronic transactions mission, unable to realize in the online transaction process. Therefore, at present, in network security to pay the existing technical and conceptual issues are the core of the development of network marketing and key obstacles.
Network marketing is marketing the new century, the only way, it brought a large number of enterprises to the historical opportunity, but also brought severe challenges. In view of the existence of our network marketing many constraints, should take the following countermeasures:
(1) establish the correct concept of network marketing. Several original and resolutely reject incorrect understanding, combined with their own instry and proct characteristics, combined with corporate culture, combined with enterprise marketing management mode, set in line with the business needs of network marketing concept.
(2) to enhance the network infrastructure. The implementation of online marketing activities targeted at Internet users, so the number of Internet users is also a network marketing a necessary condition for the development of China's Internet infrastructure is still quite backward, and need to be strengthened and improved in many places. The number of Internet users by the number of network speed and access to the Internet high and low tariff constraints, and network speed and Internet access charges by the network infrastructure complete degrees. Therefore required the government to play the role of macro-control, increase the network infrastructure and encourage development of domestic enterprises with independent intellectual property rights of computer network hardware and software procts, to improve the current network environment.
(3) strengthening the legislative and monitoring network marketing. Regardless of network security, online billing or delivery of goods, all laws and regulations relating to the issue, only to establish, improve and perfect the relevant laws and regulations, and severely punish offenders in order to guarantee the normal network marketing. Therefore, the country must be in the legislative and enforcement efforts, the market access system in the network, network transactions contract certification, implementation and compensation, anti-fraud, intellectual property protection, tax collection and management, advertisement control, transaction monitoring, as well as the harmful information network filter rules, etc., for network marketing the healthy and orderly and rapid development of norms to provide a fair legal environment.
(4) train network marketing professionals. In the era of knowledge economy, as a result of information technology and network triggered a series of commercial revolution now in full swing, network marketing requires new ideas and new information on the knowledge structure of the compound talents, they are the backbone of the implementation of network marketing. Network Marketing demanding of talent, a qualified personnel not only need to understand computers, the Internet, but also proficient in finance, trade, material management, and to these areas very well together. Must make full use of a variety of ways and means to foster the introction and the rational use of a good number of high-quality, reasonably level, professional counterparts in the network, computer and business management professionals for the development of enterprise network marketing to provide qualified personnel to protect .

Network marketing business marketing activities are an important part of traditional marketing are continuous development and improve the proct, network marketing is in combination with traditional marketing and mutual promotion of its increasingly sophisticated. China's government and enterprises should perform their own functions, and seriously look for a solution, from the different aspects of network marketing to promote the development of our country. In marketing strategy formulation process, the full use of the network's interactive, real-time features such as the development suited to China's national conditions and the actual situation of enterprise network marketing new ways and new strategies to enable enterprises in the increasingly fierce competition in the market remain undefeated on the manner.




⑤ 电子商务 外文翻译

Basic concepts
什么是电子商务呢,说白了就是电子是手段,商务是目的。 What is e-commerce it, saying that white is the Electronics is a means, business is the goal. 电子商务,英文是Electronic Commerce,简称EC。 E-commerce, English is the Electronic Commerce, referred to as EC. 电子商务涵盖 E-commerce covers 的范围很广,一般可分为企业对企业(Business-to-Business),或企业对消费者(Business-to-Customer)两种。 A wide range, generally can be divided into business to business (Business-to-Business), or business to consumers (Business-to-Customer) two kinds. 另外还有消费者对消费者(Customer-to-Customer)这种大步增长的模式。 There are also consumers of consumers (Customer-to-Customer) such a big growth pattern. 随着国内Internet使用人数的增加,利用Internet进行网络购物并以银行卡付款的消费方式已渐流行,市场份额也在迅速增长, 电子商务网站也层出不穷。 With the increase in the number of domestic Internet use, using Internet for online shopping and bank card payment has graally popular consumption patterns, market share is rapidly growing e-commerce sites are endless. 电子商务最常见之安全机制有SSL(安全套接层协议)及SET( 安全电子交易协议 )两种。 The most common security mechanism for e-commerce have SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) two kinds.

定义: Definition:

广义上指使用各种电子工具从事商务或活动。 The broad sense refers to the use of electronic tools for business or activities. 这些工具包括从初级的电报、电话、广播、电视、传真到计算机、 计算机网络 ,到NII(国家信息基础结构-信息高速公路)、GII(全球信息基础结构)和Internet等现代系统。 These tools range from elementary telegraph, telephone, radio, television, fax, computer, computer network, to the NII (National Information Infrastructure - Information Highway), GII (Global Information Infrastructure) and the Internet and other modern systems. 而商务活动是从泛商品(实物与非实物,商品与非商品化的生产要素等等)的需求活动到泛商品的合理、合法的消费除去典型的生产过程后的所有活动。 The commercial activities are concted from the Pan-goods (physical and non-physical, non-commercialization of goods and factors of proction, etc.) activities to the needs of the Pan-goods, a reasonable, legitimate consumer to remove the typical post-proction process of all activities. 狭义上指利用Internet从事商务或活动。 A narrow sense, refers to the use of Internet for business or activities.

【网络营销和电子商务】 【Internet marketing and e-commerce】

从时间上来讲,电子商务概念的出现要早于网络营销。 From the time of speaking, e-commerce earlier than the emergence of the concept of network marketing.

电子商务最早产生于上个世纪60年代,90年代得到长足发展。 E-commerce originated in the last century 60's, 90's by leaps and bounds. 电子商务产生和发展的重要条件主要是: 计算机的广泛应用。 And development of e-commerce, an important condition for mainly the following: extensive use of computers. 而网络营销是随着现代科学技术的发展、消费者价值观的变革与日趋激烈的市场竞争等诸多因素,出现并迅速崛起的,网络营销发展的最重要条件是:消费者价值观念的变革。 Along with the network marketing is the development of modern science and technology, consumer values change and the increasingly fierce market competition, and many other factors, emerged and rapidly growing, Internet marketing, the development of the most important conditions are: changes in consumer values.

从字面意义上讲,网络营销概念要比电子商务大。 From the literal sense, the concept of network marketing than the big e-commerce.

电子商务通常是指是在广泛的商业贸易活动中,在因特网开放的网络环境下,买卖双方不相谋面的情况下,实现交易达成的一种新型的商业运营模式,讲求的是在网络销售中获得商业盈利。 E-commerce generally refers to commercial trade in a wide range of activities, on the Internet an open network environment, buyers and sellers are not known one another for the case of phase to achieve the deal of a new business model, and stress is that in online sales in the access to commercial profit. 网络营销(cyber marketing),是指借助联机网络,电脑通讯和数字交互式媒体来实现的一种营销方式,讲求的是与目标人群的网络互动。 Internet Marketing (cyber marketing), refers to the use of online networks, computer communications and digital interactive media to achieve a kind of marketing, emphasizes that the network of interactions with the target population.

从包含的各个体系来说,网络营销和电子商务是交叉存在的。 From the various systems contained in it, network marketing and e-commerce is a cross-exist.

电子商务涵盖的范围很广,一般可分为B2B、B2C、 C2C、B2M四类电子商务模式。 Covers a wide range of e-commerce in general can be divided into B2B, B2C, C2C, B2M four categories of e-business models. 其中企业对企业(Business-to-Business),和企业对消费者(Business-to- Consumer)两种发展最早,另外还有消费者对消费者(Consumer-to-Consumer)这种大步增长的模式。 Including business to business (Business-to-Business), and business to consumer (Business-to-Consumer) two kinds of the earliest to develop, in addition to consumers for consumers (Consumer-to-Consumer) growth of this step模式. 网络营销包含网络调研 、 网络广告 、 网络公关 、整合营销、seo、sem等内容,每个内容都可以单独或者整合应用到电子商务中去。 Internet Marketing includes Internet research, online advertising, Internet public relations, integrated marketing, seo, sem and other content, each content can be applied alone or integrated into the e-commerce to go. 同样电子商务也离不开这些网络营销手段。 The same e-commerce marketing tool is also inseparable from these networks. 加100分行忙,我尽力了.

⑥ 急求一篇网络营销策略或者电子商务营销策略的外文文献,要求6000个单词 有的发我邮箱[email protected]

Internet is electronic vehicle for business on line, it turns to be unsplit tool for company for the purpose of collection, transferring and exchange for information, with the net work ( information) age availability, which input new vigor into IT service instry based on internet.
其中电子商务(Electronic Commerce, EC)更是备受瞩目,已被公认为是影响21世纪世界经济格局的新型经济模式和催化剂。
Whereby, Electronic Commerce is the focus of attention, and regarded as new economic mode and activator for global economics in 21st centrury.
after it passed 3 difficult stages (electronic retail sales, electronic trading and sales market on line), it is mature step by step, it lies in his core tech. from modern computer communication system.
Especially net work technology serves for social proction operation of companies so as to improve the proction output and benefit, to decrease the operation costing, to optimize resource , so that maximum social property can be realised.
The most surprising target is achieved by small and medium size enterprises who make good use of electronic business.
The article is drafted in 4 chapters, with the study on the influence and importance of electronic business for small and medium sized companies, it set forth some strategies and actions can be taken in order to improve the company core competency of competition in the net work age.

⑦ 网络营销论文的写作要求

论文题目是一篇论文给出的涉及论文范围与水平的第一个重要信息,也是必须考虑到有助于选定关键词不达意和编制题录、索引等二次文献可以提供检索的特定实用信息。 论文题目十分重要,必须用心斟酌选定。有人描述其重要性,用了下面的一句话:“论文题目是文章的一半”。 对论文题目的要求是:准确得体:简短精炼:外延和内涵恰如其分:醒目。
(二)作者姓名和单位(Author and department)
论文一般应有摘要,有些为了国际交流,还有外文(多用英文)摘要。它是论文内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述。其他用是不阅读论文全文即能获得必要的信息。 摘要应包含以下内容:
(四)关键词(Key words)
主题词是用来描述文献资料主题和给出检索文献资料的一种新型的情报检索语言词汇,正是由于它的出现和发展,才使得情报检索计算机化(计算机检索)成为可能。 主题词是指以概念的特性关系来区分事物,用自然语言来表达,并且具有组配功能,用以准确显示词与词之间的语义概念关系的动态性的词或词组。
(六)正文(Main body)

⑧ 能给我发一份网络营销相关的英文文献和翻译么




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