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㈠ 求一篇关于电子商务的英文文献及翻译,急~!!!!

An additional question is how a marketer could design websites that truly personalize proct recommendations and how consumers react to these versus more neutral, “third party” web sites such as www.kbb.com for automobiles.
we address the issue of the structure of one new tool (i.e., e-mail) that can help marketers be more efficient in testing direct marketing efforts.
direct marketing
Furthermore, work by Haubl and Trifts (2000) showed that a comparison matrix similar to the comparator proced higher quality consideration sets and decisions.
the possibility remains that providing information could postpone or even prevent purchase.
Agents are not new; a crude (by today’s standards) agent, Firefly, was developed in the mid-1990s for movie and music recommendations.
the amount of information available on the Web has increased dramatically as has the technological sophistication of the agents which makes continued research in this area important.
In particular, Haubl and Trifts (2000) show that recommender agents based on self-explicatedinformation about a consumer’s utility function (i.e., attribute weights and minimum acceptable attribute levels) rece search effort and improve decisions.
Agents should be adaptive, autonomous, and believable, be able to respond in a timely fashion, and be goal-oriented.
It has also been established that agents, like those studied by H¨aubl and his colleagues, that learn about consumers from choices and consumer preferences perform better in the long run than (say) collaborative filters (Ariely et al., 2004). This suggests that methods that calibrate consumer preferences in real time on-line are crucial to advancement.
polyhedral conjoint analysis (Toubia et al., 2003) satisfies these criteria. Liechty and his colleagues developed a Hierarchical Bayes procere that does so as well.
Montgomery et al. (2004) address the problem of designing a better shopbot.
They show that shopbots are inferior to visiting a favorite retailer if the shopbot visits all retailers.
Indeed, armed with some inferences from previous visits, a small set of initial screener questions can lead to an optimally personalized web interface for the consumer.
Based on a stochastic ration model and Bayesian updating , the authors adapt the testing parameters (e.g., number of e-mails sent for each e-mail design and sending rate) while the testing is in progress so as to minimize the cost of testing both in terms of wasted e-mails and time.
Only if the interactivity pays off.
In bargaining or auction situations, possible lack of trust and the inability to interpret the signalsof the other participant(s).


㈡ 电子商务论文摘要翻译成英文

Abstract: With the rapid development of information technology, human beings are entering a web-based information age, Internet-based e-commerce has been carried out by people graally become a new model of business activities, more and more people through the Internet to conct business activities, prospects for the development of e-commerce is very attractive. But how to protect the security of e-commerce transactions and to promote its own development, the establishment of e-commerce credit mechanism, is currently facing a major problem, in addition to theory and legislation to strengthen and improve the credit of building the rule of law, the use of information security and authentication technologies such as encryption of e-commerce security has become the key to solve the problem, we must adopt advanced technology for online security of data, information sender, the identity of the recipient to confirm that all parties to ensure the safety of information transmission, complete , reliability and non-repudiation of transactions. Network can be accessed through a lot of information transmission through the network can also be a wealth of information, how to confirm the correctness of this information? Particularly in relation to the issue of e-commerce, how to prevent side to deny the transaction to avoid their own losses, how to avoid people to sign documents and forgery of documents and so on. For these problems, how to resolve this issue digital signature technology research is to solve this problem.

Key words: digital signature; e-commerce; blind signature

㈢ 求一篇关于电子商务的外文文献(税收)加翻译。。

我处禁止上传文件,相关PDF外文文献有,翻译得靠你自己,希望能满足你的需要专,能帮属到你,多多给点悬赏分吧,急用的话请多选赏点分吧,这样更多的知友才会及时帮到你,我找到也是很花时间的,如果需要请直接网络 私信 或者 Hi 中留言贴出你在 网络知道的问题链接地址 及 邮箱地址我处禁止上传文件,相关PDF外文文献有,翻译得靠你自己,希望能满足你的需要,能帮到你,多多给点悬赏分吧,急用的话请多选赏点分吧,这样更多的知友才会及时帮到你,我找到也是很花时间的,如果需要请直接网络 私信 或者 Hi 中留言贴出你在 网络知道的问题链接地址 及 邮箱地址

㈣ 求电子商务方面的英文文献或论文,翻译成汉字大约3000字。要有明确正规出处

Ecommerce Security Issues
Customer Security: Basic Principles

Most ecommerce merchants leave the mechanics to their hosting company or IT staff, but it helps to understand the basic principles. Any system has to meet four requirements:

privacy: information must be kept from unauthorized parties.

integrity: message must not be altered or tampered with.

authentication: sender and recipient must prove their identities to each other.

non-repudiation: proof is needed that the message was indeed received.

Privacy is handled by encryption. In PKI (public key infrastructure) a message is encrypted by a public key, and decrypted by a private key. The public key is widely distributed, but only the recipient has the private key. For authentication (proving the identity of the sender, since only the sender has the particular key) the encrypted message is encrypted again, but this time with a private key. Such proceres form the basis of RSA (used by banks and governments) and PGP (Pretty Good Privacy, used to encrypt emails).

Unfortunately, PKI is not an efficient way of sending large amounts of information, and is often used only as a first step — to allow two parties to agree upon a key for symmetric secret key encryption. Here sender and recipient use keys that are generated for the particular message by a third body: a key distribution center. The keys are not identical, but each is shared with the key distribution center, which allows the message to be read. Then the symmetric keys are encrypted in the RSA manner, and rules set under various protocols. Naturally, the private keys have to be kept secret, and most security lapses indeed arise here.

:Digital Signatures and Certificates
Digital signatures meet the need for authentication and integrity. To vastly simplify matters (as throughout this page), a plain text message is run through a hash function and so given a value: the message digest. This digest, the hash function and the plain text encrypted with the recipient's public key is sent to the recipient. The recipient decodes the message with their private key, and runs the message through the supplied hash function to that the message digest value remains unchanged (message has not been tampered with). Very often, the message is also timestamped by a third party agency, which provides non-repudiation.

What about authentication? How does a customer know that the website receiving sensitive information is not set up by some other party posing as the e-merchant? They check the digital certificate. This is a digital document issued by the CA (certification authority: Verisign, Thawte, etc.) that uniquely identifies the merchant. Digital certificates are sold for emails, e-merchants and web-servers.

:Secure Socket Layers
Information sent over the Internet commonly uses the set of rules called TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). The information is broken into packets, numbered sequentially, and an error control attached. Indivial packets are sent by different routes. TCP/IP reassembles them in order and resubmits any packet showing errors. SSL uses PKI and digital certificates to ensure privacy and authentication. The procere is something like this: the client sends a message to the server, which replies with a digital certificate. Using PKI, server and client negotiate to create session keys, which are symmetrical secret keys specially created for that particular transmission. Once the session keys are agreed, communication continues with these session keys and the digital certificates.

:PCI, SET, Firewalls and Kerberos
Credit card details can be safely sent with SSL, but once stored on the server they are vulnerable to outsiders hacking into the server and accompanying network. A PCI (peripheral component interconnect: hardware) card is often added for protection, therefore, or another approach altogether is adopted: SET (Secure Electronic Transaction). Developed by Visa and Mastercard, SET uses PKI for privacy, and digital certificates to authenticate the three parties: merchant, customer and bank. More importantly, sensitive information is not seen by the merchant, and is not kept on the merchant's server.

Firewalls (software or hardware) protect a server, a network and an indivial PC from attack by viruses and hackers. Equally important is protection from malice or carelessness within the system, and many companies use the Kerberos protocol, which uses symmetric secret key cryptography to restrict access to authorized employees.

Sensitive information has to be protected through at least three transactions:

credit card details supplied by the customer, either to the merchant or payment gateway. Handled by the server's SSL and the merchant/server's digital certificates.

credit card details passed to the bank for processing. Handled by the complex security measures of the payment gateway.

order and customer details supplied to the merchant, either directly or from the payment gateway/credit card processing company. Handled by SSL, server security, digital certificates (and payment gateway sometimes).

Practical Consequences
1. The merchant is always responsible for security of the Internet-connected PC where customer details are handled. Virus protection and a firewall are the minimum requirement. To be absolutely safe, store sensitive information and customer details on zip-disks, a physically separate PC or with a commercial file storage service. Always keep multiple back-ups of essential information, and ensure they are stored safely off-site.

2. Where customers order by email, information should be encrypted with PGP or similar software. Or payment should be made by specially encrypted checks and ordering software.

3. Where credit cards are taken online and processed later, it's the merchant's responsibility to check the security of the hosting company's webserver. Use a reputable company and demand detailed replies to your queries.

4. Where credit cards are taken online and processed in real time, four situations arise:

You use a service bureau. Sensitive information is handled entirely by the service bureau, which is responsible for its security. Other customer and order details are your responsibility as in 3. above.

You possess an ecommerce merchant account but use the digital certificate supplied by the hosting company. A cheap option acceptable for smallish transactions with SMEs. Check out the hosting company, and the terms and conditions applying to the digital certificate.

You possess an ecommerce merchant account and obtain your own digital certificate (costing some hundreds of dollars). Check out the hosting company, and enter into a dialogue with the certification authority: they will certainly probe your credentials.

You possess a merchant account, and run the business from your own server. You need trained IT staff to maintain all aspects of security — firewalls, Kerberos, SSL, and a digital certificate for the server (costing thousands or tens of thousands of dollars).

Security is a vexing, costly and complicated business, but a single lapse can be expensive in lost funds, records and reputation. Don't wait for disaster to strike, but stay proactive, employing a security expert where necessary.

Sites on our resources page supplies details.

㈤ 电子商务 外文翻译

Basic concepts
什么是电子商务呢,说白了就是电子是手段,商务是目的。 What is e-commerce it, saying that white is the Electronics is a means, business is the goal. 电子商务,英文是Electronic Commerce,简称EC。 E-commerce, English is the Electronic Commerce, referred to as EC. 电子商务涵盖 E-commerce covers 的范围很广,一般可分为企业对企业(Business-to-Business),或企业对消费者(Business-to-Customer)两种。 A wide range, generally can be divided into business to business (Business-to-Business), or business to consumers (Business-to-Customer) two kinds. 另外还有消费者对消费者(Customer-to-Customer)这种大步增长的模式。 There are also consumers of consumers (Customer-to-Customer) such a big growth pattern. 随着国内Internet使用人数的增加,利用Internet进行网络购物并以银行卡付款的消费方式已渐流行,市场份额也在迅速增长, 电子商务网站也层出不穷。 With the increase in the number of domestic Internet use, using Internet for online shopping and bank card payment has graally popular consumption patterns, market share is rapidly growing e-commerce sites are endless. 电子商务最常见之安全机制有SSL(安全套接层协议)及SET( 安全电子交易协议 )两种。 The most common security mechanism for e-commerce have SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) two kinds.

定义: Definition:

广义上指使用各种电子工具从事商务或活动。 The broad sense refers to the use of electronic tools for business or activities. 这些工具包括从初级的电报、电话、广播、电视、传真到计算机、 计算机网络 ,到NII(国家信息基础结构-信息高速公路)、GII(全球信息基础结构)和Internet等现代系统。 These tools range from elementary telegraph, telephone, radio, television, fax, computer, computer network, to the NII (National Information Infrastructure - Information Highway), GII (Global Information Infrastructure) and the Internet and other modern systems. 而商务活动是从泛商品(实物与非实物,商品与非商品化的生产要素等等)的需求活动到泛商品的合理、合法的消费除去典型的生产过程后的所有活动。 The commercial activities are concted from the Pan-goods (physical and non-physical, non-commercialization of goods and factors of proction, etc.) activities to the needs of the Pan-goods, a reasonable, legitimate consumer to remove the typical post-proction process of all activities. 狭义上指利用Internet从事商务或活动。 A narrow sense, refers to the use of Internet for business or activities.

网络营销和电子商务】 【Internet marketing and e-commerce】

从时间上来讲,电子商务概念的出现要早于网络营销。 From the time of speaking, e-commerce earlier than the emergence of the concept of network marketing.

电子商务最早产生于上个世纪60年代,90年代得到长足发展。 E-commerce originated in the last century 60's, 90's by leaps and bounds. 电子商务产生和发展的重要条件主要是: 计算机的广泛应用。 And development of e-commerce, an important condition for mainly the following: extensive use of computers. 而网络营销是随着现代科学技术的发展、消费者价值观的变革与日趋激烈的市场竞争等诸多因素,出现并迅速崛起的,网络营销发展的最重要条件是:消费者价值观念的变革。 Along with the network marketing is the development of modern science and technology, consumer values change and the increasingly fierce market competition, and many other factors, emerged and rapidly growing, Internet marketing, the development of the most important conditions are: changes in consumer values.

从字面意义上讲,网络营销概念要比电子商务大。 From the literal sense, the concept of network marketing than the big e-commerce.

电子商务通常是指是在广泛的商业贸易活动中,在因特网开放的网络环境下,买卖双方不相谋面的情况下,实现交易达成的一种新型的商业运营模式,讲求的是在网络销售中获得商业盈利。 E-commerce generally refers to commercial trade in a wide range of activities, on the Internet an open network environment, buyers and sellers are not known one another for the case of phase to achieve the deal of a new business model, and stress is that in online sales in the access to commercial profit. 网络营销(cyber marketing),是指借助联机网络,电脑通讯和数字交互式媒体来实现的一种营销方式,讲求的是与目标人群的网络互动。 Internet Marketing (cyber marketing), refers to the use of online networks, computer communications and digital interactive media to achieve a kind of marketing, emphasizes that the network of interactions with the target population.

从包含的各个体系来说,网络营销和电子商务是交叉存在的。 From the various systems contained in it, network marketing and e-commerce is a cross-exist.

电子商务涵盖的范围很广,一般可分为B2B、B2C、 C2C、B2M四类电子商务模式。 Covers a wide range of e-commerce in general can be divided into B2B, B2C, C2C, B2M four categories of e-business models. 其中企业对企业(Business-to-Business),和企业对消费者(Business-to- Consumer)两种发展最早,另外还有消费者对消费者(Consumer-to-Consumer)这种大步增长的模式。 Including business to business (Business-to-Business), and business to consumer (Business-to-Consumer) two kinds of the earliest to develop, in addition to consumers for consumers (Consumer-to-Consumer) growth of this step模式. 网络营销包含网络调研 、 网络广告 、 网络公关 、整合营销、seo、sem等内容,每个内容都可以单独或者整合应用到电子商务中去。 Internet Marketing includes Internet research, online advertising, Internet public relations, integrated marketing, seo, sem and other content, each content can be applied alone or integrated into the e-commerce to go. 同样电子商务也离不开这些网络营销手段。 The same e-commerce marketing tool is also inseparable from these networks. 加100分行忙,我尽力了.

㈥ 求助!!!电子商务的论文摘要的英文翻译

With the advent of information age, Network tourism has become the first e-commerce instry throughout the world. And tourism e-commerce in China's graally enters a mature stage after a period of low ebb.As for travel agency, traditional travel agencies should devolop online travel agencies so that they can adapt to competetion and take advantage in this insty. As for hotel, e-commerce has enlabled achieved the hotel to achieve online proct design, e-procurement, online billing and online marketing, it can satisfy the visitors to the largest extend,meanwhile, the hotel itself canget more profits and development.
Key words:tourism e-commerce, application, problem, prospect, summary

㈦ 旅游电子商务 外文文献+翻译

最近搞论文的好多 都是100-200分的悬赏
设想下 此人精通英文 不通旅游电商 给你翻译出来的东西会准确吗?
2个都精通的人 大概也不会在乎你这100分了
倘若你真的有一天出名 小心你就是第二个唐骏

㈧ 求电子商务论文外文翻译


㈨ 求助 一篇有关电子商务的英文文献

一篇电子商务英文文献(The development of e-commerce )-
A perfect market

May 13th 2004
From The Economist print edition

E-commerce is coming of age, says Paul Markillie, but not in the way predicted in the bubble years

WHEN the technology bubble burst in 2000, the crazy valuations for online companies vanished with it, and many businesses folded. The survivors plugged on as best they could, encouraged by the growing number of internet users. Now valuations are rising again and some of the dotcoms are making real profits, but the business world has become much more cautious about the internet’ potential. The funny thing is that the wild predictions made at the height of the boom—namely, that vast chunks of the world economy would move into cyberspace—are, in one way or another, coming true.

The raw numbers tell only part of the story. According to America’s Department of Commerce, online retail sales in the world’s biggest market last year rose by 26%, to $55 billion. That sounds a lot of money, but it amounts to only 1.6% of total retail sales. The vast majority of people still buy most things in the good old “bricks-and-mortar” world.

But the commerce department’s figures deal with only part of the retail instry. For instance, they exclude online travel services, one of the most successful and fastest-growing sectors of e-commerce. InterActiveCorp (IAC), the owner of expedia.com and hotels.com, alone sold $10 billion-worth of travel last year—and it has plenty of competition, not least from airlines, hotels and car-rental companies, all of which increasingly sell online.

Nor do the figures take in things like financial services, ticket-sales agencies, pornography (a $2 billion business in America last year, according to Alt Video News, a trade magazine), online dating and a host of other activities, from tracing ancestors to gambling (worth perhaps $6 billion worldwide). They also leave out purchases in grey markets, such as the online pharmacies that are thought to be responsible for a good proportion of the $700m that Americans spent last year on buying cut-price prescription drugs from across the border in Canada.

Tip of the iceberg

And there is more. The commerce department’s figures include the fees earned by internet auction sites, but not the value of goods that are sold: an astonishing $24 billion-worth of trade was done last year on eBay, the biggest online auctioneer. Nor, by definition, do they include the billions of dollars-worth of goods bought and sold by businesses connecting to each other over the internet. Some of these B2B services are proprietary; for example, Wal-Mart tells its suppliers that they must use its own system if they want to be part of its annual turnover of $250 billion.

So e-commerce is already very big, and it is going to get much bigger. But the actual value of transactions currently concluded online is dwarfed by the extraordinary influence the internet is exerting over purchases carried out in the offline world. That influence is becoming an integral part of e-commerce.

To start with, the internet is profoundly changing consumer behaviour. One in five customers walking into a Sears department store in America to buy an electrical appliance will have researched their purchase online—and most will know down to a dime what they intend to pay. More surprisingly, three out of four Americans start shopping for new cars online, even though most end up buying them from traditional dealers. The difference is that these customers come to the showroom armed with information about the car and the best available deals. Sometimes they even have computer print-outs identifying the particular vehicle from the dealer’s stock that they want to buy.

Half of the 60m consumers in Europe who have an internet connection bought procts offline after having investigated prices and details online, according to a study by Forrester, a research consultancy (see chart 1). Different countries have different habits. In Italy and Spain, for instance, people are twice as likely to buy offline as online after researching on the internet. But in Britain and Germany, the two most developed internet markets, the numbers are evenly split. Forrester says that people begin to shop online for simple, predictable procts, such as DVDs, and then graate to more complex items. Used-car sales are now one of the biggest online growth areas in America.

People seem to enjoy shopping on the internet, if high customer-satisfaction scores are any guide. Websites are doing ever more and cleverer things to serve and entertain their customers, and seem set to take a much bigger share of people’s overall spending in the future.

Why websites matter

This has enormous implications for business. A company that neglects its website may be committing commercial suicide. A website is increasingly becoming the gateway to a company’s brand, procts and services—even if the firm does not sell online. A useless website suggests a useless company, and a rival is only a mouse-click away. But even the coolest website will be lost in cyberspace if people cannot find it, so companies have to ensure that they appear high up in internet search results.

For many users, a search site is now their point of entry to the internet. The best-known search engine has already entered the lexicon: people say they have “Googled” a company, a proct or their plumber. The search business has also developed one of the most effective forms of advertising on the internet. And it is already the best way to reach some consumers: teenagers and young men spend more time online than watching television. All this means that search is turning into the internet’s next big battleground as Google defends itself against challenges from Yahoo! and Microsoft.

The other way to get noticed online is to offer goods and services through one of the big sites that already get a lot of traffic. Ebay, Yahoo! and Amazon are becoming huge trading platforms for other companies. But to take part, a company’s procts have to stand up to intense price competition. People check online prices, compare them with those in their local high street and may well take a peek at what customers in other countries are paying. Even if websites are prevented from shipping their goods abroad, there are plenty of web-based entrepreneurs ready to oblige.

What is going on here is arbitrage between different sales channels, says Mohanbir Sawhney, professor of technology at the Kellogg School of Management in Chicago. For instance, someone might use the internet to research digital cameras, but visit a photographic shop for a hands-on demonstration. “I’ll think about it,” they will tell the sales assistant. Back home, they will use a search engine to find the lowest price and buy online. In this way, consumers are “deconstructing the purchasing process”, says Professor Sawhney. They are unbundling proct information from the transaction itself.

All about me

It is not only price transparency that makes internet consumers so powerful; it is also the way the net makes it easy for them to be fickle. If they do not like a website, they swiftly move on. “The web is the most selfish environment in the world,” says Daniel Rosensweig, chief operating officer of Yahoo! “People want to use the internet whenever they want, how they want and for whatever they want.”

Yahoo! is not alone in defining its strategy as working out what its customers (260m unique users every month) are looking for, and then trying to give it to them. The first thing they want is to become better informed about procts and prices. “We operate our business on that belief,” says Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s chief executive. Amazon became famous for books, but long ago branched out into selling lots of other things too; among its latest ventures are health procts, jewellery and gourmet food. Apart from cheap and bulky items such as garden rakes, Mr Bezos thinks he can sell most things. And so do the millions of people who use eBay.

And yet nobody thinks real shops are finished, especially those operating in niche markets. Many bricks-and-mortar bookshops still make a good living, as do flea markets. But many record shops and travel agents could be in for a tougher time. Erik Blachford, the head of IAC’s travel side and boss of Expedia, the biggest internet travel agent, thinks online travel bookings in America could quickly move from 20% of the market to more than half. Mr Bezos reckons online retailers might capture 10-15% of retail sales over the next decade. That would represent a massive shift in spending.

How will traditional shops respond? Michael Dell, the founder of Dell, which leads the personal-computer market by selling direct to the customer, has long thought many shops will turn into showrooms. There are already signs of change on the high street. The latest Apple and Sony stores are designed to display procts, in the full expectation that many people will buy online. To some extent, the online and offline worlds may merge. Multi-channel selling could involve a combination of traditional shops, a printed catalogue, a home-shopping channel on TV, a phone-in order service and an e-commerce-enabled website. But often it is likely to be the website where customers will be encouraged to place their orders.

One of the biggest commercial advantages of the internet is a lowering of transaction costs, which usually translates directly into lower prices for the consumer. So, if the lowest prices can be found on the internet and people like the service they get, why would they buy anywhere else?

One reason may be convenience; another, concern about fraud, which poses the biggest threat to online trade. But as long as the internet continues to deliver price and proct information quickly, cheaply and securely, e-commerce will continue to grow. Increasingly, companies will have to assume that customers will know exactly where to look for the best buy. This market has the potential to become as perfect as it gets.

[1]Singh M P, An Evolutionary Look at E-Commerce, IEEE Internet Computing,2001.5,P77~78
[2]Rabinovitch E, The state of E-commerce, IEEE Communications magazine,2001.3,P12~12

[3]Amit R, Zott C. Value creation in e-business. Strategic Management Journal 2001;22:493–520



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