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⑴ 关于电子商务安全的英文参考文献

2007-10-12 With the network technology and the rapid development of information technology, e-commerce has been growing a wide range of applications, more and more businesses and indivials rely on e-commerce users quick and efficient. It appears not only to the development and expansion of Internet has provided a new opportunity, but also to the business community into a great power. But e-commerce is based on vector-based computer network and a large number of important status information, accounting information, transaction information needed to carry out in-line transmission, in such circumstances, security issues become a priority issue.

Second, the current e-commerce security issues
1. Network protocol security issue: At present, TCP / IP protocol is the most widely used network protocol, but TCP / IP itself, characterized by openness, enterprise and users of electronic transactions in the course of the data is the form of packet transmission, malicious attackers can easily launch an e-commerce site to a packet interception, or even modify the data packets and counterfeiting.
2. Users of information security issues: At present, the most important form of e-commerce is based on B / S (Browser / Server) structure of the e-commerce sites, users log on using the browser network transactions, as a result of the user in the registry may be used in public computer, such as Internet cafes, offices, computers, etc., then if they have a malicious Trojan horse computer program or virus, the user's login information such as user names, passwords may be the risk of loss.
3. E-commerce Web site security issue: that there are some companies established themselves in the design of e-commerce site will have a number of proction security, server operating system itself, there will be loopholes, unscrupulous attackers to enter the e-commerce site if a large number of user information and transaction information will be stolen, enterprises and users to incalculable losses.

C, e-commerce security requirements
1. The effectiveness of service requirements: e-commerce system should be able to prevent the occurrence of service failures to prevent failure e to network attacks and viruses and other system factors such as suspension of services to ensure that transaction data can be transmitted quickly and accurately.
2. Trading requirements of the confidentiality of information: e-commerce systems to deal with the information sent by users of encryption to effectively prevent the interception of information to decipher, at the same time to prevent unauthorized access to information.
3. Data integrity requirements: the number refers to the integrity of data processing, the original data and existing data is fully consistent between. In order to safeguard the seriousness of business dealings and fair, the transaction documents is not being modified, there will be damage to the commercial interests of the party.
4. The requirements of authentication: e-commerce systems should provide safe and effective authentication mechanism to ensure that transaction information between the two sides are legitimate and effective in order to avoid trade disputes, to provide a legal basis.

D, e-commerce security measures
1. Data encryption technology. Data encryption is the most basic e-commerce information system security precautions. The principle is that information on the use of encryption algorithm will be converted into explicit rules according to a certain encryption ciphertext generated after the transmission, thus ensuring the confidentiality of data. The use of data encryption technology can solve the information requirements of the confidentiality of its own. Data encryption technology can be divided into symmetric key encryption and asymmetric key encryption.
(1) symmetric key encryption (SecretKeyEncryption). Symmetric key encryption also known as secret / Private key encryption, that is, send and receive data between the parties must use the same key for encryption and decryption explicitly computing. Its advantage is encryption, decryption speed, suitable for large amount of data encryption, to ensure data confidentiality and integrity; drawback is that when the large number of users, distribution and management is very difficult to key on.
(2) non-symmetric key encryption (PublicKeyEncryption). Non-symmetric-key encryption also known as public key encryption, it mainly refers to each person only has a pair of corresponding keys: public key (the public key) and private key (the private key) public key public, private saved by the personal secret, a key used to encrypt them, they can only use the other to decrypt the key. Asymmetric key encryption algorithm is the advantage of easy distribution and management, the shortcomings of the algorithm complexity, encryption slow.
(3) the complexity of encryption technology. As a result of these two types of encryption technology, each the length of the relatively common practice is to integrate the two technologies. For example, the use of information to send the information symmetric key encryption, ciphertext generated after the recipient's public key to use symmetric key encryption to generate the number of envelopes, then the number of ciphertext envelope and sent to the receiver at the same time, the receiving party by the opposite clear direction after decryption.
2. Digital signature technology. Digital signature is generated through specific password computing the composition of a series of symbols and codes for a signature key, to replace the written signature or seal, this electronic signature technology can also be carried out to verify, verify the accuracy of its general manual signature and verification seal unmatched. Digital signature technology to ensure the integrity of information transfer and non-repudiation.
3. Accreditation agencies as well as digital certificates. E-commerce transactions e to the general users will not have face to face, so the two sides of the transaction identification is to protect the safety of the premise of e-commerce transactions. Certification body is a public and credible third party to confirm the identity of both parties, the digital certificate is signed by the certification body, including the identity of the owner of public key information as well as the public key of the document. Paid in the transaction process, participants must use the Certification Center of the digital certificate issued to prove his identity.
4. The use of Secure Electronic Transaction protocol (SET: Secure Electronic Transactions). By two major credit cards VISA and MasterCard standards organizations. SET for the division of e-commerce activities and to define the rights and obligations of the parties to the relationship between a given transaction information transmission process standards. SET protocol guarantees the confidentiality of e-commerce systems, integrity, non-repudiation of the legitimacy and identity.

⑵ 求英语参考文献,最好能带翻译的。电子商务会计核算方面~

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⑶ 电子商务英文文献

Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, consists of the buying and selling of procts or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. The amount of trade concted electronically has grown extraordinarily since the spread of the Internet. A wide variety of commerce is concted in this way, spurring and drawing on innovations in electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transaction's lifecycle, although it can encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail as well.

A large percentage of electronic commerce is concted entirely electronically for virtual items such as access to premium content on a website, but most electronic commerce involves the transportation of physical items in some way. Online retailers are sometimes known as e-tailers and online retail is sometimes known as e-tail. Almost all big retailers have electronic commerce presence on the World Wide Web.

Electronic commerce that is concted between businesses is referred to as Business-to-business or B2B. B2B can be open to all interested parties (e.g. commodity exchange) or limited to specific, pre-qualified participants (private electronic market).

Electronic commerce is generally considered to be the sales aspect of e-business. It also consists of the exchange of data to facilitate the financing and payment aspects of the business transactions.


Early development
The meaning of electronic commerce has changed over the last 30 years. Originally, electronic commerce meant the facilitation of commercial transactions electronically, using technology such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). These were both introced in the late 1970s, allowing businesses to send commercial documents like purchase orders or invoices electronically. The growth and acceptance of credit cards, automated teller machines (ATM) and telephone banking in the 1980s were also forms of electronic commerce. From the 1990s onwards, electronic commerce would additionally include enterprise resource planning systems (ERP), data mining and data warehousing.

Perhaps it is introced from the Telephone Exchange Office, or maybe not.The earliest example of many-to-many electronic commerce in physical goods was the Boston Computer Exchange, a marketplace for used computers launched in 1982. The first online information marketplace, including online consulting, was likely the American Information Exchange, another pre-Internet online system introced in 1991.

1990: Tim Berners-Lee wrote the first web browser, WorldWideWeb, using a NeXT computer.
1992: J.H. Snider and Terra Ziporyn published Future Shop: How New Technologies Will Change the Way We Shop and What We Buy. St. Martin's Press. ISBN 0312063598.
1994: Netscape released the Navigator browser in October under the code name Mozilla. Pizza Hut offered pizza ordering on its Web page. The first online bank opened. Attempts to offer flower delivery and magazine subscriptions online. Alt materials were also commercially available, as were cars and bikes. Netscape 1.0 in late 1994 introced SSL encryption that made transactions secure.
1995: Jeff Bezos launched Amazon.com and the first commercial-free 24 hour, internet-only radio stations, Radio HK and NetRadio started broadcasting. Dell and Cisco began to aggressively use Internet for commercial transactions. eBay was founded by computer programmer Pierre Omidyar as AuctionWeb.
1998: Electronic postal stamps can be purchased and downloaded for printing from the Web.
1999: business.com was sold for US $7.5 million, which was purchased in 1997 for US $150,000. The peer-to-peer filesharing software Napster was launched.
2000: The dot-com bust.
2003: Amazon.com had its first year with a full year of profit.

Business applications
Some common applications related to electronic commerce are:

E-mail and messaging
Documents, spreadsheets, database
Accounting and finance systems
Orders and shipment information
Enterprise and client information reporting
Domestic and international payment systems
On-line Shopping

Government regulations
In the United States, some electronic commerce activities are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). These activities include the use of commercial e-mails, online advertising and consumer privacy. The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 establishes national standards for direct marketing over e-mail. The Federal Trade Commission Act regulates all forms of advertising, including online advertising, and states that advertising must be truthful and non-deceptive.[1] Using its authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits unfair or deceptive practices, the FTC has brought a number of cases to enforce the promises in corporate privacy statements, including promises about the security of consumers’ personal information.[2] As result, any corporate privacy policy related to e-commerce activity may be subject to enforcement by the FTC.

Contemporary electronic commerce involves everything from ordering "digital" content for immediate online consumption, to ordering conventional goods and services, to "meta" services to facilitate other types of electronic commerce.

On the consumer level, electronic commerce is mostly concted on the World Wide Web. An indivial can go online to purchase anything from books, grocery to expensive items like real estate. Another example will be online banking like online bill payments, buying stocks, transferring funds from one account to another, and initiating wire payment to another country. All these activities can be done with a few keystrokes on the keyboard.

On the institutional level, big corporations and financial institutions use the internet to exchange financial data to facilitate domestic and international business. Data integrity and security are very hot and pressing issues for electronic commerce these days.

电子商务或EC(英语: E-Commerce)是指在互联网(Internet)、企业内部网 (Intranet) 和增值网(VAN, Added Network)上以电子交易方式进行交易活动和相关服务活动,是传统商业活动各环节的电子化、网路化。电子商务包括电子货币交换、供应链管理、电子交易市场、网路营销、在线事务处理、电子数据交换(EDI)、存货管理和自动数据收集系统。在此过程中,利用到的信息技术包括:互联网、外联网、电子邮件、资料库、电子目录和行动电话。

而广义上的电子商务—电子业务或EB(英语: E-Business)则是指对整个商业活动实现电子化,也就是指应用电脑与网路技术与现代信息化通信技术,按照一定标准,利用电子化工具(有时甚至指整个电子媒介领域,包括广播、电视、电话通讯等等)来实现包括电子商务(或电子交易)在内的商业交换和行政作业的商贸活动的全过程。

在过去的30年间,电子商务的概念发生了很大的变化. 最初,电子商务意味著利用电子化的手段,将商业买卖活动简化,通常使用的技术包括电子数据交换(EDI)和电子货币转帐,这些技术均是在20世纪70年代末期开始应用。典型的应用是将采购订单和发票之类的商业文档通过电子数据的方式发送出去。



如今,电子商务的涵盖十分广泛的商业行为,从电子银行到信息化的物流管理。电子商务的增长促进了支持系统的发展和进步, 包括后台支持系统、应用系统和中间件,例如宽频和光纤网路、供应链管理模块、原料规划模块、客户关系管理模块、存货控制模块和会计核算/企业财务模块。







提供额外的利益给顾客: 电子销售商如要做到这一点,可提供产品或其产品系列,以一个较低的价格吸引潜在的客户、如传统商贸一样.
提供优质服务: 提供一个互动及易於使用的购买经验及场所,亦如传统零售商一样, 都有助某程度上达至上述目标。为鼓励顾客再回来购买。可利用赠品或促销礼券、优惠及折扣等。 还可以互相连接其他相关网站和广告联盟等。
提供个人服务: 提供个人化的网站、购买建议、个人及特别优惠的方式,有助增加互动、人性化来代替传统的销售方式。
提供社区意识: 可以聊天室、讨论板以及一些忠诚顾客计划(亦称亲和力计划)都对提供社区意识有一定的帮助。
令顾客拥有全面性的体验: 提供电子个人化服务,根据顾客的喜好,提供个别服务,使顾客感受与别不同的体验,便可成为公司独特的卖点及品牌。
自助方式: 提供自助式服务网站、易用及无须协助的环境,都有一定的帮助。包括所有的产品资料,交叉推销信息、谘询产品补替、用品及配件选择等。
提供各种资讯: 如个人电子通讯录、网上购物等。透过丰富的比较资料及良好的搜索设备,提供信息和构件安全、健康的评论给顾客。可协助个人电子服务来确定更多潜在顾客。


⑷ 求两篇关于电子商务英文参考文献

⑸ 求关于电子商务安全的参考文献或杂志

[1] 李志民. 基于SET的电子支付安全[J]中国管理信息化(综合版) , 2006,(08) .

[2] 洪奕. 基于校园网的电子商务网站——网上拍卖[J]贵州商业高等专科学校学报 , 2003,(04) .

[3] 李红. 网络营销与信息资源配置[J]东北财经大学学报 , 2005,(05) .

[4] 张洋,杨峰,文庭孝. 电子商务网站设计研究[J]高校图书馆工作 , 2005,(03) .

[5] 代晓红. 基于SSL协议的电子商务安全性分析[J]工业技术经济 , 2004,(06) .

[6] 庞莹,付强. 我国家电产业信息化趋势及其市场均衡分析[J]产业与科技论坛 , 2006,(03) .

[7] 周宏. 企业开展电子商务的基本问题[J]商业研究 , 2003,(15) .

[8] 赵大鹏. 中国电子政务安全问题分析[J]大连海事大学学报(社会科学版) , 2007,(05) .

[9] 周靖. 加密技术在电子商务活动中的应用[J]沙洲职业工学院学报 , 2006,(03) .

[10] 侯涛. 基于JSP和ASP技术的电子商务系统比较研究[J]情报杂志 , 2003,(02) .

⑹ 急求电子商务相关参考文献,英文的,只要只要标题和作者


《E-commerce: the role of familiarity and trust》
D Gefen - Omega, 2000

《What trust means in e-commerce customer relationships: an interdisciplinary conceptual typology》
DH McKnight,2001

《 Fuzzy decision support system for risk analysis in e-commerce development》
EWT Ngai, 2005

《 Interactive decision aids for consumer decision making in e-commerce: the influence of perceived strategy restrictiveness》
W Wang, 2009

⑺ 求关于解析电子商务安全的参考文献

电子商务金融与安全 陈进 清华出版社 2000年
网络与电子商务法 蒋志培 法律出版社 2001年5月
电子商务概论 李宙星 重庆大学出版社 2005年8月
电子商务 李大军 董铁 清华出版社 2002年9月
电子商务及应用 康晓东 电子工业出版社 2004年3月
电子商务大全 朱稼兴 北京航空航天出版社 2004年3月


⑻ 求:英文参考文献 关于电子商务,外贸,英语对外贸影响等相关的英文文献.要英文的哦

YanGuoBin .《discussed shallowly new economy accounting personnel》 quality modern accounting" 2009 (2).
LuoHong ZhuKaiXi ."do not do false account" ecation "with accounting quality accounting friends of 2008(1).

⑼ 求英文参考文献,关于“电子商务下的客户信息管理”


The commercial time enterprise will face the even more keencompetition environment, more and more many companies realized to thecustomer will be the company scarcest resources, will be company'swealth, regardless of will be develops the new customer, or maintainsthe old customer, the customer information management will be the mostfoundation, the most important work, very many companies alreadyregarded as the customer information the company the core property tomanage and the maintenance. Only through the customer informationmanagement, understood customer's demand, provides satisfaction to itthe proct and the service, can closely hold the customer, theenterprise can survive and the development. This article in to conceptand so on electronic commerce, information management, customerinformation management carries on is clear about, between the conceptrelations carry on the elaboration in the foundation, has analyzed theelectronic commerce time customer information management necessity andthe main content; And from the customer information collection, thememory, the analysis, the use angle introced the related informationtechnology, key has concted the system research to the networkexcavation; After that, this article managed the thought to thepresent advanced customer -- (CRM) to give the elaboration take thecustomer information management as the foundation customer relationsmanagement, in to the CRM concept, in the system compositionintroction foundation has carried on the key explanation to thesystem application management.



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