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发布时间:2021-05-17 18:17:40

㈠ 求一篇关于电子商务的英文介绍

Electronic business, commonly referred to as "eBusiness" or "e-business", may be defined as the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of all the activities of business. Commerce constitutes the exchange of procts and services between businesses, groups and indivials and can be seen as one of the essential activities of any business. Electronic commerce focuses on the use of ICT to enable the external activities and relationships of the business with indivials, groups and other businesses [1].

Louis Gerstner, the former CEO of IBM, in his book, Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? attributes the term "e-Business" to IBM's marketing and Internet teams in 1996.

Electronic business methods enable companies to link their internal and external data processing systems more efficiently and flexibly, to work more closely with suppliers and partners, and to better satisfy the needs and expectations of their customers.

In practice, e-business is more than just e-commerce. While e-business refers to more strategic focus with an emphasis on the functions that occur using electronic capabilities, e-commerce is a subset of an overall e-business strategy. E-commerce seeks to add revenue streams using the World Wide Web or the Internet to build and enhance relationships with clients and partners and to improve efficiency using the Empty Vessel strategy. Often, e-commerce involves the application of knowledge management systems.

E-business involves business processes spanning the entire value chain: electronic purchasing and supply chain management, processing orders electronically, handling customer service, and cooperating with business partners. Special technical standards for e-business facilitate the exchange of data between companies. E-business software solutions allow the integration of intra and inter firm business processes. E-business can be concted using the Web, the Internet, intranets, extranets, or some combination of these.

Basically, electronic commerce (EC) is the process of buying, transferring, or exchanging procts, services, and/or information via computer networks, including the internet. EC can also be benifited from many perspective including business process, service, learning, collaborative, community. EC is often confused with e-business.

㈡ 电商的英文翻译是什么

广义的电子商务Electronic Business,简称EB;狭义的:Electronic Commerce简称EC

㈢ 电子商务英文是什么

EC (Electronic) 电子商务1.EC:Embedded Controller,嵌入式控制器)在一组特定系统中,新增到固定位置,完成一定任务的控制装置就称为嵌入式控制器。2.国际生物化学会酶学委员会(Enzyme Commission,EC)3 欧洲共同体 (European Communities)4.外部链接 (External Connector)5.EC (Echo Cancellation) 回波消除。为了建立多个信道,ADSL可通过两种方式对电话线进行频带划分:一种方式是频分复用(FDM),另一种方式是回波消除(EC)。6.EC (Electronic) 电子商务。是利用计算机技术、网络技术和远程通信技术,实现整个商务(买卖)过程中的电子化、数字化和网络化。人们通过网络上的商品信息、完善的物流配送系统和方便安全的资金结算系统进行交易(买卖)。分类情况:B2B、B2C、 C2C、B2M四类电子商务模式B2B (Business to Business)商家(泛指企业)对商家之间的电子商务as in businesses doing business with other businesses,商家(泛指企业)对商家的电子商务,即企业与企业之间通过互联网进行产品、服务及信息的交换。通俗的说法是指进行电子商务交易的供需双方都是商家(或企业、公司),她(他)们使用了Internet的技术或各种商务网络平台,完成商务交易的过程。这些过程包括:发布供求信息,订货及确认订货,支付过程及票据的签发、传送和接收,确定配送方案并监控配送过程等。有时写作B to B,但为了简便干脆用其谐音B2B(2即to)。 B2B的典型是阿里巴巴,中国制造网 ,慧聪网等。更直接在例子有,韩国的B2B平台EC21,国内跟着他出现了ECVV,EC45等直接在域名(网址)里直接体现EC(电子商务)。B2C(business to customer)企业对消费者之间的电子商务B2C模式是我国最早产生的电子商务模式,以8848网上商城正式运营为标志。B2C即企业通过互联网为消费者提供一个新型的购物环境——网上商店,消费者通过网络在网上购物、在网上支付。由于这种模式节省了客户和企业的时间和空间,大大提高了交易效率,特别对于工作忙碌的上班族,这种模式可以为其节省宝贵的时间。 C2C(Consumer To Consumer)消费者对消费者之间的电子商务C2C同B2B、B2C一样,都是电子商务的几种模式之一。不同的是C2C是用户对用户的模式,C2C商务平台就是通过为买卖双方提供一个在线交易平台,使卖方可以主动提供商品上网拍卖,而买方可以自行选择商品进行竞价。 C2C的典型是淘宝网等。B2M (Business to Manager )企业对“职业经理人”之间的电子商务B2M是相对于B2B、B2C、C2C的电子商务模式而言,是一种全新的电子商务模式。而这种电子商务相对于以上三种有着本质的不同,其根本的区别在于目标客户群的性质不同,前三者的目标客户群都是作为一种消费者的身份出现,而B2M所针对的客户群是该企业或者该产品的销售者或者为其工作者,而不是最终消费者。 企业通过网络平台发布该企业的产品或者服务,职业经理人通过网络获取该企业的产品或者服务信息,并且为该企业提供产品销售或者提供企业服务,企业通过经理人的服务达到销售产品或者获得服务的目的。职业经理人通过为企业提供服务而获取佣金。 B2M与传统电子商务相比有了巨大的改进,除了面对的用户群体有着本质的区别外,B2M具有一个更大的特点优势:电子商务的线下发展!以上三者传统电子商务的特点:商品或者服务的买家和卖家都只能是网民,而B2M模式能将网络上的商品和服务信息完全的走到线下,企业发布信息,经理人获得商业信息,并且将商品或者服务提供给所有的百姓,不论是线上还是线下。 以中国市场为例,传统电子商务网站面对1.4亿网民,而B2M面对则是14亿的中国公民!B2B的典型是E步伐等另外还有两类:B2A(Business-to-administrations)的电子商务指的是企业与政府机构之间进行的电子商务商业机构对行政机构(Business-to-administrations)的电子商务指的是企业与政府机构之间进行的电子商务活动。例如,政府将采购的细节在国际互联网络上公布,通过网上竞价方式进行招标,企业也要通过电子的方式进行投标。目前这种方式仍处于初期的试验阶段,但可能会发展很快,因为政府可以通过这种方式树立政府形象,通过示范作用促进电子商务的发展。除此之外,政府还可以通过这类电子商务实施对企业的行政事物管理,如政府用电子商务方式发放进出口许可证、开展统计工作,企业可以通过网上办理交税和退税等。政府应在推动电子商务发展方面起到重要的作用。在美国,克林顿政府已决定在近期对70%的联邦政府的公共采购实施电子化。在瑞典,政府已决定至少90%的公共采购将在网上公开进行。我国的金关工程就是要通过商业机构对行政机构的电子商务,如发放进出口许可证、办理出口退税、电子报关等,建立我国以外贸为龙头的电子商务框架,并促进我国各类电子商务活动的开展C2A(Consumer-to-administrations)消费者对行政机构的电子商务消费者对行政机构(Consumer-to-administrations)的电子商务,指的是政府对个人的电子商务活动。这类的电子商务活动目前还没有真正形成。然而,在个别发达国家,如在澳大利亚,政府的税务机构已经通过指定私营税务,或财务会计事务所用电子方式来为个人报税。这类活动虽然还没有达到真正的报税电子化,但是,它已经具备了消费者对行政机构电子商务的雏形。政府随着商业机构对消费者、商业机构对行政机构的电子商务的发展,将会对社会的个人实施更为全面的电子方式服务。政府各部门向社会纳税人提供的各种服务,例如社会福利金的支付等,将来都会在网上进行。2. eceC,是一位加拿大人jerome历时十二年开发的一门编译型编程语言,拥有C++项目的性能和Java的跨平台性以及Python的方便性。目前eC拥有自己的IDE,专用的面向对象数据库。eC的理念是:开发一次,部署在所有平台,包括Windows,linux,Mac os,仅仅依赖一个轻量级的运行库!它拥有与C++一样的性能,拥有和Java一样的跨平台性。这来自与eC语言自行开发的GUI库,3D图形库,Socket库…… 这些使得你能够迅速的开发你的软件(没错,就像python一样快捷),然而却拥有像C++开发的软件一样的性能!eC拥有自己的IDE,当然IDE也是用eC写成。IDE名叫Ecere。

㈣ 请问,"电子商务" "发展趋势"用英语怎么说谢谢

electronic business
(development) trend
logistics management

㈤ 电子商务的英文是什么

电子商务,英文是Electronic Commerce,简称EC。电子商务通常是指是在全球各地广泛的商业贸易活动中,在因特网开放的网络环境下,基于浏览器/服务器应用方式,买卖双方不谋面地进行各种商贸活动,实现消费者的网上购物、商户之间的网上交易和在线电子支付以及各种商务活动、交易活动、金融活动和相关的综合服务活动的一种新型的商业运营模式。“中国网络营销网” Tinlu相关文章指出,电子商务涵盖的范围很广,一般可分为企业对企业(Business-to-Business),或企业对消费者(Business-to-Customer)两种。另外还有消费者对消费者(Customer-to-Customer)这种大步增长的模式。随着国内Internet使用人数的增加,利用Internet进行网络购物并以银行卡付款的消费方式已渐流行,市场份额也在迅速增长,电子商务网站也层出不穷。电子商务最常见之安全机制有SSL及SET两种。

㈥ 电子商务(E-commerce)和网络营销(E-Marketing)的定义用英文怎么讲

英文的:E-commerce is usually refers to in the world is widely in commercial and trading activities, on the Internet, open network environment, based on the browser/server application modes, both parties, not all business activities to truth, to realize the online shopping, consumer entered into between online trading and on-line electronic payment and various business activities, trading activities, financial activities and related comprehensive service activities, a new type of business operation mode.
网络营销:网络营销(On-line Marketing或E-Marketing)就是以国际互联网络为基础,利用数字化的信息和网络媒体的交互性来辅助营销目标实现的一种新型的市场营销方式。简单的说,网络营销就是以互联网为主要手段进行的,为达到一定营销目的的营销活动
The network Marketing (Marketing or E line On - with international Marketing) is - based On Internet, using digital information and network media interactive to assist Marketing objectives of a new Marketing mode. Say simply, network marketing is with the Internet as the main means to achieve certain of the marketing target marketing campaign.

㈦ 用英语介绍一下电子商务这个专业

E-commerce, Electronic Commerce, EC for short. E-commerce usually is refers to is in global around widely of commercial trade activities in the, in Internet open of network environment Xia, based on browser/server application way, buyers and sellers does not met to for various business activities, implementation consumer of online shopping, and merchant Zhijian of online transactions and online electronic paid and various business activities, and transactions activities, and financial activities and related of integrated service activities of a new of commercial operations mode. E-business covers a very wide range, generally can be divided into the business to business or business to consumer both. There are also consumer to the consumer the forward growth model. With the increase in number of Internet use in China, online shopping and payment by bank card using Internet consumption patterns have started to pop, also in fast-growing market share, endless stream of e-commerce website. E-commerce security with SSL and SET two of the most common species. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer Protocol) SET (fully electronic transaction protocol) definition of e-commerce: the first will be divided into General and special e-commerce e-commerce. General e-commerce is defined as, using a variety of electronic tools in the business or activities. These tools range from basic Telegraph, telephone, radio, TV, fax, computers, computer networks, and other modern systems. Business activity is commercial demand reasonable and legitimate activities to goods of consumption dropped after the typical proction processes in all activities. Narrowly defined as e-commerce, mainly use the Internet to engage in business or activity. E-commerce is in a modern society where highly developed technical, economic, and access to information technology and business rules, and systematic use of electronic tools, high efficiency, low cost commodity exchange-centric activities collectively. This analysis highlights has e-commerce of premise, and Center, and focus, and purpose and standard, pointed out that it should reached of level and effect, it is on e-commerce more strictly and reflect times requirements of defines, it from system of views start, stressed people in system in the of Center status, will environment and people, and people and tools, and people and subject of labour organic to contact up, with system of target, and system of composition to defines e-commerce, so makes it has proctivity of nature.

㈧ 电子商务的英语简称是


英文名源Electronic Commerce,简称EC。

㈨ 急求电子商务的英文翻译

Contents summary:The first network of 1997 China advertisement birth, immediately it then becomes 21 centuries have already hope most the most vigorous and newly arisen advertisement form.Fly to soon develop in the whole world along with the Internet after 2000, the network advertises different soldier Tu the frustrate which get away from former days and have already become a market with vast foreground now.Along with be subjected to many scale extension, network advertisement lord of the amount play increase, , the network medium outshine others in the traditional medium in front.
The network advertisement of China is all the way walk, since obtained the Jiao person's achievement, also exist a serious problem.Present condition, problem, strategy and future development trend that this text advertises to the Chinese network do some kind of simple studies.Now the network advertisement of China market of not norm, technique with take charge of of shortage, the exploitation of resources not the dint, form be old to lack innovation etc. a series of problem, influence our country network economy of prosperity.Analyze an our country network the present condition of the advertisement, find out a road that can keep on a development, build up a network market of health norm, this urgent matter of the moment that is the our country network advertisement instry to develop.



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