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發布時間:2022-05-29 14:31:24

❶ 故宮博物院運用了哪些方法手段來開展網路營銷





❷ 高懸賞翻譯論文摘要!多謝!

As China's capital Beijing, the Beijing Museum of instry basis, and develop fast, wide range, with a long history, but there are still a number of museums face Menting left out in the cold, very difficult situation. Apart from Beijing this year, four museums for renovation and extension of opening up to Chen, the other 29 municipal and county owned museum on March 28 from the free open to the public. In order to better seize this opportunity and meet the perfect close proximity of the Beijing Olympic Games, the Beijing Museum of tourism procts to be on marketing strategy, the imminent.
In this paper, the use of classical marketing research essential SWOT analysis method, through the Beijing Museum of tourism procts in the aspect of comparison, that is, in comparison to other types of tourism resources and other cities in the Museum of tourism procts, thus they have the advantages of Inferior characteristics, and at this stage of the Beijing Museum of tourism procts faced by the unprecedented new situation in the forward-looking to have a comparative analysis of the opportunities and recognize their potential threat, and thus is of practical significance to the marketing strategy, Beijing and the development of the National Museum of tourism procts will provide guidance and impetus.
The full text is divided into three parts, the first by the Museum of tourism procts with a connotation of the understanding and analysis, combined with its own characteristics and Beijing face the situation, which described the Beijing Museum of the tourism proct marketing necessity of the second part of the main Through SWOT analysis clearly understand the Beijing Museum of tourism procts with the strengths, weaknesses, and facing the opportunities and threats; third part is based on the SWOT analysis so as to the feasibility and have some practical significance of the Beijing Museum of tourism procts Five of the marketing strategy.

❸ 敦煌博物館營銷在市場中的現狀

摘要 文創產品內涵和形式更加豐富多樣。目前,許多博物館立足本館的文化內涵,以創新為中心,把有自身文化特色的元素融入新研發的文創產品之中。比如,敦煌研究院研發的「惜韶華」金屬書簽,就選擇了敦煌壁畫中最具代表的九色鹿、飛天、寶相花等元素,體現了敦煌壁畫圖案紋樣豐富、色彩絢麗等特點,並通過隨書簽所贈送的精美產品信息卡,對產品背後的壁畫原型進行了生動精簡的雙語介紹。

❹ 南京博物院運用了咋樣的目標市場選擇策略


❺ 通過網路提供的平台,了解故宮博物院運用了那些方法、手段來展開網路營銷


1. 網路營銷推廣是不錯的營銷方式,只是自己不會操作,又怕合作被人騙。

2. 自己想學習網路營銷推廣,希望找到一個比較好的方法,通過網路來提升知名度和變現。




❻ 故宮博物館是否拓展新業務做出正確判斷


❼ 故宮博物院是怎麼成功的做好旅遊營銷的




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