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1. 市場營銷英語sample

Its success has rested on clever marketing an eye for innovation and strong customer service.
Sales Assistant 銷售助理
Wholesale Buyer 批發采購員
Tele-Interviewer 電話調查員
Real Estate Appraiser 房地產評估師
Marketing Consultant 市場顧問
Marketing and Sales Director 市場與銷售總監
Market Research Analyst 市場調查分析員
Manufacturers Representative 廠家代表
Director of Subsidiary Rights 分公司權利總監
Sales Representative 銷售代表
Assistant Customer Executive 客戶管理助理
Marketing Intern 市場實習
Marketing Director 市場總監

2. 市場營銷策劃案例的英文怎麼說啊

Markwting (business) Plan Case

3. 高分求營銷英語作文

Studying Marketing

Through the Marketing course we have learned the definition, concept and importance of marketing. Here I try to make a report on what we have learned, and why we should study marketing.

1. What is marketing?

There are many different definitions of marketing. We could cite the followings:

「 all-embracing function that links the business with customer needs and wants in order to get the right proct to the right place at the right time」

「The achievement of corporate goals through meeting and exceeding customer needs better than the competition」

「The management process that identifies, anticipates and supplies customer requirements efficiently and profitably」

「Marketing may be defined as a set of human activities directed at facilitating and consummating exchanges」

These definition are all correct. They all try to embody the essence of marketing:

* Marketing is about meeting the needs and wants of customers;
* Marketing is a business-wide function – it is not something that operates alone from other business activities;
* Marketing is about understanding customers and finding ways to provide procts or services which customers demand

2. Marketing concept and orientation

It is a fundamental idea of marketing that organisations survive and prosper through meeting the needs and wants of customers. This important perspective is commonly known as the marketing concept.

The marketing concept is about matching a company's capabilities with customer wants. This matching process takes place in what is called the marketing environment.

Businesses do not undertake marketing activities alone. They face threats from competitors, and changes in the political, economic, social and technological environment. All these factors have to be taken into account as a business tries to match its capabilities with the needs and wants of its target customers.

An organisation that adopts the marketing concept accepts the needs of potential customers as the basis for its operations. Success is dependent on satisfying customer needs.

3. Why Study Marketing?

After considering the definition of marketing, one can understand some of the obvious reasons why the study of marketing is relevant. In this section we discuss several perhaps less obvious reasons why one should study marketing.

The marketing field offers a variety of interesting and challenging career opportunities, such as personal selling, advertising, packaging, transport, storage, marketing research, proct development, wholesaling, and retailing. In addition, many indivials who work for non-business organisations engage in marketing activities. Marketing skills are used to promote political, cultural, church, civic, and charitable activities. Whether a person earns a living through marketing activities or performs them without compensation in non-business settings, marketing knowledge and skills are valuable assets.

A business organisation must sell procts to survive and to grow. Directly or indirectly, marketing activities help sell an organisations procts. By doing so, they generate financial resources that can be used to develop innovative procts. New procts allow a firm to better satisfy customers' changing needs, which in turn enables the firm to generate more profits.

Our highly complex economy depends heavily on marketing activities. They help proce the profits that are essential not only to the survival of indivial businesses, but also to the health and ultimate survival of the economy as a whole. Profits are essential to economic growth because without them businesses find it difficult, if not impossible, to buy more raw materials, hire more employees, attract more capital, and create the additional procts that in turn make more profits.

4. 我想要一篇 某產品的英文營銷策劃




5. 幫忙找個國際營銷案例分析,要全英文



6. 幫忙翻譯一個產品跨國營銷的案例為英文!謝謝

In accordance with the standards of the United States, Brazil, in the breakfast cereal breakfast foods and other foods tremendous business opportunities. Brazil, about 150 million population, age distribution, showing that breakfast cereal consumption has enormous potential because of the population 20 years of age accounted for 48 percent of the total population. In addition, Brazil's per capita income enough so that people can enjoy the convenience of eating breakfast cereal foods. In assessing the market, Kellogg Company (Kellogg) also noted a remarkable advantage: little or no direct competitors.
Unfortunately, the lack of competition is e to the Brazilians are not accustomed to American-style breakfast. Therefore, the Kellogg Company and its advertising agency J. Walter Thompson Company (J. Walter
Thompson) faced by marketing the most important task is to how to change the breakfast habits of Brazilians.
Kellogg decided in Brazil is very popular TV series "Novelas" in spots. Advertising picture is a little boy eating with relish to back out from the packaging bag of cereal. Shows excellent taste in procts at the same time, the advertisement will be located in a food proct rather than as part of breakfast. As a result of market response, the ad film was quickly removed them.
Analysis of the Brazilian culture, show that Brazilians strong family values and deep-rooted concept of male chauvinism. Therefore, in the subsequent design of the ad program will focus on the performance of his cereal bowl and add milk into the family breakfast scene. Compared with the first advertisement, the more successful advertising programs, an increase of cereal sales, Kellogg had 99.5 percent share of the market share. However, it is still not satisfactory in terms of sales volume, the per capita use of breakfast cereals less than an ounce.
Kellogg has been accustomed to these challenges. It has spent 20 years in Mexico to cultivate a substantial breakfast market size, (in Japan and France have spent 6 years). Kellogg is now also targeting the Indian market has great potential. Although sales in India but was a mere two million U.S. dollars, but very optimistic about its prospects. In addition to the traditional breakfast of corn flakes, it also likes to eat rice in accordance with Indian features, developed a new piece of rice.

7. 英文的營銷策略分析,而且有中文翻譯的,急需

什麼樣的策略分析啊,Marketing principles 那樣的嗎?

8. 如何針對外國客戶制定一份英文的營銷策劃最好有範文可以參考一下~~









8、發行渠道拓展: 除了常規的定點入戶直投渠道外,可以考慮將雜志的發行渠道增加進一些高端精英人群、高級商旅人群常接觸的點,如高檔酒店、會所、健身房、酒廊、餐廳等等,以拓寬雜志的高端人群覆蓋面,提升雜志的廣告價值;



9. 誰有營銷方面的英文文章啊


10. 英語版的營銷方案

Undertaking plan book model essay undertaking plan, if is only engraves on one's memory, will have the omission to be unable unavoidably to realize, if will indicate sureproof, we can understand clearly to undertaking each detail in the chest. The undertaking plan book may let us initially enter the market to achieve fully 「 oneself and the other side. Is undefeated in many battles」. 1. undertaking plan book's frame the undertaking plan book's writing frame divides into the following several parts: (1) the company abstract summary introced that company's main business instry, the proct or the service unique are, as well as company's tenable place, the time, locate the stage, the competitive advantage and so on basic situation. (2) the corporate business describes this part to introce that company's objective and the goal, as well as company's long-term development project and manages the strategy. (3) the proct either the service introced that this company proct or the service hungry use and the merit, provide the related patent, the right, the government written instructions to a subordinate, the appraisal material and so on. (4) the income situation summary company's source of income, forecasts in period of time the income growth situation. (5) competes the situation to analyze existing and the latent competitor earnestly, their superiority and the inferiority, as well as this company's superiority which corresponds with it, the research defeat the match the method and the strategy. (6) the market marketing to the target market and the client segmentation, and aims at each segmentation the target market, lists the corresponding marketing.



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