Ⅰ 廉江的網咖市場營銷
Ⅱ 網吧常規營銷活動策略
Ⅲ 網吧需要營銷嗎
我從事網游推廣策劃工作6年,與網吧業主和網吧玩家幾乎天天接觸。自詡為中國網吧營銷策劃第一人,感嘆在十堰經營網吧真是不容易,主管部門監管過嚴,也是首次實施零點斷網的全國試點城市,為此還榮登人民日報,欲全國推廣這個模式,讓廣大網吧業務叫苦不迭,也難怪,網吧經營收入成本大,制約因素多,只有延長營業時間才有得賺頭。記得去年有學生家長聯名上書政府部門反映和建議要取締網吧,引起網吧老闆的一致反對,於是更加加大了對網吧的監察力度,加之網吧的主管部門較多,網監、消防、工商、衛生、電信等部門,各路神仙都不敢怠慢。唯有加強網吧行業自律。 一個城市怎麼可能會沒有網吧了?拿刀殺人,刀是無辜的。交通事故,車輛是沒錯的。任何事情都有利弊兩面,如何看待還是人。網吧是目前階段最適合年輕人消費的休閑場所,也是培養網路應用的最好的平台。網吧的社會積極意義遠遠大於不利方面。事實上,在互聯網剛剛登錄中國的階段,正是網吧讓廣大普通的朋友接觸了網路,從而帶動了中國信息化的發展。中國的信息化產業,網吧功不可沒!國家目前依然支持和鼓勵網吧的健康發展。極端的家長也許太望子成龍,望女成鳳了,也是可以理解。試想偌大一個城市沒有一家網吧又是一個什麼情景?網吧自誕生之日起就是以營利為目的,有些業主甚至為了其盈利目的採取各種促激網吧消費不管道德底線的各種手段,甚至因網吧因文化、電信、工商等各方相互利益之爭讓很多網吧不文明現象表裡不一,因這種表裡不一致使社會風氣日益低下,滋生了一批又一批以只管經濟效益而不管道德底線,與社會文明精神建設相背,持口號與實踐真理相背離的實際不做為現象的蔓延使不文明現象反成文明催動力。正因如此,網吧在至今在市民的眼中褒貶不一。 1998年第一家網吧誕生到現在,我一直在思考網吧需要營銷,需要策劃嗎?通過很多多年網吧業主聊,調查得出的結論是不需要,認為網吧只要配置好,裝飾好,服務好就行了,不需要營銷策劃,這是在十堰,我本人了解外地很多地方的網吧經營都有自己的特色,甚至高薪聘請策劃公司為之服務。現在是營銷時代,當然網吧老闆說的也沒錯,事實也證明了他們的說法。有的老闆跟我說因什麼兩家配置相當,服務很好,裝修也不差的網吧,為什麼自己的生意就沒有別人的好了?這是一個值得思考的問題,當所有的網吧都在同一個起跑線上的時候,到底靠什麼去競爭了?答案是營銷策劃。 一個好的網吧不僅僅只是將網吧的內部裝修、基礎設施、網吧環境及網吧服務做好這么簡單,可以說網吧經營者想把一家網吧做好做大,上面這四點是必須要做到的,如果想最具競爭力那就是營銷策劃上下功夫。通過我跑過的全國的網吧之中,上海和北京的網吧是最重視網吧的營銷的,2009年上海出現了最貴的網吧上網服務,生意天天爆滿。北京也出來全國首家榻榻米網吧,深受消費者喜愛,網吧也應該有自己的特色,做到唯一,才可立於市場不敗之地。目前十堰網吧的現狀,生意一不好就怪到裝修上,不好再裝修,再不好就想到轉讓。難道開網吧不賺錢嗎?當然賺錢,那為什麼要轉讓呢?一家不懂營銷策略的網吧是經營不長久的,早晚會走向被其它網吧收購的道路。
Ⅳ 大型網吧如何做好營銷
Ⅳ 網吧營銷方案
與網吧周邊快抄餐店取得聯系,在網吧增加客戶用餐服務,不過這個方案其實很多網吧已經在 用了的,在快餐價格中提取部分提成作為快餐店對網吧的回報,網吧在快餐店定餐的量的增 加,將也會增加網吧對快餐店的營業提成,即可增加網吧服務與額外營業額提成. 將此項提成收入歸結到網吧內部活動基金,提高網吧員工內部業餘生活樂趣,做一些必要 的網吧內部聚會。聚餐,也可以將活動多出資金,作為獎勵發給內部優秀工作人員. 此舉有3得利,網吧服務增值,從而可以使網客增加上網時間,這是對網吧營業額直接提 升,其二。快餐店營業額提升,從而影響其的收入。其三。內部員工獎勵與內部活動資金的出 處,一舉三得,何樂而不為 希望能幫助你。
Ⅵ 網吧營銷策略
一種人呢屬` 網蟲`那就要看你的網速了`
Ⅶ 最有效的網咖營銷方式有哪些
Ⅷ 網吧營銷策劃有哪些方案
Ⅸ 哪位大俠能給個網吧營銷方案給我
Table of contents
1. Introction ……………………………………………………………………………2
2. History and brief analyze of tea………… …………………………………………… 2
3. Name and location of the Teashop ……………………………………………………4
4. The teashop』s special characteristics and its market-oriented mission ……………….5
5. The investment and profits analysis…………… ………… …………………………7
6. Conclusion ………………………………………… ………………………………...7
7. References…………………………………………… ……………………………….8
8. Local teashop observation sheet……………………… ………………………………9
9. Teashop name and some picture…………………………………………………….back
Toronto is famous for its multi-culture. There are many different nations in this city. Among these nations, Indian and Chinese immigrants are the most. Many Chinese or Indian people love to have a cup of traditional tea, instead of coffee ring the day. They are not used to going to Tim Horton or Starbucks for meeting their friends and spent time alone. They need a place they can feel comfortable, and Asian. A tea place for ethnic community to social is on demand.
Currently, tea is more popular than ever in North America. Cai, Quanbao (1998), the president of the Tea Association of the USA, forecasts the tea market and states that "tea will continue to grow at double digit rates over the next several years and might even exceed those expectations with increased marketing investment" (p10). The tea salons first appeared in New York City and have increased for the last several years (Tea time, 1998). Every indication is that there will be a strong market for tea in the United States for the next five or ten years (Barr, V. & Broudy, C.E. (1996). Canadians drink over 7 billion cups of tea each year (www.theteashop.com).
On the basis of these literature research and market research in downtown Toronto, I am planning to open a teashop in downtown Toronto. I will detail my proposal in the following sections.
History and brief analyze of tea
Tea is the world's most popular prepared drink. Shen Nong, discovered it in 2737 BC (Chow & Kramer, 1990) when a tea leaf accidentally fell into the bowl of hot water he was drinking. Tea then become a popular drink in China, and was introced to the world little by little. Canadians did not have their first tea until 1717, which was imported by the Hudson Bay Company. In the early 19th century, afternoon tea as a social custom, was originated by Anna, 7th Duchess of Bedford. The Duchess began inviting guests to join her for a cup of tea and some sweets and savories in the afternoon, in order to fill the long gap between breakfast and late dinners. The ritual caught on in England and North America and soon became an afternoon tradition that remains today. Modern afternoon tea at trendy tea salons and cafés feature a wide variety of quality teas and fine finger foods.
It is generally believed that there are five categories of tea: Black tea, green tea, oolong tea, Flavored Tea, and Herbal/Tisane. Most commonly used in North American tea bags, black tea is made from leaves that have been fully oxidized, procing a hearty deep rich flavor in a colored amber brew. Keemun is the most famous one among black tea family. Keemun is the foundation of many English breakfast blends. (Some English Breakfasts are all Keemun.) (Brigham, B (1999).Most popular in Asia, green tea is not oxidized. It is withered, immediately steamed or heated to prevent oxidation and then rolled and dried. It is characterized by a delicate taste, light green color and is very refreshing(Brigham, B (1999).Jasmine is one of the green tea. Jasmine tea has long been a favorite of tea connoisseurs around the world. The compelling and absorbing fragrance of jasmine blossoms lingering above the pot as the tea is brewed must surely be one of life's little jewels! (Clausen 1997). The name oolong literally translates as "Black Dragon" and is very popular in China. Oolong refers to partly oxidized leaves, combining the taste and colors qualities of black and green tea. Oolong teas are consumed without milk or sugar and are extremely flavorful and highly aromatic (Clausen 1997). Flavoured Tea are real teas (Camellia Sinensis), blended with fruit, spices or herbs. Fruit flavored tea such as apple or blackcurrant, is real tea blended with fruit peel or treated with the natural oil or essence. Spiced and scented teas using cinnamon, nutmeg, jasmine or mint, are also real teas blended with spices, flowers or other plants (Clausen 1997). Herbal infusions or tisanes such as Camomile, peppermint or nettle, do not contain any real tea leaf. The term "herbal tea" is somewhat of a misnomer, since these procts are not really tea at all. Herbal beverages or infusions can be derived from a single ingredient or a blend of flowers, herbs, spices, fruits, berries and other plants (Clausen 1997).
3.Name and location of teashop
The teashop I am planning to open will be named as 「Fresh Corner 」, which means a relaxed and peaceful place for meeting people or just enjoying oneself。It is deeply related to my project mission, which is providing enjoyable, relax place to consumers. I, myself will be the owner, and I am planning to hire one or two employees at the beginning. Business hours:The Teashop will be open 9 am-12 am From Manday to Friday, and weekends from 10:00 am to 12:00 am
The Fresh Corner Teashop will be located on the main street in the downtown Toronto, which is in the 321 Bloor St. West. It is on the first floor of the Woodsworth College Residence, the University of Toronto's St. George campus. The downtown St. George campus of U of T is the historical centrepiece of Canada's leading research university. There are some 8,000 faculty and staff. In the heart of Toronto, this historic 65-hectare (160-acre) campus is also home to more than 43,000 full and part-time students (www.utoront.ca/maps.html).
These locations are all set among numerous other shops catering to the university students. You can find plenty of options on Yonge St between Charles and Bloor, Bloor St.George between Spadina and Bathurst. There are twenty similar businesses in this area. Most of which offer lunch specials and a variety of things on the menu. I found Only Ned's/Greg's Ice Cream is on Bloor opposite the Royal Ontario Museum. They provide different kinds of tea that include such oddities as Green Tea, soup, sandwiches, Roasted Marshmallow, Chocolate Orange, and Stout. However, there is not any teashop in this area. A comparison of activities found in the Fresh Corner teashop will help this community since this teashop will be built in the University of Toronto campus, the target customer will be students and faculty.
4.Mission of The Fresh Corner:
The Fresh Corner teashop aims to offer the following services to the customers
1.To offer finest quality and largest possible variety of tea to our customers.
2.To offer variety food to satisfy customer.
3.To offer clean, fresh, and exciting environment to attract the customer.
4.To offer enjoyable and comfortable services to customers.
In order to meet these missions, The Fresh Corner teashop will execute the following steps:
First, Make the storefront grab customers' attention to create a clean, fresh, and exciting environment to attract the customer. The sign should be high quality with an appropriate color scheme and be well illuminated. It should be easy to read, and should match the store's style.
Secondly, the following activities will be permitted in the Fresh Corner teashop:
(1)We provide newspapers and magazines. Customers (many of them are students) brought books and other items to use the teashop as a place to study.
(2)We also can provide sofas for customer seating.
(3)We provide small separate rooms for both indivials and large groups. Tables and chairs in teashop can be rearranged for use by larger groups.
(4)We provide electrical outlet for using personal computers customers.
Thirdly, various types of tea will be provided
Black, Green Oolong White Teas, Red Teas, Pu-er Teas and Herbal teas, coffee, beverage, chocolate drink, ice tea, fruit juice, soda and ice cream along with cake, cookies, muffins, sandwiches, salad and breads are the main items served in all these teashops.
Finally, We will also pay attention to some small things for our customers. For instance, providing enough lights for customers』 security and convenience.
5.The investment and profits analysis
(1) To total investment will be 100,000 CAN dollars for the Fresh Corner teashop.
(2) Rent will be 25,000 CAN for one year.
(3) Decorate teashop will be 20,000 CAN dollars.
(4) Waiter wage will be around 40,000 CAN dollars for one year.
(5) Expected income could be 500 CAN dollars each day, all together in the first year, the income will be 180,000 dollars.
In conclusion, I can reclaim the investment after the first year.
The growth in tea drinking and the success of coffeehouses indicates a potential demand for teashops, which led to the purpose of this study. After detailed market research, I can safely make my decision to invest on this teashop, and I really appreciate your consideration and support.
Local teashop observation sheet
Name of the teashop:_____ MASTER TEA __________________________________________
Activities in the teashop (check the activities):
9-11am 2-4pm 8-10pm
Activities number time number time number time
Indivialdrinking/eating 36 a
IndivialReading 5 d
Two persondrinking/talking 5 d
Two personreading/writing
Group(n)*drinking/eating/talking 10 f
a. stay less than 10 minutes, b. 11-20 minutes, c. 21-30 minutes, d. 31-40 minutes, e. 41-50 minutes,
f. 51-60 minutes, g. 61-70 minutes, h. 71-80 minutes, j. 81-90 minutes, k. 91-100 minutes.
1. What types of food do they serve? The answer in underneath
2. How do they serve? A waiter
3. The number of the seats? 20
4. How much a cup of tea? $1.39 the average foods prices are $3.99 to $6.99
Nearly half of the customers bought some drinks and food then left in the morning.
More than half of the customers chose to stay in the teashop for drinking and other activities. The average time that customer stayed was between 30-40 minutes.
Indivial and two-person activities were most common. Indivials most often were reading or writing and occupying a single table.
Ⅹ 跪求高人幫忙策劃個關於網吧銷售的營銷方案!