A. wii 使命召喚現代戰爭操作問題
B. WII U是個掌機還是個電視游戲機
C. wii平台類似「女市」姐砍僵屍揮動手柄當做刀的游戲還有那些
D. WII玩具總動員2
買過玩具總動員的基地車,在淘寶上,店鋪叫 小屋ABC
E. 太鼓達人wii可以連4個鼓嗎就像宣傳視頻里說的。為什麼有人說要接手柄上所以只能有2個鼓
F. 誰知道這首wii的宣傳片背景音樂 非常sexy啊 -0- 附上鏈接http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQ2NDM0MjY0.htm
LIKE A MAGIC SHOW – by Julia Messenger
You tell me what you want
Is a little bit of money
And I』m sure that』s true
But I』ll tell you something honey
I got a lovin』 that』ll make you feel
Just as high
You see my friend joe
It don』t matter where he go
But he always has a laugh
He watch the good times flow
It』s the love in his heart
And the smile on his face
That sets him right
If you could see that babe there』s more to life
Strange though it seems in the state that you』re in tonight
Like a magic show
Watch me come and go
It』s a fairy tale
It』s how you want to see me
I can make you high
Just a look to find
Breath of ecstasy
Living through me
Everywhere you turn your head
You』ll see me riding in the corner of your fantasy
a living dream
'Cause every diamond ring
ends up a broken dream
But you』re my everything
Call it the state I』m in
You hold a one and two
But you always find a middle
You say black and white
But there』s always second fiddle
You can jump so high
As long as you find common ground
You create temptation
So the longing takes you higher
Swimming in the river
You』re preparing for the fire
You say 『watch out children –
Hey, what』s that sound?』
You say you got me
Well how it』s you choose to see
If you just let me go
You will know
I will comfort you tonight
Like a magic show
Watch me come and go
It』s a fairy tale
It』s how you want to see me
I can make you high
Just a look to find
Breath of ecstasy
Living through me
Everywhere you turn your head
You』ll see me riding in the corner of your fantasy
a living dream
Coz every diamond ring ends up a broken dream
But you』re my everything
Call it the state I』m in
Every song I sing
music with a swing
it don』t mean a thing
it』s just a bonus to me
Watch me come and go
with the ebb and flow
nothing you don』t know
hasn』t been already
I can take you high
Even justify that
between your eyes
And all the dreams that you see
Like a magic show
It』s everything you know
And nothing is the go
Call it the state that I』m in
You say you got me
Well how it』s you choose to see
If you just let me go
You will know
I will comfort you tonight
Everywhere you turn your head
You』ll see me riding in the corner of your fantasy
a living dream
'Cause every diamond ring
ends up a broken dream
But you』re my everything
Call it the state I』m in
Like a magic show
Watch me come and go
It』s a fairy tale
It』s how you want to see me
I can make you high
Just a look to find
Breath of ecstasy
Living through me
Everywhere you turn your head
You』ll see me riding in the corner of your fantasy
a living dream
'Cause every diamond ring
ends up a broken dream
But you』re my everything
Call it the state I』m in
PS:這個題歌曲我很有把握,但樓主,這首歌是無論如何也找不到下載的,我翻遍谷歌 只能給你提供的試聽地址,請諒解,已經盡力了 ,如果需要試聽地址,請HI我
G. Wii游戲演示
H. 誰知道wii u,3ds和psv這些掌機中究竟那個更好
先說3DS吧,剛公布性能的強大(以為老任走尖端了)到現在的各方面性能不成熟。。。 獨占就不用多說了,還是主打老任第一方。3DS最大的賣點無非是裸眼3D,不過由於過早的生產導致很不成熟,很多人會眩暈,而如果關閉3D就會暴露機能不足。3DS的機能整體很一般。主要考創新優勢,不過現在這套路慢慢的不管用了,現在歐美以及日本的3DS銷售都不理想,其實我個人認為這次3DS的出現只是試水產品,機能不足,其實是最大的問題所在。當然LZ要是喜歡馬里奧以及塞爾達 口袋(其實個人更關注口袋)就是首選3DS了(顯容幾乎所有NDS游戲)
PSV 堪稱當下最強性價比的掌上設備,極高的處理能力,以及EL的顯示器,高解析度。。。看上去非常強大(事實也是如此)當然它也有很大的弊病,就是歐美游戲大作過少,以及創新性(現在有所改進)不過它與家用機還是有一定差距的,而且以後會有許多移植縮水的作品,吸引力會大幅下降。至於能否玩PSP游戲,就是由於取消UMD,以及CPU GPU的不相容所以只能在PSV上購買PSP游戲,不過索尼也表示大多數游戲可以購買,也就是說明並非全部(因為得得到開發商的批准)至於PSV機能,還是與PS3無法比擬的,當然運算能力基本為PS3的一半,至於畫面,只是因小屏(EL)的優勢,所以畫面較接近PS3畫面而已。話句話說,兩者沒什麼可比性
WII U其實嚴格的說,是當不了掌機的。掌上顯示屏是離不開主機的,WII U呢,機能應該在現有兩大主機之上,合理之中,不過在展示中(由於開發過低)畫面運算能力沒有超過PS3 360的表現力范圍,不過原生1080P以及DX10還是有保證的。WII U的吸引力並不是很大,主要為以下原因。第一方大作過少,僅馬里奧大叔以及塞爾達,其它第3方作品,在現兩大主機都可以玩得到,至於體感,3方都有。
I. WII聖恩傳說結局問題
J. WII宣傳片里的游戲都是什麼
這是最早時候的宣傳片了 以上