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發布時間:2021-01-03 22:51:41

❶ 求中國國家形象宣傳片角度篇的英文稿

In October 2003, the first Chinese citizen saw his homeland from outer space and the mythology and dreams of thousands of years became a reality. Our songs of how the earth is our garden and our pride in surviving our long history suddenly became more vivid and clear.
Who are the Chinese? What makes us who we are? But even before this momentous chapter in our history, Chinese people have always regarded themselves from multi-faceted angles. Is tradition a burden or kind of a driving force for development? Do we take our cultural heritage too seriously or not seriously enough? Do you see conflict or fusion, nostalgia or visions of the future?
Opening the door with confidence
In 1979, China opened the biggest window in the world to the outside and China suddenly dazzled people with the panorama of change. Some may argue under such huge material and mental stimulation, it would be hard to maintain equilibrium. (bla bla bla)
But after 30 years, the world has seen how much China』 profound history and cultural essence has given, lead us to flexibility and unity when facing fast transformation. (bla bla bla)
Observers must admit in its meeting with the world, China has preserved its own special character. Thirty years of opening has been a time of bravely facing the new and stepping forward on a path of our own choosing. Several respective international polls rank us No.1 in terms of public confidence in the future. Is this confidence underpinned by GDP growth or thousands of years of culture or the efforts of many millions of people. We believe China will deliver an answer before too long.
Growth with sustainability
Over two thousands of years ago, the great Chinese philosopher Mencius observed, 「a refraining from overfishing will ensure fishing last forever, and also cutting wood according to the season ensures healthier forest.」 Such century-resulted wisdom now goes by the name 「sustainable development」 In China today, you can see GDP increasing, personal income increasing, and with that the increase of people』s dreams. You can also see people sharing the increase in ecational opportunities. (bla bla bla) As energy needs have increased, so has China』s international environmental responsibility. Chinese people know that our beautiful country and our children』s futures are too high a price to pay for economic growth.
Development with sharing
A leading European city? It』s actually Shanghai. In China today, foreign professionals are arriving with tourists to be the largest overseas group.(bla bla bla) The Beijing Olympics, the Shanghai Expo, the Guangzhou Asian Games, the fact that more and more foreigners are starting their careers in China. As such the results of sustained economic development have all enhanced our growing status on the world stage. Sharing the fruits of development among the different sectors of society has been our first priority in our thoughts and actions. In Beijing, migrant workers』 children have their own special ecational arrangements. Sharing the benefits of growth in a reasonable way is an unwavering goal we must pursue. (bla bla bla)
Multiculturalism with shared prosperity
(bla bla bla)While living some 5.000 km apart, the 55 ethnic minorities in the far North, South, East, West of China, over thousands of years, have mixed with Han culture and added to our cultural richness and diversity. Our new-found prosperity has given minorities more choices to enhance traditional lifestyles and increase mobility and communication. Minorities enjoy relative liberal regulations allowing them to pass their unique heritage on to their children. Such unique freedom further adds to our country』s rich cultural diversity and odditiously blends the imaginations of east and west, ancient and modern. (bla bla bla) Painting, sculpture, music, architecture, movies, Chinese arts are unified by a clear national identity. China is more encouraging of unique indivials and styles. Such diversity is the corner stone of our brave and open-minded future.
Freedom with responsibility
China today is home to 780.000.000 mobile phone users and 420.000.000 Internet users. And everyday many millions communicate and express themselves to a modern technology. Chinese netizens are becoming accustomed to influencing regional and global opinions. (bla bla bla) From all over the globe, Chinese netizens are showing their instant compassion and eagerness to strengthen the society by helping those most in need. (bla bla bla) Our people』s optimism and generosity is born of huge loyalty and love for their country. (bla bla bla)
Expanding democracy with stable authority
Understanding a little of Chinese history shows that recent years have involved compression or even skipping over important stages of development. Heroes of China have always struggled ring complex stages of development to build democracy. It』s not hard to imagine how hard this
has been. Today around 900.000.000 people in the Chinese countryside enjoy village voting rights. The world applauds such training for democracy. After all, before flourishing nationally, free elections must begin at the village level. The National People』s Congress remains China』s supreme legislate body. Since the late 1970s, far fair and more transparent margin elections have been used to elect NPC delegates. Here the most important decisions in the country are made. (bla bla bla)This is China』s period of greatest change. A proper legal framework is starting to replace the habit of personal relationships as the principle weapon and defense the people』s interests. (bla bla bla)
Economic differences with mutual respect
During an economic takeoff, difference between rich and poor can sometimes be seen. Is this something Chinese should worry about? Much Chinese new wealth calls a rags-to -riches story.
And people remember, not so long ago, they had only a dream in their pocket. People can transform from poverty to richness in a single day but it will never change the respect and love
between people. And everyone who has a dream deserves respect. Improved living conditions ensure everyone can contribute to public service initiatives. (bla bla bla)
Prosperity with prudence
Chinese people are shifting from being consumers of materials to non-material goods. Besides buying cars and houses, people are buying a modern life style. (bla bla bla)As saving money has long been a national virtue, China can back its development with strong financial reserves. When celebrating China』s 60th anniversary, the government also demonstrated the value of thrifty. The Shanghai Expo is similarly leading the way in recycling. (bla bla bla)Chinese people understand future happiness must be built on the foundation of the past. Chinese people have never cherished their cultural heritage more than today, nor felt more its lingering charm which is why after so many generations we are still here. From tradition to revelation, inspired by the future, Chinese people are creating an even newer way of thinking: building this generation』s new common spirit.

我自己聽譯了一下,個別地方也聽不太准,有一處語法也不大對,就是「But after 30 years,」之後那句,但他好像就是那麼念得

孟子說的那段話,出自《孟子• 梁惠王上》。我覺得應該是這句


❷ 請英文高手幫忙翻譯一下廣告宣傳文稿,跪謝!!

Perfect without extreme.
奢豪 沒有盡頭。
Sumptuous without end.
Dare to pursue, will have.
If a lighter weight lifting, sumptuous what must have degrees.
The sun triumph City, ease, with the most perfect sumptuous, open Xinyi "light house" in the first year.
The birth of the universe, God said, "let there be light".
Sunshine landing at the beginning, it said that "there must be real".
The sun shines the earth, is the innate fatalism.
Billions of sunshine with positive enterprising spirit and a burning enthusiasm to create a paved road, sunshine.
The peak, not be the top, no peak, we cast the peak.
A true leader, not at the helm of the seaman, but navigation benchmark.
Billions of sunshine, to build on the ideal of life, delimit the luxury scale. The sun of glory, triumph.
Every home, should be a return of the king.
-- the sun triumph city.
A state, the core of the city, a hotly contested spot for the military.
City, the core location, residential point potential.
The sun triumph City, central city location really. Xinyi worthy of residential central region.
ARM core, sat looking busy.
Luxury panoramic view, the central city as the first step.
Not every scenery, called garden. Pavilions Yanying for park, a lush forest is as.
Sun City -- from scene to triumph, triumph.
Standing in the home, garden is beauty, standing in the garden, the home is beautiful.
Backed by the core values, the embrace of ecological green lung, and the city of common respiratory.
Classic quality achievements, Shen brewing luxurious details.
源於巴黎的ART DECO建築風格,裝飾藝術派的典範,挺拔宏偉、簡潔流暢。
From Paris ART DECO architectural style, model art deco, upright grand, simple and smooth.
Multi style indoor hardcover, leading eight party, embrace the universal, convergence classic trend of quality.
220 meters wide Louju, on land, build luxury lighting.
The separation of people and vehicles, two hardcover hall design, footsteps passed, without explicit sumptuous.
The most intimate luxury tube like matching to households private custom.
The prospect of Haozu never worry free life, looking back.
One hundred million yuan to build Xinyi's most luxurious clubhouse, picking up the quality of life, banter between the bow.
The sun triumph City, put on life the most luxurious desire, all collections in the residential, appear in front of you.
The courage to pursue, then has.
Appreciation of the telephone: 88888898

❸ 節約用電,從我做起的英文宣傳稿

Possible Version:
Dear friends,
As is known to all, owing to the lack of resources and the increase of population, we have suffered the shortage of electricity in East China in the last few years. And now, summer, in which a large amount of electricity will be badly needed, is just around the corner.
We are all familiar with the effects brought by the power cut. Our work is interrupted frequently and we have to do things by the light of candles, which is harmful to our eyes. At home, we have to stay in the darkness doing nothing in the evening. So everyone in our neighbourhood shall not neglect this solution--saving electricity. Besides the efforts made by the government, there're more we can and should do, like using the air-conditioner less often, turning off the light upon leaving, reminding family members of the importance of saving electricity and so on.
As a saying puts, " Actions speak louder than words", please join in the action to save electricity, from yourself, from now on. Action!

❹ 「宣傳」用英語怎麼說






❺ 宣傳英文是什麼


❻ 求企業宣傳語英文翻譯,要求:精練、通順

trust come from quality;
專業之道 惟精惟一
specialized depends on wholeheartedly;
智慧創新 持續超越
Intellectual innovatio make transcending;
一切始於客戶所需內 一切終於客戶滿意
we starts with what the customer required and with the satisfied end;
serve with heart to achieve mutual benefits;
20年全力傾注 成就知名品牌
A well-known brand comes from 20 years of devotion

❼ 宣傳文稿的英文怎麼說

宣傳文稿 Publicity manuscript

❽ 宣傳用英文怎麼說

宣傳: publicize
Relative explainations:
<propagandize> <give publicity to> <propagandism> <propaganda> <flack> <propagand> <publicity> <presell> <drumbeating> <disseminate> <publicise> <popularize> <flackery> <builp> <flak> <publish>

1. 藝術可用作宣傳工具.
Art may be used as a vehicle for propaganda.
2. 反英宣傳觸犯了眾怒.
The anti-British propaganda gave (ie caused) much offence.
3. 人民要政府講實話, 而不是玩弄宣傳伎倆.
The people want information from the government, not propaganda.
4. 那出戲劇純屬政治宣傳.
The play is sheer political propaganda.
5. 反對吸煙的宣傳很多, 許多人因而戒了煙.
There has been so much propaganda against smoking that many people have given it up.
6. 她的最新小說盡管廣為宣傳, 結果還是徹底失敗.
Despite all the publicity, her latest novel was a complete flop.
7. 回信免費郵寄至牛津牛津大學出版社宣傳部.
Reply to Publicity Department, FREEPOST, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
8. 她的新劇作獲得廣泛宣傳.
Her new play has attracted a lot of publicity.

wide advertisement
military propaganda
free publicity
ecational propaganda
publicity and promotion for books
propaganda on and publication of archives
propaganda movement of Philippines
missionary fervor.
concting propaganda and agitation in battlefield

❾ 「宣傳「或」推廣」應當怎麼翻譯成英文


publicity 讀法 英[pʌb'lɪsɪtɪ]美[pʌb'lɪsəti]

n. 宣傳,宣揚;公開;廣告;注意


1、avoid publicity 避免引人注意

2、give publicity 公布

3、receive publicity 受到廣泛注意

4、seek〔court〕 publicity 求名,想出風頭




advertisement的基本意思是「出公告」「做廣告,登廣告」,指做廣告的行為,是不可數名詞; 還可指推銷或徵求貨物、服務等「廣告」,作此解時,advertisement可縮略為ad或advert,是可數名詞。


1、run an advertisement in a magazine 在雜志上登廣告

2、issue an advertisement 發行廣告

3、publish an advertisement for 為…登廣告

4、withdraw one's advertisement 撤回廣告

5、write an advertisement 書寫廣告

❿ 宣傳的英文是什麼

conct propaganda
give publicity to



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