導航:首頁 > 宣傳策劃 > 英文商業策劃書


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1. 商業計劃書摘要必須有中英文嗎

商業計劃書是你在創辦企業前的准備,對未來的思路進行一個清晰的梳理。我們不打無准備之仗,不論是創辦一家特色餐館,還是創辦一家互聯網公司,良好的商業規劃習慣都是你的第一步,你花了多少功夫進行了精心准備,你就贏得了多少市場機會。 商業計劃書並不只是寫給投資商的,而是寫給你自己的,你必須搞清楚市場機會到底藏在哪兒?你的產品又該如何設計,如何讓人們更樂意於購買你的產品?誰在和你競爭,你又該如何迎戰他們?你如何為自己准備足夠的客戶資源,使你的企業從正式創立之日起,就有源源不斷地銷售收入?你將如何去管理你的公司,你打算招多少個伙計,如何給他們分派工作,又如何設立部門,又如何要快速在市場中擴大規模?你准備在產品開發、人員使用、辦公地點租用、購買開業所需的物品上花費多少錢,這些都要有一個清晰的預測…… 你要思考的事情很多,到市場中去調查一下,把這一切搞清楚,你就知道你所選擇的發展目標對不對,有很多時候,你不去研究資料,不去研究那些數據,不到市場中去摸底調查,而是坐在屋子裡頭腦發熱地憑空想像,或者為了應付投資商的要求而花錢僱人去寫商業計劃書,這就會為你未來的企業釀下巨大的災難,創業風險即始於此,你把一切想得很美,但市場根本不是你想像的那樣,拿著一本未經吃透的《商業計劃書》,無疑是把自己送上斷頭台。 在未來三至五年你該如何發展,把一切的思考和問題都想清楚、想透,並把它們寫出來,你的大腦將會很清晰,穩扎穩打地開始你的事業大計。許多美國人習慣在創辦企業之前,往往要花上幾個月時間,甚至一兩年,去精心地准備商業計劃書,他們可能會寫出厚厚地幾百頁的《商業計劃書》,把每一個環節都搞得一清二楚,不僅僅包括如何邁出第一步,就連公司發展到五年以後,把企業賣給誰,怎麼上市,怎麼結束生意,都提前搞得清清楚楚。當正式成立企業時,他們就會完全按照商業計劃書里所寫的步驟一、二、三、四、五去行動,這個時候,《商業計劃書》就成了事業執行書,如果在行動中想到什麼新的主意,遇到什麼新的情況,馬上會被補充到《商業計劃書》中去。 《商業計劃書》的作用,就象鄭和下西洋的「航海路線圖」,也象成吉思汗率領蒙古大軍橫掃歐洲時一步一步推進的龐大作戰計劃。

2. 商業策劃書的英文範文

The first chapter is the basic situation of the company
One, the item company and Associate Company
In two, the organizational structure of the company
Three, company management layer
Four, the history of financial operations
In five, history of management and marketing
In six, the company location
In seven, the company development strategy
In eight, the company internal control management
The second chapter introces the project proct
One, proct / service description ( classification, name, specifications, models, yield, price etc. )
Two, proct characteristics
Three, proct trademark registration
Four, proct replacement cycle
Five, proct standard
In six, the proction of raw materials
Seven, proct processing technology
In eight, the main proction line equipment
Nine, the core proction equipment
Ten, research and development
1 developing / proct to be developed.
The company has 2 research and development achievements and advanced technology
3 R & D plan and schele
4 strategies of intellectual property
5 company's existing technology development resources and technical reserves
6 intangible assets ( trademark intellectual property patent)
In eleven, the proct after sale service network and user technical support
In twelve, the geographic location of the project and background
In thirteen, the project construction scheme
Chapter third project instry and market analysis
One, instry ( instry development history and trend of the instry, which changes to the proct profit, profit impact is bigger, to enter the instry technology
Barriers, trade barriers. Policy constraints, instry market analysis and forecasting )
Two, proct raw material market analysis
In three, the target area proct supply and demand (the target market analysis )
Four, proct market supply situation analysis
Five, proct market demand situation analysis
Six, proct market equilibrium analysis
Seven, proct sales channel analysis
Eight, competition situation and analysis
The 1 competitors
In 2 the company and the instry the five major competitive comparison
Nine, access to instry and policy environment analysis
Ten, proct market is forecasted
Chapter fourth project proct development strategy and marketing plan
One, project execution strategy
In two, project cooperation scheme
In three, the company development strategy
Four, the market rapid response system ( IIS ) construction
Five, enterprise safety management system ( SHE ) construction
Six, proct sale cost and sale price basis for
Seven, proct marketing strategy
1 in the establishment of sales network, sales channels, established agents, distributors of strategy and Implementation
2 in the advertisement promotion strategy and Implementation
3 in the proct sales price strategy and Implementation
4 in the establishment of good sales team 's strategy and Implementation
Seven, proct sales agent system
Eight, proct sales plan
Nine, procts after sale service strategy and Implementation

3. 英文備忘錄格式、商業信函格式以及商業計劃書格式分別是什麼



July 01,2007

To: Mr. ABC, leader of the supply section

From: XYZ of the biological laboratory


Dear Sir,

I』m a student of biology department and we are badly in need of an

extra microscope in order to improve our experimental work.

Our experiment will start on Friday, so please issue a microscope to

us as soon as possible so that we can prepare better for the


With kind regards.

Yours sincerely,


正確的商業信函格式應將收信人的地址放在日期下方 , 距敬稱上方兩行處以上. 與信封排列格式相同。如果用全開信紙 , 日期應放在信紙的右上方 , 與下方的結束語及署名對齊.

August 8,2000
Mr. John Lake
Cash Flow Forecast

Last Year This Year Next Year

Beginning Cash Balance

Cash Receipts

Collection of Receivables

Interest Income

Total Cash Receipts

Cash Disbursements

Accounts Payable

Payments of Other Expenses

Income Tax Payments

Total Cash Disbursements

Net Cash from (Used for) Operations

Sale of Stock

Purchase of Equipment

Decrease (Increase) in Funds Invested

Short-term Borrowings (Repayments)

Ending Cash Balance

4. 英文商業計劃書(business plan)怎麼寫 有人幫忙下嗎

英文商業計劃書(business plan)首先我們需要規劃好要從哪些方面入手來開始寫專,我之前寫商業計劃屬書的作業是51e幫的忙,挺專業的,還能夠幫你分析寫作的思路,下面我跟你分享下。主要分成五個部分來寫的:
一、執行摘要(Executive summary)
二、業務描述(The business)

5. 項目策劃書用英文怎麼說

Project plan
project 英[ˈprɒdʒekt] 美[ˈprɑ:dʒekt]
vt. 計劃; 放映; 發射; 展現,使突出;
vi. 伸出,突出;
n. 項目,工程; 計劃,規劃; (學生的) 課題;
[例句]Money will also go into local development projects in Vietnam

6. 商業策劃書 英文怎麼說

Business Plan.

7. 如何書寫英文版的《商業計劃書》



8. 商業計劃書或創業計劃書用英語怎麼說

商業計劃書本來就是一個泊來品,是指business plan 簡稱BP。在英語國家沒有創業計劃書一說,都統稱為BP。所以你也可以把創業計劃書說成是business plan。

9. 英文版商業計劃書怎麼寫




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