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① 愛爾蘭出國留學計劃書教你怎麼寫

針對留學生簽證的時候往往要求提供學習計劃書,通過學習計劃書使簽證官了解您的背景,選擇留學專業的動機條件,選擇該國留學的理由,和清晰的未來留學時間安排,職業目標和回國理由,配合審核您的其它材料決定是否給您發放留學簽證,因此學習計劃書是一份很關鍵的文件。 一般來說學習計劃書可以按照提交目的分成兩類,既給大使館申請簽證用的,或是給學校申請錄取用的。用來申請學校的學習計劃從本質上講和個人陳述是同一類型的文書,關於學校申請類的學習計劃書可以參考個人陳述方面的文章,本文主要介紹提交大使館簽證用的學習計劃書。 學習計劃書需要包括以下幾方面內容: 1.簡單說明自己的學習經歷,專業背景及工作經歷; 3.詳細的留學時間安排; 4.介紹留學所需資金及來源; 5.對未來職業目標的闡述,留學後回國的理由。學習計劃書的行文風格和文章結構與個人陳述有很大不同,不需要太多個性化和感性的描述,而應該是結構清晰簡單,邏輯嚴密,闡述的事實明確,相關論據有力可信,學成回國的理由要非常充分,並且絕對不能和申請人的其他材料發生矛盾。 學習計劃書注意事項; 1,由於使館的工作人員每天要處理大量的文件,因此學習計劃書切不可寫的太長,一般不應超過800字,並且說明一個問題最好只用一個段落,段落前加上標題,如,Mycareerobjective等,以便使館的工作人員對您一段內容的中心思想一目瞭然。您的闡述應該非常清晰易讀,不能希望讓使館的工作人員從您的文字中"挖掘"您"潛在"內容。 2,學習計劃書的重點部分是未來的職業計劃和留學後回國的理由,通過這一部分來告訴大使館您到該國留學後,確實能夠對您的職業發展有良好的幫助,並且有可信有力的理由學成歸國。雖然要求學習計劃書的國家往往是移民國家,但是由於您申請簽證的理由是留學,因此通過學習計劃書一定要消除您任何移民傾向。回國理由要結合您個人的背景經歷和家庭情況給出很合理的解釋,如一位擁有多年商業經歷的經理獲得紐西蘭讀商業管理碩士課程錄取,那麼闡明他的職業目標是回到中國成為一名跨國公司的高級經理人,而他在中國多年積累的客戶資源和社交圈是一筆非常寶貴的財富,這就是非常強硬並合理的一條回國理由。特別需要注意的是,學習計劃書中關於回國理由等涉及事實論據的地方,不能任意編造。 3,由於學習計劃書在英語表達上要求非常有條理,邏輯嚴密,簡潔有力,這是大多數中國申請人所難以達到的,由於語法錯誤和邏輯關系的失誤往往會導致理解的偏差。 愛爾蘭教育聯盟 建議請專門的機構由外籍專家進行語言上的修改是避免上述弊端的好辦法。申請者還要根據自己的實際情況來設計構思讀書計劃書。並根據個人情況從不同角度說明以上方面的內容。

② 出國留學的計劃書怎麼寫

My Study Statement
My name is XX, a Chinese male. I was born on 19XX. From 199X to 199X I studied XX in XX University , and graated from this university in XX.

This institute is an international cooperative school running by China and Canada, all of the courses are taught in English. The school focuses on training students』 practical ability. During that period of time, I learned a lot and improved a lot, not only about English, but also the knowledge of management. In October. 2004, I take the IELTS exam confidently and got 6.0.

I want to study more about business, business management and the real English. At last I choose Britain as the place to continue my study, I think it is one of the best study places for me.

In Britain I can learn real English, know more things about the Westerns: their life, their work, their study, etc. The advanced teaching method, the beautiful teaching environment, the friendly people, the good teachers. All of these attracted me deeply.

One happy thing is I have been received the acceptance letter of XX College. It is one of the famous universities in Britain. They prepare students thoroughly, maximize the potential of every one of the students, helping them to achieve a place at the kind of university which would be out of reach through less rigorous preparation. I am very happy to be a student of this university.

This school can offer me the ecation that suit me well. The courses are taught in English, it is a challenge to me but I don』t think it will take me a long time. After all it is a part of daily life. Further more, I can get more exercise, for there are not so many students in every class. And there are more dedicated and excellent teachers who get along well with students. Also the courses I take will pay more attention to actively applying.

School offers me an opportunity to communicate with each other and also improve us to develop other abilities. At last, to study with students from different countries make me quite excited. These abilities will help me in my future work and life.

One more thing I want to say is that my parents can cover all my expenses in Britain. You can see the details in Financial Support Letter from my parents and the Certificate of income and work of my parents. Therefore, I don』t need to worry about the money, I don』t want to do spare-time job after class, and I will do my best in study courses. One day, after I finish my study, I will go back to China, contribute myself to my motherland.

Thank you for your approval on my application. I wish you can offer me an opportunity to study abroad.



③ 留學計劃書怎麼寫啊急










1. 避免文章過長:由於移民官每天要處理大量的申請,因此留學計劃通常不要超過800字。

2. 切忌抄襲網路模板:我們在工作中,通常能看到雷同的文章結構、句式、留學理由,甚至是重復性的大段大段內容。網路上的模板一般是基礎信息,缺乏個人特色。每個人選擇出國的理由不同,每個人選擇的學校和課程不同,每個人的職業規劃也不同。簽證官每天面對大量的學習計劃,抄襲來的計劃書容易給簽證官留下不良印象,甚至可能帶來拒簽的可怕結果。

3. 應當脈絡清晰,有條理,符合英語習慣:最好每段說明一個問題,尤其是每段的第一句和最後一句,要思路清晰,觀點明確,突出每段的中心思想。

4. 應當理由充分,規劃合理:學習計劃書的重點是對未來的職業規劃,以及留學對回國就業的幫助。在寫學習計劃書時,對於轉專業的申請人,應當闡明轉專業的理由;對於到澳洲繼續讀本專業的申請人,應當闡述海外留學經歷對應聘和未來發展的幫助。此外要清楚的說明畢業後會離澳回國,尤其是就讀移民專業的申請人,要提供可信有力的歸國理由,來消除移民官對移民傾向的懷疑。這些理由要結合個人背景和經歷,結合家庭情況來寫,避免空話套話,不能任意編造。


④ 出國留學的學習計劃怎麼寫

不好意思,本人路過……我是學法語的,但是我想國外的留學計劃大概都差不多吧內,來這提供點容思路,希望能幫得上忙。 首先簡單明了了介紹自己(性別年齡籍貫學歷專業等); 然後是自己為什麼要選擇這個學校這個專業,這個學校的哪一點吸引住了你,你自身又具備了什麼條件能達到學校的要求,等等,就跟隨你的感情自由發揮吧; 接著你就是你要是到了學校那邊你將怎麼處理學習生活,就是說你怎麼先處理語言問題,因為無論你英語多好必經也不是自己的語言還要在當地生活住房,醫葯,保險啊等等都和國內有差別,然後對你的學習你有什麼計劃,打算怎麼學,然後以後做什麼。最後就是感謝了。

⑤ Study Plan 出國留學學習計劃書

很好,就是有點來長。因為簽源證的學習計劃要比申請留學的計劃稍微短一點,而且不要太專業化,畢竟不是申請給大學academic staff看,而是給簽證官看。一張A4的內容就夠了。主要強調所去的學校的專業正是自己的研究領域,而國內沒有比所去的學校更適合的專業。其次一點是強調學成之後,一定會回到中國,因為這里有更好的發展機會,或者更好的職業。可以加上因為我有足夠的資金或者獎學金,所以費用並不是我所考慮的問題。

⑥ 如何寫出國留學動機和留學計劃書


⑦ 出國留學計劃書```誰能給個範文啊```

My Study Statement
My name is XX, a Chinese male. I was born on 19XX. From 199X to 199X I studied XX in XX University , and graated from this university in XX.

This institute is an international cooperative school running by China and Canada, all of the courses are taught in English. The school focuses on training students』 practical ability. During that period of time, I learned a lot and improved a lot, not only about English, but also the knowledge of management. In October. 2004, I take the IELTS exam confidently and got 6.0.

I want to study more about business, business management and the real English. At last I choose Britain as the place to continue my study, I think it is one of the best study places for me.

In Britain I can learn real English, know more things about the Westerns: their life, their work, their study, etc. The advanced teaching method, the beautiful teaching environment, the friendly people, the good teachers. All of these attracted me deeply.

One happy thing is I have been received the acceptance letter of XX College. It is one of the famous universities in Britain. They prepare students thoroughly, maximize the potential of every one of the students, helping them to achieve a place at the kind of university which would be out of reach through less rigorous preparation. I am very happy to be a student of this university.

This school can offer me the ecation that suit me well. The courses are taught in English, it is a challenge to me but I don』t think it will take me a long time. After all it is a part of daily life. Further more, I can get more exercise, for there are not so many students in every class. And there are more dedicated and excellent teachers who get along well with students. Also the courses I take will pay more attention to actively applying.

School offers me an opportunity to communicate with each other and also improve us to develop other abilities. At last, to study with students from different countries make me quite excited. These abilities will help me in my future work and life.

One more thing I want to say is that my parents can cover all my expenses in Britain. You can see the details in Financial Support Letter from my parents and the Certificate of income and work of my parents. Therefore, I don』t need to worry about the money, I don』t want to do spare-time job after class, and I will do my best in study courses. One day, after I finish my study, I will go back to China, contribute myself to my motherland.

Thank you for your approval on my application. I wish you can offer me an opportunity to study abroad.



⑧ Study Plan 出國留學學習計劃書

1. 簡單說明自己的學習經歷,專業背景及工作經歷;
2. 說明自己進一步求學的動機及為什麼選擇該國,該大學與該專業;
3. 詳細的留學時間安排;
4. 介紹留學所需資金及來源;
5. 對未來職業目標的闡述,留學後回國的理由。


⑨ 哪有出國留學計劃書範文啊

My Study Statement
My name is XX, a Chinese male. I was born on 19XX. From 199X to 199X I studied XX in XX University , and graated from this university in XX.

This institute is an international cooperative school running by China and Canada, all of the courses are taught in English. The school focuses on training students』 practical ability. During that period of time, I learned a lot and improved a lot, not only about English, but also the knowledge of management. In October. 2004, I take the IELTS exam confidently and got 6.0.

I want to study more about business, business management and the real English. At last I choose Britain as the place to continue my study, I think it is one of the best study places for me.

In Britain I can learn real English, know more things about the Westerns: their life, their work, their study, etc. The advanced teaching method, the beautiful teaching environment, the friendly people, the good teachers. All of these attracted me deeply.

One happy thing is I have been received the acceptance letter of XX College. It is one of the famous universities in Britain. They prepare students thoroughly, maximize the potential of every one of the students, helping them to achieve a place at the kind of university which would be out of reach through less rigorous preparation. I am very happy to be a student of this university.

This school can offer me the ecation that suit me well. The courses are taught in English, it is a challenge to me but I don』t think it will take me a long time. After all it is a part of daily life. Further more, I can get more exercise, for there are not so many students in every class. And there are more dedicated and excellent teachers who get along well with students. Also the courses I take will pay more attention to actively applying.

School offers me an opportunity to communicate with each other and also improve us to develop other abilities. At last, to study with students from different countries make me quite excited. These abilities will help me in my future work and life.

One more thing I want to say is that my parents can cover all my expenses in Britain. You can see the details in Financial Support Letter from my parents and the Certificate of income and work of my parents. Therefore, I don』t need to worry about the money, I don』t want to do spare-time job after class, and I will do my best in study courses. One day, after I finish my study, I will go back to China, contribute myself to my motherland.

Thank you for your approval on my application. I wish you can offer me an opportunity to study abroad.





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