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⑴ 項目策劃書用英文怎麼說

Project plan
project 英[ˈprɒdʒekt] 美[ˈprɑ:dʒekt]
vt. 計劃; 放映; 發射; 展現,使突出;
vi. 伸出,突出;
n. 項目,工程; 計劃,規劃; (學生的) 課題;
[例句]Money will also go into local development projects in Vietnam

⑵ 商業策劃書的英文範文

The first chapter is the basic situation of the company
One, the item company and Associate Company
In two, the organizational structure of the company
Three, company management layer
Four, the history of financial operations
In five, history of management and marketing
In six, the company location
In seven, the company development strategy
In eight, the company internal control management
The second chapter introces the project proct
One, proct / service description ( classification, name, specifications, models, yield, price etc. )
Two, proct characteristics
Three, proct trademark registration
Four, proct replacement cycle
Five, proct standard
In six, the proction of raw materials
Seven, proct processing technology
In eight, the main proction line equipment
Nine, the core proction equipment
Ten, research and development
1 developing / proct to be developed.
The company has 2 research and development achievements and advanced technology
3 R & D plan and schele
4 strategies of intellectual property
5 company's existing technology development resources and technical reserves
6 intangible assets ( trademark intellectual property patent)
In eleven, the proct after sale service network and user technical support
In twelve, the geographic location of the project and background
In thirteen, the project construction scheme
Chapter third project instry and market analysis
One, instry ( instry development history and trend of the instry, which changes to the proct profit, profit impact is bigger, to enter the instry technology
Barriers, trade barriers. Policy constraints, instry market analysis and forecasting )
Two, proct raw material market analysis
In three, the target area proct supply and demand (the target market analysis )
Four, proct market supply situation analysis
Five, proct market demand situation analysis
Six, proct market equilibrium analysis
Seven, proct sales channel analysis
Eight, competition situation and analysis
The 1 competitors
In 2 the company and the instry the five major competitive comparison
Nine, access to instry and policy environment analysis
Ten, proct market is forecasted
Chapter fourth project proct development strategy and marketing plan
One, project execution strategy
In two, project cooperation scheme
In three, the company development strategy
Four, the market rapid response system ( IIS ) construction
Five, enterprise safety management system ( SHE ) construction
Six, proct sale cost and sale price basis for
Seven, proct marketing strategy
1 in the establishment of sales network, sales channels, established agents, distributors of strategy and Implementation
2 in the advertisement promotion strategy and Implementation
3 in the proct sales price strategy and Implementation
4 in the establishment of good sales team 's strategy and Implementation
Seven, proct sales agent system
Eight, proct sales plan
Nine, procts after sale service strategy and Implementation

⑶ 求助各位 英語表演節目策劃書怎麼寫

1. 參賽對象為***全日制本專科在校學生。
2. 本次話劇比賽要求選手在表演時必須用英文表達。
3. 每出話劇參賽選手5至8名
4. 每出話劇表演時間為10至15分鍾。
5. 本次英語話劇參賽主題不限,但須有一定的寓意,能夠反映當代大學生的精神面貌,內容健康向上,力求新穎獨特。(註:參賽隊伍可以選擇英文經典話劇節選參加本次大賽也可自行編寫劇本。)
6. 評分標准:
五、 報名方法
時間:待定 地點:待定
七、 獎項設置
2. 傳單:配合海報()
活動目的:豐富校園藝術文化生活,濃厚校園文化氛圍,提高英語學習熱情,通 過人與人之間的交流,情緒的互動,增進彼此間的了解和友誼,迸發出激-情的火 花, 展現新時代大學生富有激-情的風貌, 全面的展現建工院學生特有的精神風貌。
豐富廣大同學的校園文化生活,激發同學們學習英語、應用英語的興趣,有效地 為學生提供了一個展示自我風采地舞台, 讓學生用英語演繹日常生活中的各種活 動。 展示當代大學生風采風貌,為當代大學生提供一個自我展示的平台。
活動開放對象: 活動開放對象:建工院學生
活動地點: 活動地點:小白樓 306 活動形式及內容: 活動形式及內容:從大的方面來說分為初賽和決賽。 比賽內容自定,主題主要為幽默搞笑,也可用感人等方式打動觀眾。初賽在小白 樓 306 舉辦,確定決賽名單後將進行第二輪篩選,之後在一周後進行精彩而激烈的 決賽。
比賽流程大致如下: 初賽:各班依據抽簽順序按順序表演,每班節目控制在 10-15 分鍾,表演後由評 初賽 委打分,按平均分確定名次,賽後公布進入決賽的班級,並與一周後進行決賽。 決賽: 決賽:進入決賽的班級按序號表演,表演後由評委打分,決出最後的優勝和各獎 項獲得班級,最後進行頒獎儀式。
注意事項: 注意事項:1.要求服裝盡量精美並貼合本班表演內容,並設有最佳服裝獎。 2.話劇表演不必用全英語形式,那樣不僅難度高,觀賞性也不強。

⑷ 誰知道策劃書的英文格式

策劃書分兩部分,第一部分叫可行性研究(feasible study)就是看看你的項目有沒有發展的前景,當然有了,沒有誰寫他啊
第二部分,是business plan
包括幾個重點章節:1、object,你寫報告的目的 2 business description(including swot analysis, pest analysis and market risk analysis)3.the market including market segment, target market and marketsize and share
4.market mix including 4p analysis and competetor analysis
5.finance analysis
fianlly is summary
denpond on different insry, the format is different, but they are simlilar with above i described

⑸ 設計一份策劃案 英文


sketch a proposal (起草一份提案) (推薦)

devise a proposal (設計一份提案)

⑹ 急求將這篇策劃書翻譯成英文

After years of development, China's lighting instry are the fast-growing, up to now, China's lighting instry basic formation of the State-owned joint-stock, indivial, collective, private, joint venture, sole proprietorship-state situation, and joint-stock and private enterprises the proportion of larger. This article is built lighting above the needs of the people in Beijing, Zun lighting in Beijing as a company operating more than 6 years have their own unique sales philosophy, with the rapid development of the real estate instry, lighting decoration of red fire ants on the drive. This paper allows companies such as market analyses and marketing strategies on turnover has significantly improved, so as to highlight our major marketing objects and ideas: family-oriented service.

Keywords: lamp; lighting; real estate; decoration
Purpose, planning
In recent years, rapid development of the real estate instry, led lighting decoration of Xinglong on the instrial chain of the same article. Consumption structure of China's urbanization and the average level of pace still advancing, lighting instry demand space will continue to expand.
The one hand, the lighting has become a beautiful urban landscape, urban setting devices display will continue to increase demand for lighting procts; on the other hand, lamps in each family in the renovation process is essential to the demand of Chinese people living in the next period will still maintain the momentum.
Through the rapid development of the real estate instry, fashion lighting factory must also get a large space for development, and the people's living requirements there so it will have good development space, this plan aims to target to the home decoration above. through the plan again planning their marketing. Where you can get 65% price profit, can have on a turnover of 5% per cent increase, in the areas of lighting played a lead role in the market. increase on the same profile in the original by 10%

Second, market analysis
(A) analysis of macro-environment
As the pace of global economic integration, become more frequent and convenient resource flows, competition among enterprises will be increasingly reflected on the development and application of high technology, lighting instry is also a case of no other cities showed development trends of high technology and high value-added instry, reflected in the following areas.
First, the new diode (LED) lighting will lead the third revolutionary tides
Second, the King indecent lighting on track for the quantity to change breakthrough
Third instries in developed countries continue to transfer effect on the demand of foreign lamps
Fourth brand, increasing demand for high quality lighting
Personalized v lamps showing a continued increase in demand trends
(B) analysis of the micro-environment
Market competition in Beijing, some category had reached intense proportions, the first because of lighting enterprises focus on Beijing market with strong input, led lighting market in Beijing brand everywhere, huge number of businesses, forming a huge competition.
Most of the major lighting stores are all integrated lighting, home lighting, commercial lighting, engineering without failure. Comprehensive scale and layout for local consumers with convenient shopping, services can be a certain degree of assurance and improvement. However indivial market of positioning graally clear of and personalized, as high force international lamps Hong Kong is committed to in the high-end lamps market of build, now has formation has unique of style, became capital fee who purchase brand lighting of primary select stores one, and force respecting is positioning Yu family area of of style, is is was now to instry developed of joint relationship of favourable select ~ comprehensive of lamps sales, for example Beijing Huang home zuolong lighting limited, it is a home typical of comprehensive nature of lighting company, it also while became 2011 Beijing most has competitiveness of vendors, they of advantage is in shop in the has variety of lighting, varieties a, convenient and each area of requirements, but style more led goods does not full, can flexible changes sexual will difference has some ~ and force respecting lighting is is main for family sales ~ single-minded sexual comparison high, while should customer requirements to change procts look like of flexibility also greatly improve has
And now of consumer because buy room of boom for family with lighting continuously, now of consumer more trend: advocating natural, color rich, combination using energy saving of, environmental of and the high-tech of, aspects. However force respecting lighting of sales concept and these are is close, and household lamps of increasingly high quality of demand sexual Shang, force respecting lighting while has international transactions of advanced concept problem supplementary:

Third, the advantages of
Force respecting lamps for lighting as a family-oriented sales and lighting decoration and real estate instry are interrelated, emerging instrial stage, for lighting sales prospects are very good and respect as a brand for business years staff and adjustment capacity of the self is very good
1. We staff are is after lighting professional training and must practice experience, on lamp has understanding, this after all is a professional sexual is strong of instry, and recently years development rapid, staff accept Xia instry brand on market personnel for of professional training, master lamp of structure principle, and the simple maintenance skills, to in future of sales in the, by by learn of professional theory and skills phase combination, better of for customer service lay solid of Foundation.
2, the ability to grasp and use opportunities. Fierce competition in the lighting instry, all kinds of information and opportunities abound, which requires people lost no time to seize this opportunity ...
3, have a certain level of management capacity. Hard earned value management profit, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, devotion to enterprise services, logistics, personnel, finances in good order.
4, have interpersonal skills, have contacts relations concive to enterprise development. Lighting instry is inseparable from opportunity to interact with all levels of society
5, are familiar with the instry expertise, accumulated a wealth of practical experience in business management, skilled for our sales business market has a very important effect, lighting requirements of the instry expertise is excellent,
To know is familiar or not only to look at the right time on the things on people's analysis

⑺ 英文版國際商務談判策劃書用英語怎麼說

International business negotiation plan
英 [ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl] 美 [ˌɪntərˈnæʃnəl]

⑻ 「品牌策劃」 「活動策劃」 用英文怎麼說

「品牌策劃」:"Brand planning"

「活動策劃」:"Activity planning"




3、活動策劃:activity planning;event planning









1、產品線擴展(line extensions)

2、品牌延伸(brand extensions)


4、新品牌(new brand)















⑼ 英語培訓班策劃書怎麼寫




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