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發布時間:2021-02-23 05:13:59

1. 關於汕頭,英語

Shantou is a coastal city
It is the only urban area in the Gulf city。
There is very popular drink tea effort。
There is a very particular about the way tea. Gongfu tea drink with a set of antique tea sets, tea brewing skills are unique.

2. 汕頭著名景點的英文介紹

* The Former Residence of Chen Ci Hong (陳慈黌故居 Chencihong Guju)
* Nan'ao Island (南澳島 Nanao Dao): rated as Guangdong's most beautiful island by China's National Geographic magazine
* Palace-Temple of Old Mother (老媽宮 Laoma Gong): dedicated to the goddess Matsu
* Temple of Emperor Guan (關帝廟 Guandi Miao): dedicated to Guan Yu
* Tropic of Cancer Symbol Tower (北回回歸線標志答塔 Beihuiguixian Biaota)

3. 汕頭美食英文介紹

Specialty 1: Chiuchow embroidery and Guangdong embroidery and embroidery,湘綉, Shu embroidery collectively, the four major Chinese embroidered tongue. Chaoshan embroidery and Guangdong embroidery are the scope. Su-enjoy an excellent reputation at home and abroad. According to historical records, Tang Zhenguan years (years 627-649 AD) have been Chaoshan embroidery process, the evolution of history, and graally form a unique style. Embroidery are the main characteristics of wave rigorous composition, proper spacing, stitch variety, color-rich, serious and vigorous, the most prominent are asked to elevate the use of gold and silver wire inlay, the shape of relief, a strong texture, which is the famous "nail gold floating mats. "絨綉, the mixed-embroidered velvet, embroidery yarn, Embroidery, etc.. Two procts: Chaoshan drawnwork in linen cloth, ramie fabric, glass yarn, chemical fiber fabrics and color Spiraea as raw material, the use of Pumped embroidery, hook weaving, embroidery and other crafts, made of exquisite decorative daily necessities, a wide variety, marketing five loo countries and regions. Chaoshan drawnwork have clothing, tablecloths, pillowcases, quilt, mattress covers, handkerchiefs, curtains, disc pads and so on, to flower-based designs, fresh elegant.

4. 請用英文簡介汕頭市


SWATOW (also Shan`toze)), a port of China, in the province of Kwang-tung, opened to foreign trade in 1869. The population is upwards of 60,000. The town is situated at the mouth of the main branch of the river Han, which 30 miles inland flows past the great city of Ch'aochow Fu or Tai-chu (Tie-chu), while the surrounding country is more populous and full of towns and villages than any other part of the province. The climate is good, but being situated at the southern end of the Formosa Strait the town is exposed to the full force of the typhoons, and much destruction is occasionally wrought. English merchants settled on Double Island in the river as early as 1856; but the city, which is built on ground but recently recovered from the sea, was formerly a mere fishing village. The trade of the port has rapidly increased. In 1869 the total value of the trade was f4,800,000, in 1884 £5,519,772, and in 1904 £7, 06 3,579. The surrounding country is a great sugarcane district procing annually about 2,400,000 cwt. of sugar, and there is an extensive refinery in the town employing upwards of boo workmen and possessing a reservoir for 7,000,000 gallons of water. Next in value comes the manufacture of bean-cake, which is also imported in large quantities from Niuchwang, Chifu, Shanghai, Amoy and Hong-Kong. Among the leading exports are tea (since about 1872); grass-cloth, manufactured at Swatow from so-called Taiwan hemp (the fibre of the Boehmeria nivea from Formosa); pine-apple cloth,, manufactured in the villages about Chieh-Yang (a town 22 m. distant); oranges, for which the district is famous; cheap fans;. and pewter, iron and tin wares. Swatow is also a great emigration port and was the scene of many kidnapping adventures on the part of foreigners in the early days. Their outrages gave rise to much hostile feeling towards foreigners who were not allowed to enter the city of Ch'aochow Fu until the year 1861. Of the whole foreign trade of the port upwards of 83% is in British bottoms, the trade with Hong-Kong being of especial importance.

About 1865 the whole Swatow district was still divided into a number of "independent townships, each ruled by its own headmen," and the population was described in the official gazetteer, as "generally rebellious and wicked in the highest degree."
Mr Forrest, British consular agent, relates that in that year he was witness to the preparations for a fight between the people living on the opposite sides of the estuary, which was only prevented by a British war-vessel. The Taip'ings swept over the country, and by their ravages and plundering did much to tame the independence of the clans. The punishment inflicted in 1869 by Commander Jones on the inhabitants of Otingpui (Ou-ting-pei), about 8 m. from Swatow, for the attack they had made on the boats of H.M.S. "Cockchafer," showed the Chinese authorities that such piratical villages were not so strong as had been supposed. General Fang (a native of Ch'aochow Fu) was sent to rece the district to order, and he carried out his instructions with remorseless rigour.

5. 在所有的城市中我最喜歡汕頭英語


6. 英文版汕頭景點介紹

Shantou (simplified Chinese: 汕頭; traditional Chinese: 汕頭; pinyin: Shàntóu; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Sòaⁿ-thâu), historically known as Swátōw or Suátao, is a city of 4,971,000 permanent inhabitants (as at end 2006) in coastal Eastern Guangdong, China, occupying an area of 2,064 km2. With it and the immediately surrounding cities of Jieyang and Chaozhou, the metropolitan region – known as Chaoshan – covers an area of 10,404 km2, and had a permanent population of 13,139,800 at the end of 2006.

Shantou, a city significant in 19th-century Chinese history as one of the treaty ports established for Western trade and contact, was one of the original Special Economic Zones of the People's Republic of China established in the 1980s, but failed to blossom like other cities such as Shenzhen, Xiamen and Zhuhai. However, it remains as Eastern Guangdong's economic centre, and is home to Shantou University, a member of the 「Project 211」 group.

The old town, in the western part of central Shantou, is full of lovely old buildings that have been crumbling for decades. They're so dilapidated now, they give the city the atmosphere of a European city that's been bombed. Unfortunately, they're being replaced by ugly modern buildings, so see them while you can!
The Former Residence of Chen Ci Hong (陳慈黌故居 Chencihong Guju)
Nan'ao Island (南澳島 Nanao Dao): rated as Guangdong's most beautiful island by China's National Geographic magazine
Palace-Temple of Old Mother (老媽宮 Laoma Gong): dedicated to the goddess Matsu
Temple of Emperor Guan (關帝廟 Guandi Miao): dedicated to Guan Yu
Tropic of Cancer Symbol Tower (北回歸線標志塔 Beihuiguixian Biaota): The Tropic of Cancer slips through Centipede Mountain, which is 20 kilometers away from the city proper.
Cultural Revolution Museum (Wen Ge Bowuguan), in the Tashan scenic area north of Shantou (not the other Tashan scenic area) There's not much to see here unless you can read Chinese.

7. 用英語介紹汕頭,(不少於50詞)在12:30分我要看到答案.


8. 汕頭介紹英語小短文100左右,謝謝!

hello everyone!my name is**.i'm fourteen years old this year,i study in yingxingjiu foreigh language school.my student number is 47.i have lot's of hobbies,and i like play badminton very well.by the way ,my favourite color is bule and black.glad to see you guys

9. 這是一個讓我們了解汕頭的好地方英文

This is a good place for us to learn about Shantou.
This is a good place for us to learn about Shantou.

10. 用英語介紹汕頭,(不少於50詞)




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