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發布時間:2021-01-26 09:49:27

㈠ 求一個英語口語培訓班的宣傳標語

If you are the best please try to do it 若你是強者就請去嘗試吧Believe yourself 相信你自己

㈡ 英語口語大賽宣傳報怎麼做


㈢ 英語演講大賽宣傳語

嗯 順便說一下,現在我報讀的ABC天芐歐美外教英語中心的老師和我們說過,回若想將英語學好是很容答易的 堅持要有一個適宜的研習空間跟闇練口語對象 這取決於外教資質,純正歐美口音(非東南亞)才行 保持經常口語溝通 1 on 1個性化學習才會有最.好.的進步效率!學習後記得重復復習課堂錄音檔,好鞏固知識點 不過實在沒人幫忙 最好能上聽力室或BBC獲得課外學習資料練習 多說多練一下子口語能力會進步許多,學習成長是絕對最佳的..黃聰黃聰,口才出眾!黃聰黃聰,笑看群雄!黃聰最行,一定能贏!YEAH

㈣ 招聘英語口語外教宣傳單怎麼寫

Job Vancancy
Our company is currently expanding and is seeking dynamic and professional oral English teachers for the job vancancy.
Native English speaker:
Ability fo speak Chinese Mandarin is an advantage.

To apply, please send a clear head shot and a recent of your CV to(你單位的抄郵箱)


㈤ 英語口語交流會宣傳話

Speak meeting

㈥ 英語廣告詞

英語廣告詞有很多,這里舉例一些比較有名的:1.Time is what you make of it.天長地久(斯沃奇手錶);2..Fresh-up with Seven-up.提神醒腦專,喝七喜;3.Start Ahead 成功屬之路,從頭開始(飄柔)





㈦ 英語口語風采大賽英語宣傳語

Our speech,our lives.
For the better future.

㈧ 我想求一份英語宣傳方案的英文……謝謝!

The twenty-first century is the era of talent times out, if the twenty-first century, people do not speak English, is a new generation of computer illiteracy, this statement speaks English in the importance of China and the world!
I think a lot of people have asked this question: Why should we learn English? Perhaps the audience most of the students, learning English is only a task of learning just to research it, and I am very wrong, I want to tell you: the usefulness of English far more than research that simple, if perfunctory, Unfortunately, only themselves.
Although the United Nations has six official languages, although Chinese is the world's largest number of language use, but in today's world, the most widely used language is still English.
China's most populous, China wants to develop on without the world, to work across the world, around the world to find their own way, not that the most widely used language, how can communication with other parts of the world do? On second thoughts, we as indivials want in the world, carved out a territory confined to Chinese is not enough to seal off the country's history, though of the past, but it always warned us to learn foreign advanced science and technology to develop, and improve ourselves! This need is the most widely used language - English. If the language did not pass, can not do even the most basic communication, how can we talk about learning and development?
Stepping out of this narrow circle, you will find in the world makes you feel fresh and there are many amazing things, many good things waiting for you to dig.
Long as we can say that the world's most widely used languages - English, others will not see you when the frogs.
Learning English is not "instant" in that learning English is no shortcut, only the method is good or bad. English words such as mind, head down hard dictation is not a good idea. There are many good ways, such as reading aloud, repeated training of vocal organs and ears, the voice etched in my mind. This is to improve hearing, but also improve the oral pronunciation, but also remember the words. Dictation only trained eyes and hands, but they can not hear and speak for you.
In fact, the long-term national strategy from the point of view, we learn English in order to better learning experience and advanced Western technology to better develop our country, and only the strong can the Chinese motherland to the world, so that our great Chinese civilization can be more brilliant!
From our own practical interests, but also to the work we have to walk in the future world of skills for the future to find a better working to provide a favorable premise.
Students, teachers learning skills, strong I am Chinese, let us work together to carry out in the end to learn English now!

㈨ 英語口語兩人對話關於廣告

In this conversation, Tanya Nichols, the owner of an ice cream manufacturing company, is talking with her marketing manager, Carla Hutchison, about the advertising campaign for the company『s new ice-cream sandwich.

Tanya: Good morning, Carla. How are you today?

Carla: I『m doing fine. How about you?

Tanya: Great, thanks. So, what『s the status of our advertising campaign?

Carla: As I mentioned before, it『ll be a national campaign starting next month. We』ve decided to use a variety of media for full coverage. First, we『ll have 30-second spots on television once a day for 3 weeks.At the same time, we』ll do 15-second radio commercials 3 times a day in selected cities with large populations. Finally, we『ll have some outdoor ads using billboards near main entrances to big cities.

Tanya: What style will the ads use?

Carla: We『re focusing on slice of life, showing how you can beat the summer heat by biting into a cool ice-cream sandwich. There』ll be some reason why thrown in to hype our choice of flavors and show everyone they『re not stuck with just vanilla.

Tanya: Sounds like an ideal approach. Will we have a new slogan?

Carla: Definitely. The advertising agency『s working onthat right now. They』ll have some proposals ready by the end of the week.

Tanya: Sounds like we『ll have a winner on our hands!


在這個對話中,Tanya Nichols是一家冰淇淋生產公司的老闆,她正在和她的市場部經理Carla Hutchison就公司新的冰淇淋三明治的廣告宣傳活動談話。

Tanya: 早上好,Carla.你今天過得怎麼樣?

Carla: 我很好,你呢?

Tanya: 很好,謝謝。我們公司的廣告宣傳作得怎麼樣了?



Tanya: 那麼採取什麼樣的風格呢?

Carla: 我們將把焦點放在日常生活方面,告訴你只要吃一個冰淇淋三明治,就能消除夏日炎熱。我們還會通過對多樣性口味選擇的宣傳,告訴大家推薦我們公司產品的原因,香草並不是惟一的口味。

Tanya: 似乎是個完美的方案。我們會有新的口號嗎?

Carla: 當然,廣告代理商正在設計呢。這個周末會出台一些新的策劃。

Tanya: 聽起來我們將會成為一個大贏家!

㈩ 英語口語比賽的宣傳海報怎麼做




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