導航:首頁 > 宣傳策劃 > 大力宣傳英語


發布時間:2021-01-22 16:41:15

1. "媒體應該大力地宣傳這種精神使它能夠在社會上迅速地被推廣"這句話翻譯成英語該怎麼說啊

Medium should publicize this kind of spirit intensively to spread it in the society and make it be accepted by the public.

2. 他們需要社會的大力支持英文

They need huge support from the society.

3. 我會把這視頻大力宣傳廣告英語翻譯

vivd light video media.(生動之光影,與中文「蔚藍」諧音)
用光影創造世界.creat world with light

4. 大力宣傳,推廣促銷,英語怎麼說

advertising and promoting in a big scale

5. 大力發展 英語怎麼說

take great efforts to develop culture undertakings

6. 英語翻譯 大力宣傳 大力提倡某事

to do sth 大力做某事
Vigorously promote 大力宣傳

7. 翻譯成英語:大力宣傳(政策)

Publicize the policy vigorously

8. "我們應大力宣傳要保護環境"用英語怎麼說

We should actively engage in propaganda of environmental protection.

9. 大力宣傳喚起大家的環保意識用英語怎麼說

Propaganda the sense of environment protection. It is everyone's responsibility to protect the earth and build beautiful homeland.

10. 現在國家正在大力宣傳節約用水 用英語怎麼說

Nowadays, saving water is vigorously propagandized in our nation.



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