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① ICH-GCP 6.1 Quality Assurance(1)

Part 1: Introction

Part 2: QA and Monitoring Role

Quality Assurance (QA) in clinical trials consists of planned, systematic activities that are concted to ensure that a trial is performed―and that trial data are generated, documented, and reported―in compliance with the protocol, Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines, and all other applicable regulatory requirement(s).

臨床試驗中的 質量保證(QA)包括計劃的、系統的活動 , 這些活動旨在確保試驗按照方案、良好臨床實踐(GCP)指南和所有其他適用的監管要求進行,並生成、記錄和報告試驗數據 。

Research that is not concted according to high standards of quality yields invalid data. It is also unethical because it may put research participants at risk. (Protection of the safety, rights, and well-being of research participants is discussed in the Introction, Institutional Review Boards, Informed Consent, and Participant Safety and Adverse Events moles.)

沒有按照高質量標准進行的研究會產生無效數據 。這也是 不道德的 ,因為它可能使研究參與者處於危險之中。(引言、機構審查委員會、知情同意書以及參與者安全和不良事件模塊中討論了研究參與者的安全、權利和福利保護)

Audits concted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) find that several problems commonly occur in research studies.


Quality data are critical to ensure that the results of studies are interpreted correctly. Sloppy or incorrect data can lead to misleading conclusions. Careful attention to standards of quality also ensures that studies are completed in a timely fashion. Timely completion of high quality studies bridges the gap between research and practice by bringing effective new treatments to clients more quickly.

質量數據對於確保正確解釋研究結果至關重要。 草率或不正確的數據可能導致誤導性結論。對質量標準的認真關注也確保了及時完成研究。 及時完成高質量的研究,通過更快地為客戶提供有效的新療法,彌合研究與實踐之間的差距。

All members of the protocol team are responsible for QA.

協議團隊的所有成員 都負責QA。

While it is common for QA and monitoring-related ties and functions to be transferred to a CRO, the sponsor has ultimate responsibility for implementing and maintaining QA systems. (ICH GCP 5.1.1) This responsibility includes oversight of all QA systems as well as any trial-related functions performed or managed by other parties (i.e. the CRO, or a subcontractor to the CRO) on behalf of the Sponsor (ICH GCP 5.2.2)

雖然將QA和監控相關職責和職能移交給CRO是常見的,但發起人對實施和維護QA系統負有最終責任。 (ICH GCP 5.1.1)該責任包括監督所有 QA系統以及由其他方 (即CRO或CRO的分包商)代表發起人執行或管理的任何試驗相關功能(ICH GCP 5.2.2)

Investigators and every member of the protocol team are expected to perform his or her ties diligently and thoroughly, thus ensuring that the trial is concted according to the highest possible standards of quality.


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The sponsor is responsible for ensuring the trial』s integrity and for developing a risk-based monitoring plan. As the sponsor of all studies concted by the network, NIDA CTN has transferred the regulatory responsibility of all monitoring to the Clinical Coordinating Center (CCC).

申辦方 有責任確保試驗的完整性, 並制定基於風險的監測計劃 。作為該網路開展的所有研究的發起者,NIDA CTN已將所有監測的監管責任移交給臨床協調中心(CCC)。

The CCC develops systematic, prioritized, and risk-based (ICH GCP E6(R2) 5.18.3) monitoring plans to be utilized for each CTN study. This plan is customized for each trial and describes the strategy, methods, responsibilities, and requirements for monitoring the trial (ICH GCP E6(R2) 1.64). Additionally, the plan provides operational guidelines to ensure the quality and integrity of data collected in accordance with CTN protocols. This document also ensures consistency in the conct of CTN studies across multiple sites and protocols. This monitoring plan:

CCC為每項CTN研究制定系統的、優先的和基於風險的(ICH GCP E6(R2) 5.18.3)監測計劃。本計劃為每個試驗定製,並描述了 監測試驗的策略、方法、職責和要求 (ICH GCP E6(R2) 1.64)。此外,該計劃還提供了操作指南,以確保根據CTN協議收集的數據的質量和完整性。本文件還確保了跨多個站點和協議進行CTN研究的一致性。這個監測計劃:

Ⅰ、Emphasizes the monitoring of critical data and processes.

Ⅱ、Ensures the quality and integrity of CTN clinical studies.

Ⅲ、Ensures the protection of human participants.

Ⅳ、Advances collaboration between treatment and research staff at CTN sites.

1、強調對 關鍵數據 和 過程 的監控。

2、確保 CTN臨床研究的質量 和 完整性 。

3、確保 對人類參與者的保護 。

4、促進 CTN現場治療 和 研究人員之間的合作 。

The Lead Investigator (LI) is a CTN-specific role for the investigator that has overall responsibility for the entire study. The LI convenes a Protocol Team that assists with all aspects of the development and operation of the study. In other studies outside of the CTN, this role may be considered the Principal Investigator.

首席研究者(LI)是CTN特定的研究者角色,對整個研究負全面責任 。LI 召集了一個方案小組,協助研究開發和運作的各個方面 。在CTN以外的其他研究中,該角色可能被視為主要研究者。

The Project Director (or Protocol Coordinator) is the LI』s 「right hand.」 He or she is responsible for coordinating and carrying out day–to–day study operations. The Project Director is a member of the Protocol Team and is the primary contact for questions about the overall study. Other roles and responsibilities represented on the Protocol Team usually include, but may not be limited to, the following:

項目總監(或協議協調員) 是 LI 的「得力助手」,他或她 負責協調和進行日常學習活動 。項目總監是協議小組的成員, 是整個研究問題的主要聯系人 。協議團隊中代表的其他角色和職責通常包括但不限於以下內容:

Ⅰ、Data Management

Ⅱ、Quality Assurance


Ⅳ、Regulatory Affairs





The Node PI (or grantee) is another CTN-specific role that is responsible to NIDA for study performance at his or her Node. He or she works with Node staff, the Site Principal Investigator(s), and the Lead Investigator to implement the study at that Node. The Node PI is responsible for ensuring that the study runs smoothly at his or her Node and for taking appropriate action when necessary to assist the Site PI(s) and the Lead Investigator. Other responsibilities of the Node PI include:

節點PI(或受讓人)是另一個CTN特定角 色,負責NIDA在其節點的研究表現。 他或她與節點工作人員、現場首席研究員和首席研究員合作,在該節點實施研究 。節點PI負責確保研究在其節點順利進行, 並在必要時採取適當措施協助現場PI和首席研究員 。節點PI的其他職責包括:

Ⅰ、Appointing the Site PI and Study Coordinator.

Ⅱ、Managing the Node budget and staff.

Ⅲ、Appointing a monitor to conct Quality Assurance visits at research sites within the Node.

Ⅳ、Ensuring that study staff receives appropriate training to conct the study.

Ⅴ、Ensuring that the study receives all necessary IRB approvals and follows all applicable regulations. Knowing the policies of his or her institution/university and ensuring compliance at the Node with these policies.

1、 任命現場PI 和 研究協調員 。

2、 管理節點預算和人員 。

3、指定一名監督員 對節點內的研究地點進行質量保證訪問 。

4、確保研究人員接受 適當的培訓 進行研究。

5、確保本研究獲得 所有必要的IRB批准 並遵守所有適用的法規。了解他或她的機構/大學的政策,並確保節點遵守這些政策。

The monitoring plan sets out monitoring strategies, the monitoring responsibilities of all parties involved, the various monitoring methods to be used, and the rationale for their use. It also describes monitoring proceres, types of visits, what is involved in the conct of those visits, and the quantity or percentage of each type of document to be monitored. These proceres can be further defined on a protocol basis depending on the purpose, design, size, complexity, and primary outcome measures of the trial (ICH GCP E6(R2) 5.18.3).

監測計劃規定了監測戰略、所有相關方的監測責任、將使用的各種監測方法以及使用這些方法的理由 。它還描述了 監控程序 、 訪問類型 、 訪問過程中涉及的內容 ,以及 需要監控的各類文件的數量或百分比 。這些程序可根據試驗的目的、設計、規模、復雜度和主要結果指標在方案基礎上進一步定義(ICH GCP E6(R2) 5.18.3).

According to GCP guidelines, 「the Sponsor may choose on-site monitoring, a combination of on-site and centralized (remote) monitoring, or, where justified, centralized monitoring alone…Centralized monitoring processes provide additional monitoring capabilities that can complement or rece the extent and/or frequency of on-site monitoring and help distinguish between reliable data and potentially unreliable data without the need for total source data verification」 (ICH GCP 5.18.3). The rationale for the chosen monitoring strategy is documented in the monitoring plan.

根據GCP指南,「 主辦方可以選擇現場監測,現場監測和集中(遠程)監測相結合 ,或者,在合理的情況下, 集中監測過程提供額外的監測能力 , 可補充或減少現場監測的范圍和/或頻率 ,並有助於區分可靠數據和可能不可靠的數據,而無需核實全部來源數據」(ICH GCP 5.18.3)。所選擇的監控策略的基本原理已記錄在監控計劃中。

In general, on-site monitoring is required and remote monitoring may occur at any given research site before a trial begins, while it is in progress, and after it concludes or is terminated. In many instances, study monitors may visit each site after the first one to two participants are enrolled and then schele subsequent visits based on multivariate criteria, such as the rate of enrollment, volume of data to review, site performance, and other considerations.

一般來說,需要進行現場監測, 在試驗開始前、進行中、結束或終止後,可以在任何給定的研究地點進行遠程監測 。在許多情況下,研究監測人員可能會在 前一到兩名參與者登記後訪問每個位點,然後根據多變數標准安排後續訪問 ,如 登記率 、 回顧數據量 、 位點表現 和 其他考慮 。

Study monitors conct site visits according to the proceres describes in the monitoring plan and in accordance with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines.

研究監測人員根據 監測計劃 中描述的程序並按照良好臨床實踐(GCP)指南進行現場訪問。

The Good Clinical Practice guidelines state that the sponsor is responsible for selecting monitors and for ensuring that the following criteria are met (see ICH GCP 5.18.2).

《良好臨床實踐指南》規定, 申辦方負責選擇監護儀 ,並確保符合以下標准(見ICH GCP 5.18.2)。

Ⅰ、Monitors are appropriately trained and have the scientific or clinical knowledge needed to monitor the trial adequately. Monitors qualifications should be documented.

Ⅱ、Monitors are thoroughly familiar with the investigational proct(s), protocol, written informed consent form, and any other written information about the trial to be provided to study participants, the Sponsor』s SOPs, GCP, and the applicable regulatory requirement(s).

1、監護人受過適當的 培訓 ,具備充分監護試驗所需的科學或臨床知識。監控人員的資格應該記錄在案。

2、監護者完全熟悉 試驗葯物 、 方案 、 書面知情同意書 以及向 研究參與者提供的有關試驗的任何其他書面信息 、 申辦方的SOP 、 GCP 和 適用的監管要求 。

QA/study monitors perform the following study activities:


Ⅰ、Conct initiation, interim, and closeout visits.

Ⅱ、Conct centralized monitoring, as applicable.

Ⅲ、Provide training on protocol-specific issues and Good Clinical Practice, when needed or appropriate.

Ⅳ、Follow-up on issues identified ring earlier monitoring visits.

Ⅴ、File reports with the sponsor and other applicable parties, as required.

1、開展 啟動 、 臨時 和 收尾訪問 。

2、進行 集中監控 (如適用)。

3、在需要或適當的時候,提供關於 方案特定問題 和 良好臨床實踐的培訓 。

4、跟進 早期監測 訪問中發現的問題。


Monitoring responsibilities are described in detail in ICH GCP 5.18.4. Click here for a summary.

ICH GCP 5.18.4中詳細描述了監控職責。點擊這里查看摘要。

② GCP考試是什麼













③ 誰有GCP的試題0


④ gcp考試怎麼看正確答案


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⑥ 網上gcp考試有幾次機會



考試不合格未通過者在新生成的隨機試卷中可重考。GCP英文名稱「Good Clinical Practice」的縮寫。中文名稱為「葯品臨床試驗管理規范」, 目的在於保證臨床試驗過程的規范,結果科學可靠,保護受試者的權益並保障其安全。

⑦ GCP題庫對做題有幫助沒得


⑧ 2022gcp考試多少分算過


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