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『壹』 服裝競爭品牌調查報告






『貳』 急求一篇英文市場調查報告,隨便什麼內容

1. Scope of work
The market study service that DR proposes to provide falls into 2 parts:
• Review of regional container port competition
• Review of competitive hinterland / inland transportation issues and costs
• Container volume projections / scenarios
Drewry will research and identify each competitor container port and terminal in the neighbouring region and assess their facilities and current capacity as well as any future expansion plans. Historical volumes and regional market shares will be identified as well as each competitor ports』 inland connectivity. Major clients and trade lane volumes will also be identified where possible.
Inland connectivity and costs are a major factor in determining the port』s market competitiveness and Drewry will identify and compare inland distances and costs to major inland cities / markets to those at regional competing ports. Thereafter, an assessment can be made as to the commercial viability of the new container terminal.
Container volume projections / scenarios will be assessed according to each of the above
competitive issues and in relation to historical GDP growth in China and future GDP growth
expectations. Shifts in regional market shares will be a key factor in determining potential future volumes. Consideration will also be given to the regional import and export manufacturing base and consumer demand factors. Base, high and low case volume projections / scenarios will be provided.
3. Deliverables
The deliverable for this market study would be a report in Microsoft Word format, delivered by email, under the following general headings:
a) Executive Summary and conclusions
b) Review of regional container port competition
- Key facilities at each regional competitor port
- Historical volumes and market shares
- Inland connectivity
- Major shipping line clients and trade lanes
- Competition terminal capacity review
- Pricing strategies of ports
c) Review on Inland Transportation competitive issues
- Cargo hinterland analysis
- Review of the ports inland distribution network – compare to competition
- Inland distances and modes of transport to major inland cities / markets
- Inland transport costs
d) Container volume projections / scenarios
- Analysis of key instries
- Review of historical regional container volume growth versus China』s GDP
- Future volume projections / scenarios with base, high and low cases.
The draft report would be delivered in English, Once finalised, a Chinese version of the final
report would be provided as well as an English version.

『叄』 市場調查的作用


『肆』 淑女屋,歐時力,ONLY,江南布衣,花木馬這5個牌子的市場分析調查


『伍』 創造性市場調研和科學性市場調研有什麼關系

The Science of Market Research Turns On Science
Market research is a social science as opposed to natural science. Market research, when done well, uses the scientific approaches of sociology, anthropology, psychology, political science, linguistics and more to identify, characterize, understand, respond to and, yes, shape human belief and behavior.

Like other social sciences, market research operates with less elegance than natural science. It is tougher work because subject to more doubt and uncertainty. Still, top executives in thousands of companies across the land authorize (cumulatively) billions of dollars and tens of thousands of person hours in market research -- all with a view to fulfilling visions of growth and performance.

It's been five decades or more since folks in corporations figured out that scientifically sound approaches to understanding markets could and would generate innovation as well as promotion that, in turn, could support growth. The science of market research is as much embedded in our market economy as the profit motive.

Given all that rides on the scientific soundness of their research, marketing and other functionaries must beware of coming into a meeting with the Chief Executive, Chief Marketing Officer and other C-suite denizens with shoddy work.

Yes, it's critical for the researchers to understand the vision, mission and strategy of the company and to do their research with a view to promoting performance and growth. But, it's the rare CEO who encourages and welcomes ideology completely bereft of facts and sound method. Executives whose interests suffer from market research findings will argue against those findings. But, debating such results is a far cry from an ideological drive to eliminate market research itself. Where would be the gain in that? Yes, you might -- in theory, but rarely in practice -- gain your point and advance to the top job. But once you had a board and financial markets demanding growth, what would you do? Reinstitute the science of market research that you so assiously destroyed?

Again, yes, there are soft aspects to market research and yes, there are debates guided more by self-interest than fact or logic. But, still, look at the pattern of dependable and predictable belief and behavior in companies across the land: a huge investment and reliance on the science of market research.


Now, what does the science of market research tell those who seek to gain and hold governmental office?

According to Chris Mooney's new book, market research has guided those currently in control of the Republican Party to promote an attack on science as a means of generating votes and attaining, holding and using elective office.

With regard to climate change, biodiversity, contraception, drug abuse, air and water pollution, missile defense, evolution and other high profile matters, market research of likely voters has evidently indicated that elections can be won by throwing the entire edifice of science into doubt -- in effect, destroying science in order to gain power.

The recent results of this market research are impressive. Elections have been won. Authority over governmental policy has been gained. That authority has been used to further the erosion of the public's faith and trust in science (that's right: 'faith and trust').

The medium-to-longer term effects of this market research, however, are troubling. Again, in a corporation dependent upon scientifically sound market reserach for growth, innovation and sustainable performance, high level attacks on the foundational soundness of such research would, at best, generate short term gains -- and those gains would be measured only in terms of the internal political power of those leading the attacks. In the medium-to-long term, there could be only two results: either the destruction of further growth, innovation and performance because the attackers who gain power refuse to shift course -- or, a period of confusion, fear and anxiety as those with sound, scientific market research skills and expertise try to adjust to their former attackers now claiming to seek their help.

Among the many potentially tragic aspects of using scientifically sound market research to destroy scientific soundness is this: CEOs and others whose company performance depends on scientific market research disproportionately contribute money and other resources to those taking the lead in the desctruction of science.

These CEOs and others, of course, can change course. They have tremendous power to determine who controls the Republican Party and whether that Party's policy will continue to pursue the attacks on science that, ultimately, will destroy the soundness of the Party's own market research.

As they sit in discussions with those in power, let us hope the CEOs and others will think through the implications in a manner consistent with what they'd do in their own companies. Yes, there are undoubtedly many opportunities for short term gain in terms of tax and regulatory policy by supporting the attack on science. But, even with such gains, the medium-to-long term prospects in a 'science-less' economy and society for the performance of these CEOs' companies -- not to mention their children and grandchildren -- are dim.

『陸』 求翻譯 Market research

Market research and marketing research are often confused.
"Market'research is simply research into a specific market.
It is a very narrow concept.
'Marketing" research is much broader.
It not only includes "market" research,but also areas such as research into new procts,or modes of distribution such as via the internet.
Here are a couple of definitions:
"Marketing research is the function that links the consumer,customer,and public to the marketer through information-
information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems:
generate,refine,and evaluate marketing actions;
形成 改善 評估營銷策略
monitor marketing performance;and improve understanding of marketing as a process.
監督營銷業績 並且提高對營銷整個過程的認識
Marketing research specifies the information required to address these issues,designs the methods for collecting information,manages and implements the data collection process,analyzes,and communicates the findings and their implications"
American Marketing association-official Definition of Marketing Research
Obviously,this is a very long and involved definition of marketing research.
很顯然 這是一個對其很長,很復雜的定義
"Marketing research is about researching the whole of a company's marketing process."

『柒』 only歐時力是一個品牌嗎only歐時力哪個更好賣

那麼,這兩者的區別又是哪些呢?哪一個品牌更好賣呢? only歐時力是一個品牌嗎? ONLY是歐洲著名的國際時裝公司丹麥BESTSELLER擁有的四個著名品牌之一。它代表的是一種風格、一種年輕人的獨特風格」,ONLY女士如此形容自己的設計,不是不斷思索接下來要做什麼,而是自問要以何種方式表現,這么一來鼓動將永不停止。自信熱情的ONLY女士將這股精神融入她的每一件設計,使ONLY成為相當具個人風格的品牌。 歐時力是赫基國際集團旗下一個近乎傳奇般迅速擴張時的時尚品牌,似乎在不經意間牢牢抓住了人們的視線,成為時尚圈熱門的關鍵詞。它始創於1999年,品牌名稱源自中文歐時力,寓意來自歐洲的時尚魅力——希望將歐洲時尚帶入中國市場,為消費者打造一個風格突出、與眾不同的時尚品牌,用合理的價格為中國中產階級時尚人士提供豐富、精緻的時尚產品。 only歐時力在設計上有哪些不同? ONLY 是丹麥國際時裝公司BESTSELLER集團旗下知名品牌之一。集團成立於1975年,以其獨特的設計和卓越的經營為都市女性,男性,兒童及青少年提供了最受歡迎的流行服飾。而歐時力也有男裝、女裝和童裝,兩者有哪些不同呢? ONLY的設計帶有鮮明的個人色彩,她追求自由;她強悍獨立但是卻有十足的女人味。ONLY--來自歐洲時尚最前沿的設計。它適合出遊、朋友聚會、晚間娛樂、校園生活等各種輕松的休閑場合。而歐時力的目標消費群定位在成熟、自信、獨立、高貴、大方的的時代女性。「時尚專家,美麗顧問」是歐時力一貫的形象定位,能夠充分滿足當代女性的時尚需求,提供各種服務以及不斷變化的嘗試,為其打造豐富多彩,精彩紛呈的時尚生活,成為其提高自身美麗外在和內涵的殿堂。 only歐時力哪個更好賣? Only和歐時力都是比較知名的時裝品牌,兩者的人氣不相上下。這也是人們為什麼經常將兩者相比較的原因,那麼,它們哪個更好賣一些,哪個更受歡迎呢? 「美呀」說:「歐時力的衣服檔次稍微比ONLY高一點,適合25歲到35歲的高薪女性,ONLY要適合更年輕的女性和學生一族。在我們這里歐時力賣的比較好,很多機關工作人員、教師等都喜歡買,經常斷貨。」「晴兒」說:「ONLY偏重休閑時裝,Ochirly偏重商務白領,我覺得選衣服品牌不重要,重要的是適合你,適合你的氣質和風格,適合的才是最好的,還有就是用途,上班的話應選Ochirly,日常休閑可以考慮Only」。 由此可知,only歐時力盡管比較相似,但是還是有很大的不同和差異的。所以,如果你准備加盟這兩個中的一個品牌的話,最好做好市場調查,以免錯過了好品牌,影響你的經濟收益。 2013-07-01 freya 上一篇:上海銀泰歐時力怎麼樣?杭州銀泰歐時力店在哪裡? 下一篇:歐時力網購天貓旗艦店如何?歐時力網購品牌店多嗎?

『捌』 市場調查進行的不順利嗎英語

At the same time,market survey is also an important constituent of preparatory work in the early phase of a project.Only after a thorough and complete market survey,sales planning and market operations will be put to order and muster success.

『玖』 誰有一篇諾基亞市場調查報告,要英文的,謝謝大家

We are 06 news media college classes college students, in order to better understand college students on consumer demand for mobile phones, better service for college students, we have carried out the survey activities. I hope you are out of his busy schele a little precious time to help us complete the following questionnaire. Thank you for your cooperation!

1, sex: A, M B, M

2, your grade? A, freshman B, sophomore C, St. Paul D, a senior

3, your monthly living expenses are? A, 300 yuan B ,300-600 of $ C ,600-800 of $ D ,800-1000 of $ E 1000 or more

4, do you have a phone right now? A do not have B

5, referred to the phone mind you, there's the first brand is?
A Nokia B Motorola C Samsung F Siemens D Sony E Philips H Bird G Haier I Konka Lenovo G LG K Capitel L NEC M other N TCL O

6, What is your favorite mobile phone brand?
A Nokia B Motorola C Samsung F Siemens D Sony E Philips H Bird G Haier I Konka Lenovo G LG K Capitel L NEC M other N TCL O

7, to buy your next cell phone brand is?
A Nokia B Motorola C Samsung F Siemens D Sony E Philips H Bird G Haier I Konka Lenovo G LG K Capitel L NEC M other N TCL O

8, you are using a mobile phone models? A straight B fold rotation C

9 What is your favorite feature is the phone? (Can be selected)
A with MP3, MP4 function of B with C 16 digital camera D32 chord chord chord E 40 other F GPRS G

10, to buy your next mobile phone models? A straight B fold rotation C

11, the mobile phone your favorite style? A straight B fold rotation C

12, do you think cell phones should be divided into male and female mobile phone you? A, is B, not C, do not care

13, do you think the design of mobile phone lovers are necessary? A, there are B, no C, no

14, do you think the best cell phone to see what kind of shell? A, metal B, Leather C, plastic D, other

15, generally how long do you replace a mobile phone?
A one-month B-year D year C only for E with bad-for-F never new that is listed for other G

16, you pay more attention to the requirements of mobile phones, what? () (Can be selected)
A quality B Price C Service D function E configure the appearance of models F and G to expand the health of H Weight I brand G standby time K Color M other L

17, your understanding of the mobile channel for that?
A television network B Newspapers C students D exchange between a friend E campaign fliers F stores G ad (H) Other

18 of your intention to the appropriate price is the number of mobile phone?
A 1000 yuan B 1000-1500C 1500-2000 D2000-2500 E 2500-3000 F3000 over

19, you replace the phone several times? A a B two C three D more than three F-free

20, if you had to replace the phone, you phone the replacement of the main reasons for that?
A look good, the new models B more convenient to use the spending power of C high D status symbol E with others, I would like to have the F嘗嘗鮮

21, you generally go to buy mobile phones? A mobile C stores supermarkets B, D Unicom network of supermarkets or department stores E

22, you would like to have a special "tailor-made for college students," cell phone right? A, I hope B, do not want to C, does not matter

23, your Nokia phone whether it is satisfied with the quality of service?
A very satisfied with the B was satisfied with the C is not satisfied with the general D is not satisfied with the E

24, you have the following Nokia mobile phones are not satisfied with those services?
A consulting services B Sales and Service C Service D Service E Other complaints

25, you wish cell phone manufacturers to provide what kind of services
A, school maintenance B, students store C, cell phone store

26, your views on how the Nokia ad?
A bad B good D good general C

27, your favorite kind of Nokia phone?

28, your Nokia cell phone comments or suggestions: (the best can add their own point of view)
A cheap price to form B to C to improve the quality of after-sales service to improve the D to improve

------------------------------ Thank you for your participation, I wish you a pleasant day!

Nokia mobile phones market research report

I. The objectives of the survey: To understand the Nokia mobile phone in the situation of university students

In recent years, with mobile phones in the popularity of the campus, a growing number of mobile phone manufacturers set our sights on the campus of this potentially huge market. In order to understand the cell phone in the general situation of university students, the use of effects and consumption, have mobile phone sales in the university and the market prospects, we have decided to survey college students on campus for the first time the mobile phone market research. Nokia brand as a result of the use of a wider campus, so we have done for the brand market research.

Second, the survey target: college students

Third, the survey items: (see Annex - Questionnaire)

Fourth, the investigation period: November 26, 2007 - December 2, 2007

Fifth, the survey Location: Jilin Institute of Modern Media Institute of the Arts, Changchun University of

Sixth, the investigating officers: Li Jing-Wen Yang Anjani Shuai Zhang Zhi stem suspicion曉卉search

Seven, the survey method: a written questionnaire

VIII, the survey methodology:

1. By the investigation team members in consultation questionnaire to determine the form of written documents, I concted into the electronic version of the questionnaire.
2. To mobilize all members of the investigation team should be widely publicized, there are two main methods of promotion: first, to allow their friends to complete the questionnaire, and the other is to Changchun University graate students the second questionnaire.
3. The investigation is completed, by all group members on an analysis of survey data
4. To write research reports

9, statistical analysis of survey data:

The survey and a total of 40 participants completed the questionnaire, from eight colleges and universities in Changchun City, the effective recovery rate of 98%, and friends participate in the investigation of high randomness, gender composition was basically the same, of which women account for 53.3% male ratio is 46.6%,
The college ensures that the phone has a certain universal significance of research. We aimed at college students have mobile phones and demand conditions, the students requested an analysis of the use of mobile phones, mobile phone tribe students in dynamic analysis of the consumer, the consumer group of students motivated mobile analysis, mobile group of students established the goal of five aspects of analysis of statistical data and analysis.

1. University students have mobile phones and demand conditions:

Survey data show that the respondents have 100% of students have cell phones, while 16% of students will replace the phone in the near future. As can be seen from these data: With the improvement of living standards of people, cell phone in the university is no longer a novelty, and have begun to popularize the. Students in the cell phone market has become a consumer group that can not be ignored.

2. Students requested an analysis of the use of mobile phones

① most important quality

Choice of mobile phone consumers the main factors to consider are: the quality of 21%, 19% appearance, 18% of price, features 18 percent, 11 percent brand, 9% of after-sales service, advertising 2%, other 2% is also . Among them, the consumers the highest quality, mobile communication tool is the day-to-day, if poor quality, will give consumers a great deal of inconvenience.

In addition, the appearance of some consumer demand for high style, has introced a new mobile phone manufacturers cater to a large extent, their tastes, as young college students. With the improvement of living standards, as well as the age held the decline in mobile phones, consumer price sensitivity will be reced, while the appearance of demanding style.

② middle and low proct more popular

The price of the phone survey, we found that consumers tend to 1000-1500 yuan price, the proportion is as high as 44.5%. In addition, 29 percent of consumers said they would choose to 1,000 yuan phone. Of course, there are some consumers to buy higher-priced handsets, including the election of 1500-2000 yuan accounted for 15 percent of consumers, more than 2,000 yuan accounted for 12%.

③ purchase a higher concentration of sites

Place for consumers to buy mobile phones found that the location of mobile phone consumers to buy more concentrated, and large supermarkets in the phone store and brand, the rates were 56% and 38%, other 6.5% only. Cell phones are high-tech procts, consumers find it hard to understand whether its performance has improved, the quality is reliable, they can do to sales of credit and expertise as a criterion, and the mobile phone brand stores supermarkets or the quality of the sales staff is relatively high, thus easy to win the trust of consumers. In addition the phone's price advantage supermarkets students and friends also an important factor to consider.

④ the complexity of mobile phone brands

In this investigation, I found that the use of Nokia's largest, accounting for 46.25%, other 15.00%, such as Motorola, Ericsson 6.25%, Siemens 6.25%, 13.75%, Samsung, Philips 5.00 percent, 7.50 percent were other.

3. Student mobile phone tribe analysis of consumer motivation

After the learning process of a clear consumer demand for its consumer power intensive, the students graally formed a mobile phone tribe to buy a specific motive. Consumption of mobile phone tribe student motivation can be divided into the following four:

First. Truth-seeking motives to buy. According to the survey indicated that students in the purchase of mobile phone consumers, the most or focus on quality and practical function: 39% of respondents said that the ease of use and rability is the most important; In addition, there are those who think that 9 percent of after-sale phone quality of service is critical. The formation of the reasons that motivated the purchase, in addition to the consumption of their most basic needs: the need for work associated with their effects, to a large extent is also affected by the extent of their greater dependence of consumption and their own lack of experience, such as the purchasing power of the weak factors.

II. New purchase motivation. Consumers to buy mobile phones of students, most respondents think that the premise of quality assurance, first of all, consider the mobile phone designs, such as shape, size, thickness, materials, colors and so on. At the same time, 61% of students want to have to "tailor-made cell phones college students." Second, consider the phone's internal functions, such as whether to support the Chinese character input, whether to support the WAP, voice dial support, whether with hands-free functions. And the majority of respondents were clear that the purchase would give priority to quality, the design of lightweight, fashionable, stylish colors, functional cell phone夠炫. This group of students to buy mobile phones have a motivated, with the students a special consumer spending are inseparable. As students of members of consumer groups which are in 18-23 years old, thinking that life in the most active and changeable gold adolescence, warm, open, unrestrained, free and frank character of modern society greatly improved living conditions, science and technology the rapid development of various concepts, the surging trend of thought, given their strong spirit of adventurous spirit and practice, for new things, new concepts of attention and learning, they graally formed a novelty, difference of the consumer psychology, which a direct impact on consumer psychology and novelty of their motivation to buy the proce.

III. For the purchase of motivation will be. According to the students in front of family analysis of cell phone and learned that most students buy the real purpose of the phone is convenient with their families, friends, contact the employing units. For the purchase of mobile phone contact with their families for this purpose, according to surveys, most students have mobile phone tribe's parents hold a positive attitude and this attitude of students motivated to buy mobile phones have a family has a direct role in promoting. In addition, there are some college students approaching graation pass any recruitment information for fear of pressure, but also promoted the emergence of such a motivation to buy.

IV. For the purchase of motivation Lian. Most students can afford mobile phone tribe prices between 1000-1500 yuan. In other words, they need the middle of the phone. In general, the motivation and the emergence of China's overall national strength is not strong, the low per capita consumption levels are closely linked. This has constrained the current economic situation is still in direct dependence of consumer mobile phone tribe stage students of spending power, resulting in the selection of their mobile phone when the eyes are usually on the low-price models. In addition, in order to achieve the purpose of economical and practical, they often choose to rent or rent-free lower recharge cards to use. It is noteworthy that such a motive for the purchase of cheaper is not always the pursuit of low prices in order to save money for the purpose, more often as long as the price of mobile phone tribe reached the hearts of students of "reasonableness" of low-cost, the motivation arises .

Under normal circumstances, students in this group of four mobile phone consumer is not an independent existence of the motive, but intertwined together to promote their further occurrence of consumer behavior. In fact, for consumers, consumer motivation as it is meant that the means of consumption, consumer spending goals a series of psychological and consumer behavior, this group of students for mobile phones is no exception. Therefore, students in four mobile phone tribe intertwined in the development of consumer motivation, the following combination of motivated action in the hope that the result will be the development of a series of consumer motivation to meet goals, and ultimately make purchase decisions.

4. Marketing recommendations: From the above analysis, we should clearly see the students is really a consumer of the consumer groups can not be ignored, and as time goes by, this particular consumer groups increasingly showing its huge consumption potential . Therefore, to enhance their attention and to intensify the development of this new market, for all major mobile phone manufacturers out of their plight, to break the bottleneck, it will play a positive role in promoting. In this connection, we have put forward several proposals for reference marketing:

First. Continue to middle and low phone line, designed for students of consumer development, design functionality is not very wide, but consumer groups have some students prefer the basic functions and styles, shapes, colors and so on mobile phones to attract students, which students grasp the consumer is very good way.

II. Handset vendors for example, the choice at the point of sale, mainly on the phone from the mobile phone close to shopping schools and shops on its own brand sales; in the promotion, the selection of students presented a gift like manner; in pricing, select the middle and low price.

III. The brand's advertising agency, the emphasis on the brand and to play down the emotional factor in the function of the difference between brand factors and dynamic young star's image as its spokesperson to give the cell phone is full of youthful vitality, and positive brand特徵.

IV. In the advertising channels, it is necessary to strive to ensure wide dissemination of the whole surface. Special attention should be paid, with the network development, especially in college, the popularity of the Internet has started, and the publicity channels can not be overlooked.

Fifth. In the sales channels of competition, manufacturers and retailers should seek to "back-to-back" of the strategic partnership. Strong grasp of the big dealers, to give favorable support to the combat effectiveness to a level, on this basis, the budget will be distributed to retailers in particular, put the focus point of the phone monopoly and let the implementation of various strategies and to encourage measures to enhance the cohesion of manufacturers and retailers in order to retailers to manufacturers to promote procts.

5. Conclusion: Overall, this survey was a success, reaching the desired objective. More comprehensive study of the effects of mobile phone consumption factors of university students. However, not enough depth, especially the theoretical support is not enough. I would like to present investigation for future research under the bedding.




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