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㈠ 進行市場調查用英文怎麼說

doing market researching

㈡ 做市場調查的時候應該怎麼和被調查者進行溝通


㈢ 急求兩篇商務英語對話,一篇是關於market research,一篇是關於trade fairs的。

Market Research 市場調研 對話1:A: Your new task is to reach US $20 billion by the end of 2006. That』 a magnificent task. How can you make sure you will accomplish it?你們的新目標是到 2006 年底增到 200 億美元,這是宏偉的任務,你們怎樣完成這個任務呢?B: Well, in addition to improving the quality of our procts, we need to open more international markets.除了提高我們的產品質量,我們還需要開拓更多的銷售市場。A: As far as I know, you have many regular customers.據我所知,你們有很多老客戶。B: Yes, most trading companies have regular customers. But it is quite another story for those manufacturing enterprises that have just started exporting. They can』t find certain distribution channels.是的,大多數貿易公司都有老客戶,但是對於那些剛剛開始出口的生意的生產企業來講情況就不同了,他們找不到分銷渠道。A: Do you have any particular plan to help them to open up new markets?你們有沒有特別的計劃幫助他們打開新的市場?B: Yes, we do. In order to help them build up marketing channels, we have decided to strengthen market research and gather more information from various resources, such as national trade statistics, trade journals and directories, international organizations and field investigations.有。為幫助他們建立銷售渠道,我們決定加強市場調研,從各種資源,比如國家貿易統計資料,貿易雜志和名錄,國際組織和實地調查搜集更多的信息。A: I agree that a good marketing channel is important and indispensable to the success of exporting, Besides, as a friend of yours, I would suggest that you should be still more flexible in doing business.我同意一條好的銷售渠道對順利出口是至關重要和必不可少的。另外。做為你們的朋友,我建議您做生意更活些。B: Thank you for your good suggestion! As a matter of fact, we need to make improvement in many areas. 謝謝你的建議!事實上,我們需要許多方面進行改進。A: Yes, you said it. 您說對了。對話2.A: How is market research carried out?怎樣進行市場研究?B: That』s a very wide question. But to put it in a very simple terms, one of the objects of market research is to find out ................................................這是一個范圍很廣的問題。但簡單地說,市場調研的目標之一就是找出這種產品是否有市場,在市場上是否能出售這種產品。A: Who does this kind of job then? 那麼誰做這種工作那?B:: Sometimes we carry out our own research, but for major procts where development costs are likely to be high, we employ specialists.有時候是我們自己搞調研,但對於那些開發費用高的主要產品我們請專家調研。A: Do you own salesmen take part? 你們自己的銷售人員參加嗎?B: In the early stages, only the regional managers do. If we decide to have some test marketing, some of the senior salesmen are brought in.在開始階段,只有地區經理參加,如果我們搞試銷,一些高級銷售元也參加。A: It seems to me that the salesmen receive some special training.依我看,銷售員似乎接受了一些特殊的訓練。B: Yes, they all have initial training course when they first join the company, and this includes proct training.是的。他們在進公司時,都進行了培訓,其中包括產品知識培訓。A: What is that? 什麼意思?B: As a salesmen he or she must fully understand the various applications, design features, special advantages and almost everything of the procts we proce.作為一名銷售人員,他 / 她必須對公司的產品的用途,設計,特點,獨特的優點等等都要非常了解。 Trade fairs,下面的對話中是trade show,你自己換成fairs就可以了,一個意思 SCOTT: This facility is great, don't you think?
ANDREW: Yes, it is better than last year. They have done a very good job this time.
SCOTT: I'm glad our booth is on the first floor. More people can see our display.
ANDREW: If someone wants to find us, they can look at this floor plan.
It shows where all the companies have their booths.
SCOTT: Let me see that. I didn't get one when I came in.
ANDREW: Really? They didn't give you one with your ticket?
ANDREW: That's strange.
SCOTT: Where do you go for lunch around here?
ANDREW: Are you hungry?
SCOTT: Not too bad. But I will be soon.
ANDREW: I went across the street. There is a good Chinese restaurant next to the hotel.
SCOTT: I can't see Comtex on this floor plan. Don't they have a booth here?
ANDREW: They must. Let me look at that.
Here it is. Comtex. It's on the second floor, next to the Rolly booth.
SCOTT: Oh, that will be uncomfortable for them.
ANDREW: For whom? Comtex?
SCOTT: Yes. Comtex just stole Darren McDowell from Rolly.
And probably Darren will be here.
So he will have to spend the whole show standing next to his old Comtex coworkers.
ANDREW: I've never met Darren.
But you're right. That would probably be uncomfortable.
SCOTT: When you reserve a booth, you should check who your neighbors will be.
Don't you think?
ANDREW: Yes, maybe. If you're Darren McDowell, you should probably check.
SCOTT: Yes. Well, I think I'll go get lunch. Will you join me?
ANDREW: No, I'll stay here at the booth.
I ate earlier. Are you going to the Chinese restaurant?
SCOTT: Maybe. I will look around.
史考特:我沒有在場地圖看到 Comtex。他們應該有攤位吧?
在這兒,Comtex。在二樓,Rolly 攤位隔壁。
安卓魯:對誰?對 Comtex?
史考特:是的。Comtex 才剛從 Rolly 那兒挖走迪凌?麥克當沃。

㈣ 你需要做市場調查用英語怎麼說

you need to do some research

㈤ 想寫一篇英語作文 關於我想同事推薦一個人可以幫助他做市場調查,描述這個人的經驗能力

There are all kinds of persons in the world,but every person has his own character.So there is diversity of characters.
For example, some people are always happy no matter what happens.They are generous and are ready to help others.Such people are welcomes wherever they go,because they may bring pleasure to others.
Another kind of person is the disagreeable kind,They are weak in character,and they are easily disappointed when they are in trouble,They are easily hurt by others' words,while they often offend others' feelings by their eccentric dispositions.Wherever they appear,eventhe air becomes unpleasant.
We all live under the same sky and in the same sun,we all hope there are more friendships and more smiles among us. So let's improve our characters,thus our life will become more cheerful

㈥ 求報價、市場調研、贈送禮物這三個話題的英語對話

price telling, Market investigating, gift giving

㈦ 英語寫采訪調查對話十句


Interviewer [A]: Hi, thank you for taking the time to answer my questions today.
Interviewee [B]: Hello. Thank you for the opportunity.

A: It has been a few days since you won the tennis world championships, how do you feel now?
B: I'm still pretty excited to be honest, I wasn't expecting to win.

A: This is your... third championship win?
B: Yes, though the other two wins were back when I was just starting out. It has been a few years.

A: Some people didn't believe you still had it in you, what do you say to them?
B: Well, obviously I still do have it! [Laughs.]

A: [Laughs too.] Yes, that's true. Could you please tell us a little about how you got started?
B: Sure. I was eight, my dad and I started playing tennis in the backyard. He was a pretty good player too before his retirement. Guess it runs in the family.

A: It seems to be the case! What are your plans now? I believe more congratulations are in order, I hear your and your wife are expecting another child.

B: Oh, yes, we're expecting our second child any day now. I guess after the excitement dies down I need to prepare to be a full-time dad. I'm not sure if I'll be entering the next championship just yet to be honest, but we will see.

A: Well, I for one hope to see you on the court again. It was a magnificent win. Thank you very much for your time, and good luck with your new kid!
B: I will certainly think about it. And thank you.

㈧ bec商務英語對話 如何開發市場/未知品牌在未來的市場

你好 我今天剛剛考完BEC
1 market reserch 市場調查,考察顧客的品味和需求 即 cater the customer's taste and needs
2 kown your own strength 即 知道自己競爭實力在哪,與競爭對手競爭,或者說增強公司的產品實力也行
3 meet the specific demand 即根據客戶的需求來生產產品
4 the conprehensive understanding of the target market
如果滿意的話 請採納,謝謝··

㈨ 關於在商店裡對話的英語句子

"This is the latest mobile phone models, built-in 1G memory, large screens, features simple style in particular. But also the touch screen, touch-screen is very sensitive."

"Is there WIFI function and electronic dictionary translation?"

"Some, open interface, a finger touch screen, where you will find WIFI. Electronic dictionary translator, then as long as the phone has JAVA can be downloaded."

"What price?"

"I give you directly to a low bar, 450 million."

"Too expensive, this phone I can be seen everywhere in the market, 300 yuan to me I immediately removed."

"Sir, I'll give you the price is already so low, and did not make you any money. You can go to the market to look into my price is absolutely reasonable. May be on the market there are many similarities of style, but the quality is not the same."

"This cell phone into the French language can it?"

"If you have a need to do so I can help you upgrade to the French."

"OK, how long the warranty?"

"A year!"

"If the phone can be used for two days in question brought a change, or withdraw it?"

"I beg your pardon, change is possible, a refund, then I'm afraid not, but you rest assured that this phone under normal use will not have any problem."

"Well, the opening single to me!"

"Well, what if the future President of the words of a friend to buy mobile phones can introce them to me to buy, the price is absolutely reasonable to give you the absolute lowest price."

"No problem!"

"Well, this is a warranty, vouchers for one year warranty! You remember!"


"Welcome to come again next time!"




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