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『壹』 「市場調研」英文怎麼說


1、market research

2、market survey

3、market investigation













『貳』 跪求各位大俠英語翻譯高手幫我翻譯一下 謝謝 我把分全給你

1A "corporate image (CI) design": Based on "corporate image CI design" the development of the new situation and the characteristics of higher vocational ecation for the advertising and art design application-oriented talents of professional goals, the system introced the proct image and service image, staff image, organization image, corporate personality and corporate image shaping the planning and import a full range of corporate image design, the basic knowledge and skills, and explain the process through the example links and steps to strengthen the practical application.
2 Students Career Guidance: In accordance with the present institutions of higher learning in personnel training needs, combined with the more typical case of the community and the latest market trends explained the talent of university students and career background, job preparation and interview skills, business basics, entering the community should pay attention to labor issues and related policies and so on.
3 business negotiation: a systematic introction to the contents of the negotiations and general business proceres, combined with a large number of instances of negotiation tactics and strategy research, succinctly describes the basic principles of business negotiations and principles of concting business negotiations overview, respectively from business negotiation preparation, strategy, deadlock handling, signing, language skills, communication and coordination, psychology, rituals, discussed in terms of business negotiations
4 International Marketing: an overview of international marketing, international marketing environment, international market research and forecasting, international market demand analysis, international market competition analysis, international target market selection and entry, international marketing mix strategy
5 Marketing Professional English: In the coming international competition in the market environment, or to enter a career in the future, we will find that you are engaged in market research, proct positioning and pricing, brand strategy and promotion, market segmentation and differentiation, proct promotion (including self-marketing) with promotion, advertising and customer communication, event marketing, guerrilla marketing, experiential marketing, relationship marketing, sports sponsorship marketing, network marketing, cross-cultural marketing, new marketing campaigns
6 Marketing Psychology: a comprehensive analysis of the influence consumer buying behavior of the various factors, and on this basis, further discussed in the marketing activities such as new proct development and promotion, branding and packaging, commodity prices, advertising and sales environment , how the psychological characteristics for consumers to take appropriate marketing strategies and other psychological problems.
7 Ma Zhe: the materialism and dialectics, materialist view of nature and the materialist conception of history combine to form a theoretical system of dialectical materialism and historical materialism.
8 Market Research and Forecast: Analysis focused on the practical application of business operations more method, experiment, questionnaire design, sampling method, as well as experts in law, time series analysis, causal analysis, forecasting methods. At the same time, according to market research and market forecast overall requirements of practice to introce the characteristics of related work, principles, proceres and so on.
9 Introction to Business Negotiation: For negotiation, business negotiation and international business negotiations and the general theory of the three elements of the concept, extension, and mutual relationships comparisons and analysis, business negotiations that must be acquired general knowledge of the negotiations, such as business practices, processes , strategies, skills and international business negotiations focus on the risk aversion etc.. business negotiations must be noted that elements, which is always associated with business negotiations, business negotiation must be a high degree of attention.
10 marketing tips: salesmen vocational skills and higher professional ecation requirements of starting to promote the activities of program planning materials for the clues to the contents of system, in line with refining the theory, strengthen the application of the principles of skills training, mainly to explain and resolve the various marketing practices class technical issues.

『叄』 急需英文翻譯簡歷 高人來 急急急


Intention job: Human Resources Assistant; administration;

Personal profiles:

Name: Wang Xiaoyin Sex: Male

Date of birth: February 14, 1986 location: Beijing

Ecation: University degree: Business Administration

Marital status: single

Contact: Residential Tel: 010-67324844 Mobile: 13810527214


Integrity, character and open outward, treat people with sincerity, the overall situation, with a high sense of responsibility and a strong ambition and a good life style. There are good psychological quality, organization and coordination ability and interpersonal skills. Have a strong team spirit, skills, the ability to adapt to the environment. Can be good at the theory and practice to solve practical problems.

I look forward to: there is a suitable platform, with all my passion and full of wisdom to open up, hard.

I firmly believe that: as long as the constant social melting pot in this study, "Heart" in the face to all that is bound to continue to beat ourselves, beyond ourselves, step by step to success!


 assistant human resources division level 3 certificate

 the level of foreign language: English IV

 Windows operating system, Office software, office automation, network with the knowledge,

Free  be able to use the Internet to obtain information in a timely manner to deal with all types of frequently asked questions.

Work experience:

February 2008 - March 2008 Human Resources Beijing Jianxiang B & Q store (B & Q China)

Finishing as the personnel files and training files, to complete all the outstanding work of managers and colleagues and the trust and recognition, learned a lot from the work of human resources in the actual working methods and knowledge.

July 2004 - August 2004 marketing company First Pacific Davies (Savills China)

Grade A offices in Beijing as the investigation, ring which Beijing on the part of the Grade A office space, to know and be able to complete the good work of market research.

Ecation background:

Tianjin Commercial University in Business Administration from September 2004 to June 2008

The repair of the main course: market research and forecasting (84); Probability and Statistics (89); Principles of Management (80); international business management (78); Human Resources Management (83); Management Information System (75); operations research ( 78), and so on

『肆』 關於一篇市場調研方面的中文翻譯

4. 方式
該項目將由Drery』s新加坡公司的WONG先生帶領進行,他可說中文。該調研將由文案的調查工作和對中國東北部的實地考察相結合完成。而後者更是了解該碼頭在當地市場的地位以及競爭因素的關鍵,另外對於詳細的收集內陸交通競爭因素也非常重要。Drery允許在收費計劃書中5個日費率的標准上完成此項工作。WONG先生將在YU JIANG女士的陪同下進行,YU JIANG女士是最早來自中國北部的一名咨詢員。






『伍』 關於一篇市場調研報告的英文翻譯

1. 工作范圍
內陸連通性和成本將是確定港口市場競爭力的一個主要因素,Drewry 將比較區域競爭港口與主要內陸城市/市場的距離和成本作為分析競爭力的因素。而後,這份評估也可用於作為新的集裝箱碼頭的商業可行性報告。


3. 交付
這份市場研究將會以報告的形式用Microsoft Word做出,並通過電子郵件交付,基本標題如下:
a )執行摘要和結論
b )評價區域的集裝箱港競爭力
c )對內陸運輸的競爭力問題評價
d )裝箱箱量量預測/概括

『陸』 「調查」的英文是什麼

讀音:英 [ɪn'kwaɪrɪ]美 [ɪn'kwaɪri]
[例句]:The inquiry has
讀音:英 [ɪn,vestɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n]美 [ɪn,vɛstɪ'ɡeʃən]
Nations investigation.
讀音:英 [rɪ'sɜːtʃ;
'riːsɜːtʃ]美 ['risɝtʃ]
英 [ˈsəːveɪ;
səˈveɪ]美 [ˈsɝˌve;
the survey showed
英 [ɪn'vestɪgeɪt]美 [ɪn'vɛstɪɡet]
to investigate the

『柒』 英語翻譯

As the project engineer of the network company, I am (如果已經辭職了用was) in charge of the designing and maintenance of company network, and the sales promotion of the network security procts of our company.

You will find the distance between you and others: no chance for you to use what you learnt, and your English is not strong enough. You should plan to conquer English in two year. then after two years, you are still young and get a lots chances.

市場營銷 marketing
市場調查與預測 market research and forecast
市場策劃 marketing planning.

『捌』 在線等——工商管理的翻譯~

一、工商大學 business university
也有例外:如重慶工商大學(chongqing technology and business university)
二、工商管理專業:business administration
如果硬要加上專業,那就是 speciality of business administration
三、物流助理師 assistant logistician
四、優秀團員 excellent league member

『玖』 「市場調查與預測」英文怎麼翻譯

market survey and forecast

『拾』 幫我翻譯一下(翻譯成英文)謝謝....

The World Trade Organization introced how to promote the economy and the trade development, raises the living standard, the guarantee full employment, the safeguard real income and the effective demand growth; According to sustainable development goal reasonable use world resources, expansion commodity proction and service; Achieves the mutually beneficial interaction the agreement, reces large scale with the elimination of tariffs and other trade protectionism and eliminates in the international trade the discrimination treatment. WTO covering cargo trade, trade in services as well as intellectual property rights trade, but the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade knowledge uses in the commodity cargo trade.

The elaboration study independency, the accounting machine networking in foreign language teaching's application, proposed in the computer network auxiliary foreign language teaching the raise and the display study independent measure, the emphasis study independent raise is the ecation (including foreign language teaching) basic goal. the international trade theory with applies, the import and export business, the international finance practice, the international market marketing practice, the international commercial law practice, the declaration theory and the practice, electronic commerce applies, the ocean shipping service, the interpersonal communication and the negotiations technology, the international trade simulation synthesizes really teaches. market marketing principle, human resources management, international trade, international market marketing, market survey and predict that commercial negotiations and sales promotion, advertisement plan practice, actual combat marketing, network marketing, specialized English.

Introced the office automation application's basic strokes and the application skill, can the application office automation technology complete the daily work business work; Can take the office automation software a multi-purpose tool to use skilled, in academic society application office automation technology's each kind of function processes and completes the different ty, in completes the task in the process the academic society to analyze the ty, chooses the different application software, enhances in the treating processes to solve the question ability, learns creatively to complete the task; Can use the office automation technology processing daily business work skilled, and to enhance each specialized direction professional ability to lay the good foundation. requests the student to grasp the pronunciation intonation, the pivot grammar, the commonly used glossary and the basic sentence pattern, builds the solid English foundation. Through listened to, saying that to read the system skill training which, wrote and translates, trained the student to have English language application ability, enhanced English human relations potency.

The university English perusal class was one synthesized the hearing in the limited time, the spoken language, reading, the writing and the translation teaching curriculum. English literary style and the rhetoric theory in the English perusal class teaching's use value, and unified the example from aspects and so on pronunciation, glossary, syntax and chapter pattern have analyzed this theory actual application method. the paper has applied the knowledge which specialized learns in the international trade. Narrated one proct from the proction to a customer's detailed process. the question supplemented: Is pulls strings the pedagogue to obtain the professional knowledge which, the skill and the occupational ethics ecation some kind of occupation or the proctive labor need. like trains before staff's employment, to unemployed's re-employment training and so on each kind of professional manager as well as each kind of Professional High school, the specialized middle school, the professional school and so on Vocational school ecation and so on belongs to the vocational ecation. the vocational ecation's goal is the raise and has certain cultural level and the specialized knowledge skill worker using the talented person, compares with the general ecation and the alt ecation, the vocational ecation stresses on the practice skill and the hands-on background raise.



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