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『壹』 求購(關於市場營銷的英文文章)

中文 隨著IT技術的發展,企業以越來越快的速度向網路化轉變,現在我們已經進入了信息時代,速度更成了我們不斷追求的方向。而對於每個企業必不可少的市場營銷部門在以更超前的速度轉變著,人們開始向網路營銷轉化。 有的專家說,在網路時代的今天網路營銷會很快的替代傳統的營銷方式而成為市場的主旋律。因為人們可以看到了網路營銷的優勢, 在企業內部 ,部門和部門之間都相互聯網有利於信息共享 ,也縮短了信息傳遞的時間。 從而大大提高了工作效率, 可以在公司電腦上面建立資料庫,里邊存有客戶的基本資料和消費信息紀錄 ,有利於實施一對一營銷,從而更好的為客戶服務。同時也能讓客戶感受到企業對他是相當的在乎, 更提高了客戶的忠誠度 ,而對於網路銷售同樣很有誘惑力,它可以省略許多中間商,象批發商 、經銷商、 甚至是零售商, 而直接面對客戶。從而大大降低了成本,企業的產品更有競爭力取得更大的銷售業績,而更主要的是能以最快的速度得到客戶的反饋信息,使企業的產品更適應市場的需求,而使企業總是走在市場的最前列。 可有的專家卻認為。網路營銷是有一些優勢,但他的缺點卻不容忽視。網路化是可以更快的得到市場信息, 但網路銷售提高銷售業績卻不堪贊同。他們認為,網路化今天卻只是最前沿的東西。大部分的人還沒有接受這種方式。人們還不太習慣在網上購物,他們對這些虛擬的東西缺乏信任,他們還是比較相信現實中存在的東西。生活中,如果我買了東西質量有什麼問題直接就可以找廠家, 或者找賣主 ,而且會很快的得到答復。可網上我不知道該找誰,怎麼找,什麼時候有答復?再說有的東西根本就不適合在網上銷售,比如可口可樂公司生產的飲品, 我想喝的時候隨便進哪個商店或者超市都能買到,這已經再方便不過了,還要怎麼簡化銷售過程嗎?誰都知道沒有必要了。你要想得到顧客的信任,想盡可能的滿足顧客,那麼我想最有效的方法不是去降低成本,只要你在世界的每個角落都擺放上可樂,讓人們不論在什麼時間什麼地點只要想喝就能夠看到它那就是對顧客最大的滿足,不要只顧著降低成本而卻忘了更重要的市場佔有率。 網路化發展的的確快,可按照現在的電腦普及率要完全的向網路化轉變還需要相當長的時間,更何況對我們中國的企業。網路營銷確實潛力很大,可要完全開發卻也不易,傳統的營銷方式還是會佔主導地位,網路營銷很快的取代傳統的營銷是不現實的。也許最好的營銷方式不是網路營銷,也不是傳統營銷,我覺得他們完全可以相互補充,各取所長,也許那才是最好最有前途的營銷方式吧。

『貳』 我想找關於市場營銷的英文短文,誰幫幫忙吧






『叄』 本人急需一篇(關於市場營銷的英文文章),5千字英文,有中文的翻譯.


The Competition
It is essential to know who the competition is and to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Factors to consider include:
Each of your competitor's experience, staying power, market position, strength, predictability and freedom to abandon the market must be evaluated.
Your Enterprise
An honest appraisal of the strength of your enterprise is a critical factor in the development of your strategy. Factors to consider include:
Enterprise capacity to be leader in low-cost proction considering cost control infrastructure, cost of materials, economies of scale, management skills, availability of personnel and compatibility of manufacturing resources with offering requirements.
The enterprise's ability to construct entry barriers to competition such as the creation of high switching costs, gaining substantial benefit from economies of scale, exclusive access to or clogging of distribution channels and the ability to clearly differentiate your offering from the competition.
The enterprise's ability to sustain its market position is determined by the potential for competitive imitation, resistance to inflation, ability to maintain high prices, the potential for proct obsolescence and the 'learning curve' faced by the prospect.
The prominence of the enterprise.
The competence of the management team.
The adequacy of the enterprise's infrastructure in terms of organization, recruiting capabilities, employee benefit programs, customer support facilities and logistical capabilities.
The freedom of the enterprise to make critical business decisions without une influence from distributors, suppliers, unions, creditors, investors and other outside influences.
Freedom from having to deal with legal problems.
A review of the strength and viability of the proct/service development program will heavily influence the direction of your strategy. Factors to consider include:
The strength of the development manager including experience with personnel management, current and new technologies, complex projects and the equipment and tools used by the development personnel.
Personnel who understand the relevant technologies and are able to perform the tasks necessary to meet the development objectives.
Adequacy and appropriateness of the development tools and equipment.
The necessary funding to achieve the development objectives.
Design specifications that are manageable.
You should review your enterprise's proction organization with respect to their ability to cost effectively proce procts/services. The following factors are considered:
The strength of proction manager including experience with personnel management, current and new technologies, complex projects and the equipment and tools used by the manufacturing personnel.
Economies of scale allowing the sharing of operations, sharing of proction and the potential for vertical integration.
Technology and proction experience
The necessary proction personnel skill level and/or the enterprise's ability to hire or train qualified personnel.
The ability of the enterprise to limit suppliers bargaining power.
The ability of the enterprise to control the quality of raw materials and proction.
Adequate access to raw materials and sub-assembly proction.
The marketing and sales organization is analyzed for its strengths and current activities. Factors to consider include:
Experience of Marketing/Sales manager including contacts in the instry (prospects, distribution channels, media), familiarity with advertising and promotion, personal selling capabilities, general management skills and a history of profit and loss responsibilities.
The ability to generate good publicity as measured by past successes, contacts in the press, quality of promotional literature and market ecation capabilities.
Sales promotion techniques such as trade allowances, special pricing and contests.
The effectiveness of your distribution channels as measured by history of relations, the extent of channel utilization, financial stability, reputation, access to prospects and familiarity with your offering.
Advertising capabilities including media relationships, advertising budget, past experience, how easily the offering can be advertised and commitment to advertising.
Sales capabilities including availability of personnel, quality of personnel, location of sales outlets, ability to generate sales leads, relationship with distributors, ability to demonstrate the benefits of the offering and necessary sales support capabilities.
The appropriateness of the pricing of your offering as it relates to competition, price sensitivity of the prospect, prospect's familiarity with the offering and the current market life cycle stage.
Customer Services
The strength of the customer service function has a strong influence on long term market success. Factors to consider include:
Experience of the Customer Service manager in the areas of similar offerings and customers, quality control, technical support, proct documentation, sales and marketing.
The availability of technical support to service your offering after it is purchased.
One or more factors that causes your customer support to stand out as unique in the eyes of the customer.
Accessibility of service outlets for the customer.
The reputation of the enterprise for customer service.
After defining your strategy you must use the information you have gathered to determine whether this strategy will achieve the objective of making your enterprise competitive in the marketplace. Two of the most important assessments are described below.
Cost To Enter Market
This is an analysis of the factors that will influence your costs to achieve significant market penetration. Factors to consider include:
Your marketing strength.
Access to low cost materials and effective proction.
The experience of your enterprise.
The complexity of introction problems such as lack of adherence to instry standards, unavailability of materials, poor quality control, regulatory problems and the inability to explain the benefits of the offering to the prospect.
The effectiveness of the enterprise infrastructure in terms of organization, recruiting capabilities, employee benefit programs, customer support facilities and logistical capabilities.
Distribution effectiveness as measured by history of relations, the extent of channel utilization, financial stability, reputation, access to prospects and familiarity with your offering.
Technological efforts likely to be successful as measured by the strength of the development organization.
The availability of adequate operating capital.
Profit Potential
This is an analysis of the factors that could influence the potential for generating and maintaining profits over an extended period. Factors to consider include:
Potential for competitive retaliation is based on the competitors resources, commitment to the instry, cash position and predictability as well as the status of the market.
The enterprise's ability to construct entry barriers to competition such as the creation of high switching costs, gaining substantial benefit from economies of scale, exclusive access to or clogging of distribution channels and the ability to clearly differentiate your offering from the competition.
The intensity of competitive rivalry as measured by the size and number of competitors, limitations on exiting the market, differentiation between offerings and the rapidity of market growth.
The ability of the enterprise to limit suppliers bargaining power.
The enterprise's ability to sustain its market position is determined by the potential for competitive imitation, resistance to inflation, ability to maintain high prices, the potential for proct obsolescence and the 'learning curve' faced by the prospect.
The availability of substitute solutions to the prospect's need.
The prospect's bargaining power as measured by the ease of switching to an alternative, the cost to look at alternatives, the cost of the offering, the differentiation between your offering and the competition and the degree of the prospect's need.
Market potential for new procts considering market growth, prospect's need for your offering, the benefits of the offering, the number of barriers to immediate use, the credibility of the offering and the impact on the customer's daily operations.
The freedom of the enterprise to make critical business decisions without une influence from distributors, suppliers, unions, investors and other outside influences.

『肆』 誰能提供一篇與市場營銷有關的英文文章

Modern Marketing

At all points of the modern marketing system people have formed associations and eliminated various middlemen in order to achieve more efficient marketing. Manufacturers often maintain their own wholesale departments and deal directly with retailers. Independent stores may operate their own wholesale agencies to supply them with goods. Wholesale houses operate outlets for their wares, and farmers sell their procts through their own wholesale cooperatives. Recent years have seen the development of wholesale clubs, which sell retail items to consumers who purchase memberships that give them the privilege of shopping at wholesale prices. Commodity exchanges, such as those of grain and cotton, enable businesses to buy and sell commodities for both immediate and future delivery.

Methods of merchandising have also been changed to attract customers. The one-price system, probably introced (1841) by A. T. Stewart in New York, saves sales clerks from haggling and promotes faith in the integrity of the merchant. Advertising has created an international market for many items, especially trademarked and labeled goods. In 1999 more than $308 billion was spent on advertising in the United States alone. The number of customers, especially for rable goods, has been greatly increased by the practice of extending credit, particularly in the form of installment buying and selling. Customers also buy through mail-order catalogs (much expanded from the original catalog sales business of the late 1800s), by placing orders to specialized 「-shopping」 television channels, and through on-line transactions (「e-commerce」) on the Internet.

Services are marketed in much the same manner as goods and commodities. Sometimes a service, like that of a repair person or physician, is marketed through the same act that proces it. Personal services may also be brokered by employment agencies, booking agents for concert or theatrical performers, travel agents, and the like. Methods of marketing now include market research, motivational research, and other means of determining consumer acceptability of a proct before the procer decides to manufacture and market it on a large scale. Market research, often concted by means of telephone interviews with consumers, is a major instry in itself, with the top 50 U.S. marketing firms tallying revenues of $5.9 billion in 1998.

『伍』 有沒有關於市場營銷方面的英文文章


『陸』 我想找一篇市場營銷類的英文文章,哪裡有


『柒』 求一篇有關市場營銷英文的論文5000字

First, services marketing. Modern economic development is characterized by a significant service instry booming national economy, the status of its growing importance of services marketing highlights the growing importance of China has joined WTO, foreign companies have to seize the Chinese, and foreign services, marketing war will appear white-hot trend. Economic life of service can be divided into two categories. One is service procts, proct creation and delivery for customers mainly from the core interests of intangible services. The other is the function of services, procts, mainly from the formation of the core interests of the ingredients, invisible only to meet customer service needs of non-major. Berry think that the source of the proct's core interests, the tangible and intangible elements of composition to be more than that, then the proct can be seen as a "commodity" (tangible procts); if intangible components of tangible elements to more than that, then the proct can be seen as a "service." And services consistent with this distinction, service marketing research formed the two major areas, namely services, procts, marketing and customer service marketing. Service is the essence of proct marketing, how to promote the exchange of proct services; customer service is of the essence of marketing, how to use the services as a marketing tool to promote the exchange of tangible procts. However, both services proct marketing, or customer service, marketing, service marketing is the core concept of customer satisfaction and loyalty, and by obtaining customer satisfaction and loyalty to the promotion of mutually beneficial exchange, and ultimately sales performance improvement and long-term business growth. Second, network marketing. Use of the Internet is a communication line, into the international network of global computer information delivery system will be the next most important channel for marketing. Internet Marketing features include; can provide anytime, anywhere 24 hours of global marketing services; computer can store large amounts of information, on behalf of consumer inquiries, the amount of information transmitted and accuracy, far more than other media; to meet market demands in a timely manner Update proct or price adjustments; rece printing and mailing costs; and no store rent, saving water and labor costs; can avoid the interference of a salesman selling strong; can talk through the provision of information and interaction with consumers long-term good relations. Internet is the most powerful marketing tool, it also combines Qu, marketing, electronic transactions, interactive customer service and market information analysis and delivery of a variety of functions. It features sound and light interactive communication, as of time, the media, who have been attracted to the eyes of the younger generation. In addition, it has a one to one marketing capabilities, it is consistent with [Focus marketing] and [direct marketing] future trend. Internet marketing can be considered as an emerging marketing channels, it is not necessarily to replace the traditional channels, but through the development of information technology to innovation and re-marketing channels. But it is undeniable that online marketing is bound to impact traditional marketing, so the business community must pay attention to this trend, and with the software instry for close contact and cooperation. Advertising instry as an example, in the latest media age, sales are consistent from start to finish operation, that is attracting attention from the triggered interest, resulting in purchases, procurement, these cities become, and advertising companies will participate in the marketing of the whole. Commercial enterprises also need to change the traditional organizational forms, to enhance the functions of the new media sector, the introction of both quality and marketing personnel in computer technology, the future can have the market's competitive advantage. Third, green marketing. The so-called "green marketing" refers to the social and enterprises are fully aware of the increasing environmental awareness of consumers and the resulting need for clean-based pollution-free procts based on the discovery, creation and select market opportunities, through a series of rational means of marketing to meet consumer and community development needs of the ecological environment and realize sustainable development process. Green Marketing is the core ecological principles in accordance with environmental protection and to select and determine the marketing mix strategy is based on green technology, green markets and green based on economic, ecological concerns for the human response to a mode of operation. Some developed countries the demand for green procts is very extensive, but developing countries as capital and consumer orientation, quality and consumer reasons, it can not really achieve the greening of all consumer demand. Taiwan for instance, currently only some food, home appliances, communication procts, part-green; while developed countries have adopted a variety of ways and means, including legislation, etc., Lai Tuixing and the achievement of all procts Di green consumption. Thus having a very broad basis of market demand for green marketing activities have laid a solid foundation. To green, for example, the United Kingdom, Germany, the demand for green food can not self-sufficient, the United Kingdom every year, the import of 80% of the total food consumption in Germany is as high as 98%. This indicates that the market potential for green procts is very large, very wide market demand. Green marketing is the twenty-first century consumer demand resulting from a novel marketing idea, that is, green marketing, marketing is also not out of the original theory. Therefore, the development of green marketing model and program selection and integration of related resources can not can not be severed from the original basis of marketing theory can be said that green marketing is the pursuit of health, safety, environmental protection, developed under the ideology of the new ways and means of marketing. Establish a modern enterprise is only a new marketing philosophy of sustainable development, make efforts to green marketing, the development of green procts for green proction, and sustainable development to adapt to the trend. At the same time, enterprises can further "consumer oriented", to promote sustainable consumption patterns of the full development and realization of their obligation to promote social development and ecological development of the responsibilities and obligations, so that their economic, social and environmental benefits .

『捌』 市場營銷相關的中英文對照文章,3000字左右,


『玖』 求一篇有關市場營銷的英文文章翻譯成中文的,現成就有的發給我就是,5000字英文

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