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❶ 誰知道市場營銷專業 本科大一 大二大 三大四分別學習哪些課程


❷ 學市場營銷需要什麼樣的英語水平



❸ marketing 市場營銷論文 要英文版的

With the development of IT technology, business to the increasingly rapid pace of change to the network, and now we have entered the information age, speed has become our constant pursuit of direction. For each enterprise essential to marketing departments in order to advance the pace of change even more in, people began to network marketing transformation.

Some experts said that in the Internet age of today's Internet Marketing will soon replace the traditional marketing methods and become the main theme of the market. Because people can see the advantages of the network marketing, in-house, departments, and between all departments of the Internet to share information, but also shorten the time for the transmission of information. Thus greatly improving the efficiency of the computer above the company can build up a database, there are customers inside the basic information and consumer information records and is concive to the implementation of one-on-one marketing, for better customer service. At the same time also allow customers to feel he is very business-to-the mind, increase customer loyalty and sales network for the same very attractive, it may omit many brokers, such as wholesalers, distributors, retailers and even And to directly face the customer. Thus greatly rece the cost, the enterprise's procts more competitive to achieve greater sales, and more importantly is able to get the fastest rate of customer feedback to enable enterprises to adapt to market the proct more demand e to enterprises Always walk in the forefront of the market.

Some experts say that may be. Network marketing is some advantage, but his shortcomings but can not be ignored. Network can get market information faster, but the network sales increase sales but can not agree with. They believe that this network has only the most cutting-edge things. Most people have not accepted this approach. It is also not in the habit of online shopping, the things on these virtual lack of trust, they believe that the reality is quite the thing. Life, if I bought What is the problem with the quality of things you can find manufacturers directly, or find a vendor, and will soon receive a response. I do not know that the Internet can be the Whom do I contact, how to find, when a reply » Some say things simply do not fit in online sales, proction companies such as Coca-Cola drinks, I Xianghe when casually into stores or supermarkets which can be bought, it has more convenient, however, how to simplify the sales process? » Everyone knows that there is no need of. If you get the trust of customers, to the extent possible, satisfy the customer, then I think the most effective way is not to rece costs, as long as you in every corner of the world placed on Coke, so that people no matter what time any place as long as the wish to Drink will be able to see it and that is the biggest customer satisfaction, not only rece costs but forgot the more important in the market.

Network development is fast, according to the computer penetration rate is now to complete the transition to the network also needs a long time, not to mention to our Chinese enterprises. Network marketing is a great potential, but also可要not fully developed, the traditional marketing methods will still dominate, the network marketing soon replace the traditional marketing is not realistic. Perhaps the best marketing is not marketing, not traditional marketing, I think they can complement each other, Gequ director, perhaps the most promising is the best way of marketing it.



有的專家說,在網路時代的今天網路營銷會很快的替代傳統的營銷方式而成為市場的主旋律。因為人們可以看到了網路營銷的優勢, 在企業內部 ,部門和部門之間都相互聯網有利於信息共享 ,也縮短了信息傳遞的時間。 從而大大提高了工作效率, 可以在公司電腦上面建立資料庫,里邊存有客戶的基本資料和消費信息紀錄 ,有利於實施一對一營銷,從而更好的為客戶服務。同時也能讓客戶感受到企業對他是相當的在乎, 更提高了客戶的忠誠度 ,而對於網路銷售同樣很有誘惑力,它可以省略許多中間商,象批發商 、經銷商、 甚至是零售商, 而直接面對客戶。從而大大降低了成本,企業的產品更有競爭力取得更大的銷售業績,而更主要的是能以最快的速度得到客戶的反饋信息,使企業的產品更適應市場的需求,而使企業總是走在市場的最前列。

可有的專家卻認為。網路營銷是有一些優勢,但他的缺點卻不容忽視。網路化是可以更快的得到市場信息, 但網路銷售提高銷售業績卻不堪贊同。他們認為,網路化今天卻只是最前沿的東西。大部分的人還沒有接受這種方式。人們還不太習慣在網上購物,他們對這些虛擬的東西缺乏信任,他們還是比較相信現實中存在的東西。生活中,如果我買了東西質量有什麼問題直接就可以找廠家, 或者找賣主 ,而且會很快的得到答復。可網上我不知道該找誰,怎麼找,什麼時候有答復?再說有的東西根本就不適合在網上銷售,比如可口可樂公司生產的飲品, 我想喝的時候隨便進哪個商店或者超市都能買到,這已經再方便不過了,還要怎麼簡化銷售過程嗎?誰都知道沒有必要了。你要想得到顧客的信任,想盡可能的滿足顧客,那麼我想最有效的方法不是去降低成本,只要你在世界的每個角落都擺放上可樂,讓人們不論在什麼時間什麼地點只要想喝就能夠看到它那就是對顧客最大的滿足,不要只顧著降低成本而卻忘了更重要的市場佔有率。


❹ 市場營銷英語sample

Its success has rested on clever marketing an eye for innovation and strong customer service.
Sales Assistant 銷售助理
Wholesale Buyer 批發采購員
Tele-Interviewer 電話調查員
Real Estate Appraiser 房地產評估師
Marketing Consultant 市場顧問
Marketing and Sales Director 市場與銷售總監
Market Research Analyst 市場調查分析員
Manufacturers Representative 廠家代表
Director of Subsidiary Rights 分公司權利總監
Sales Representative 銷售代表
Assistant Customer Executive 客戶管理助理
Marketing Intern 市場實習
Marketing Director 市場總監

❺ 市場營銷專業怎樣,要不要學英語


❻ 市場營銷中幾個英文縮寫代表什麼

1、CS:英文Customer Satisfaction的縮寫,意為「顧客滿意」。

2、4Ps,即:產品(Proct) 、價格(Price) 、促銷(Promotion)、通路與配銷 渠道和分銷(Place&Distribution)。


4、PLC:The Proct Life Cycle 產品生命周期

5、STP:在現代市場營銷理論中,市場細分(Market Segmentation)、 目標市場(Market Targeting)、 市場定位(Market Positioning)是構成公司營銷戰略的核心三要素,被稱為STP營銷。








❼ 英語與市場營銷哪個專業更好


❽ 學市場營銷是不是英語一定要好啊


❾ 市場營銷怎麼翻譯成英語

市場營銷的英文翻譯是marketing management,作為名詞或課程使用,具體分析如下:

marketing management

英 [ˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋ ˈmænidʒmənt] 美 [ˈmɑrkɪtɪŋ ˈmænɪdʒmənt]



1、Marketing OPerations Management市場運作與管理

2、Wine Marketing &Management紅酒市場營銷及管理

3、MSc Marketing and Management市場與管理

4、Services Marketing & Management服務營銷與管理



1、MarketingManagement,FinanceManagement,OperationManagement, EngineeringEconomy,RiskManagement.




3、 .


4、,consumptioncongestionhas drawn .




6、 Workflow.


❿ 請用英語簡單介紹下什麼是市場營銷

what is marketing? In short, marketing is any activity that allows your customer to find out who you are and what you do. Is advertising marketing? Yes. Is sales marketing? Yup. Is your service department involved in marketing? You better believe it. Does your janitorial staff market for you? Absolutely. Whoa, now wait a minute. How is that? How does your janitorial staff market for you? Well, the staff at Disney World is the best example. You can ask anyone – a maintenance worker, a bus driver, anyone – a question, and they either know the answer or they'll find out for you



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