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市場營銷畢業論文參考文獻 篇1

1. 胡繼承,市場營銷與策劃,科學出版社,2003

2. 甘碧群,市場營銷學,武漢大學出版社,2004.7.1

3. 胡德華,市場營銷經典案例與解讀,電子工業出版社,2005.8.1

4. 市場營銷學模擬試卷編寫組,《市場營銷學》考試指導與模擬試卷,北京大學出版社,2004.2.1

5. 侯貴生,市場營銷綜合實訓教程,重慶大學出版社,2005.9.1

6. 盛敏、元明順、劉艷玲,marketing市場營銷學案例,清華大學出版社,2005.9.1

7. 國際金融公司中國項目中心開發組,市場營銷概論,上海科學技術出版社,2003.9.1

8. 文臘梅、馮和平、江勁松,市場營銷實務,湖南大學出版社,2005.7.1

9. 林長富,市場營銷原理,機械工業出版社,2005.7.1

10. 符莎莉,國際市場營銷理論與實務,電子工業出版社,2005.8.1

11. 張晉光、黃國輝,市場營銷,機械工業出版社,2005.2.1

12. 何永祺,基礎市場營銷學,暨南大學出版社,2004.7.1

13. 【美】科特勒,現代營銷學之父菲利普科特勒經典譯叢:市場營銷,華夏出版社,2003.1.1

14. 【美】科特勒、梅汝和、梅清豪、周安柱,營銷管理(新千年版,第十版),中國人民大學出版社,2001.7.1

15. (美)加里·阿姆斯特郎、(美)菲利普·科特勒、俞利軍,科特勒市場營銷教程,華夏出版社,2004.10.1

16. (美)加里·阿姆斯特郎、(美)菲利普·科特勒,市場營銷管理,清華大學出版社,2005.8.1

17. 孫全治,市場營銷案例分析,東南大學出版社,2004.7.1

18. (美)昆奇等、呂一林等,市場營銷管理:教程和案例,北京大學出版社,2004.6.1

19. An Introction,科特勒市場營銷教程(英文原版.6)華夏出版社,2003.10.1

20. 邱斌等,市場營銷學:基本原理與經典案例——21世紀企業戰略叢書,東南大學出版社,2005.6.1

21. 王中亮,現代市場營銷學,立信會計出版社,1999.9.1

22. 曾曉洋、胡維平,市場營銷學案例集(第二輯),上海財經大學出版社,2005.7.1

23. 郭國慶,市場營銷學通論(第三版),中國人民大學出版社,2005.4.1

24. 李品媛等,市場營銷學精選案例評析,安徽人民出版社,2002.1.1

25. (美)索羅門等、何偉祥、熊榮生等,市場營銷學原理:第4版,經濟科學出版社,2005.10.1

26. 王方華,市場營銷學,復旦大學出版社,2001.7.1

27. (美)布恩等、趙銀德等,當代市場營銷學,機械工業出版社,2005.5.1

28. 普賴德等、梅清豪等,營銷觀念與戰略,中國人民大學出版社,2005.6.1

29. (美)埃策爾、(美)沃克、(美)斯坦頓、張平淡、牛海鵬,新時代的市場營銷(第13版),企業管理出版社,2004.8.1

30. (美)傑恩、賈光偉,市場營銷策劃與戰(第六版),中信出版社,2004.4.1

31. 吳健安,市場營銷學(第三版),安徽人民出版社,2004.1.1

32. 郭芳芳、陳順霞,市場營銷學習題集,上海財經大學出版社,2005.9.1

33. 何立居,市場營銷理論與實務,機械工業出版社,2004.9.1

34. 陳信康,市場營銷學案例集,上海財經大學出版社,2003.8.1

35. 蘭苓,現代市場營銷學,首都經濟貿易大學出版社,2005.1.1

36. 錢旭潮,市場營銷管理:需求的創造和傳遞,機械工業出版社,2005.9.1

市場營銷畢業論文參考文獻 篇2


















[18]於法領.關於品牌戰略[J]. 北方經濟,2005,(10).


[20]姬雄華.企業品牌戰略選擇研究[J]. 延安大學學報(社會科學版),2001,(3).

[21]蔣海岩.實施品牌戰略 創企業名牌[J].山東行政學院.山東省經濟管理幹部學院學報,2001,(2).


[23]Arnold,D. The Handbook of Brand Management, FT/Pitman Publishing, London.

[24]Dechernatony, L. and Mcdonald, M.H.B. Creating Powerful Brands, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford. 1992

[25]Hankinson, G. and Cowking, P Branding in Action, McGraw-Hill,London. 1993

[26]Kapferer, J. H Strategic Brand Management, Kogan Page,London.

市場營銷畢業論文參考文獻 篇3























市場營銷畢業論文參考文獻 篇4
































⑵ 市場營銷專業參考文獻

1. [美]沃倫.基根.全球營銷管理[M].北京:清華大學出版社,1997年版.
2. [美]菲力浦.科特勒.市場營銷管理[M]..北京:中國人民大學出版社, 1996年版.
3. 屈雲波.品牌營銷[M]..北京:.企業管理出版社, 1996年版.
4. 李弘,董大海.市場營銷[M].大連:大工出版社, 2000年版.
5. 京華企業咨詢公司(編).品牌巨匠[M].北京:今日中國出版社, 1996年版.
6. 湯正如.市場營銷學教學[M]..沈陽:遼寧大學出版社, 1993年版.
7. 京華企業咨詢公司(編).品牌巨匠[M].北京:今日中國出版社, 1996年版.
8. 朱方明.品牌促銷[M].北京:中國經濟出版社, 1998年版.
9. 吳憲和.營銷形象策劃[M].上海:上海財經大學出版社, 1998年版.
10. 晃鋼令.營銷戰略策劃[M].上海:上海財經大學出版社, 1998年版.
1. 魯慧. 渠道關系破壞性行為原因分析[J]. 現代商貿工業. 2013(04)
2. 董維維,庄貴軍. 營銷渠道中人際關繫到跨組織合作關系:人情的調節作用[J]. 預測. 2013(01)
3. 蔣兆年. 關系型營銷渠道模式對於營銷效率的貢獻[J]. 現代營銷(學苑版). 2012(07)
4. 楊富貴. 復合渠道模式的構建及其優化策略[J]. 商業時代. 2012(17)
5. 葉松林. 保險營銷渠道團隊管理研究[J]. 對外經貿. 2012(05)
1. 向保林,李珞新.電力市場營銷專業人才培養體系研究[J].能源技術經濟,2010(8).
2. 袁滿.電力營銷面臨的問題及發展對策探析[J].電子世界,2012(9).
3. 石群芳.淺談電力市場營銷的新理念及策略[J].科技風,2010(9).
4. 何德浩.有關電力營銷管理創新策略的探討[J].中小企業管理與科技(上旬刊),2009(10).
5. 牛文琪,沈建紅.市場營銷(電力方向)專業實踐教學體系建設研究[J].中國電力教育,2009(8).
1. 包敦安,司千字,程紹武. 家電企業營銷渠道的現狀、發展趨勢及生產廠商的對策[J]. 企業經濟,2008(07):62-64
2. 葉萍. 我國家電行業營銷渠道模式的變革[J]. 天津市職工現代企業管理學學報,2007(06):25-26
3. 王國才,王希鳳,龔國華. 家電企業分銷渠道優化策略研究[J]. 商業研究,2008(16):71-73
4. 艾略特,艾伯格著. 4R營銷[M]. 企業管理出版社,2003:12
5. 賈麗博. 「格力渠道模式」戰略分析與對策[J]. 北京市財貿管理幹部學院學報,2007(04):40-43
1. (美)菲利普.科特勒.營銷管理(第八版)[M].上海人民出版社.1994:920.
2. (美)杜塞爾.麥肯錫方法[M].北京:機械工業出版社,2010.
3. [美]Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong. Principles of Marketing (9th Edition)[M].北京:清華大學出版社,2002:128-162.
4. [美]邁克.波特.競爭戰略[M].北京:華夏出版社,1997:33-60.
5. 菲利普.科特勒,阿姆斯特朗.市場營銷學[M].北京:清華大學出版社,2012:3.

⑶ 求兩個關於市場營銷的外文文獻參考,以參考文獻形式發給我就行……如圖


⑷ 急!求關於市場營銷(最好是關於營銷策略的)的英文文獻2000字左右的,最好帶翻譯,在線等!

First, the privately operated enterprise the question and the reasonanalysis which exists in the financial control As everybody knows, business management including proctionmanagement, marketing management and financial control and so on manyaspects, but the financial control is the enterprise entire managementsystem core, enterprise's financial control goal is a goal which theenterprise pursues. Obviously, only has take the financial control asthe center, the coordination operates management system each aspect,can effectively strengthen the business management, the promotionenterprise develops.Said from the nation that, the privately operated enterprise quantitymultitudinous, distributed is widespread, the characteristicrespectively differently, in addition receives the macroscopiceconomic environment and the system influence, the privately operatedenterprise was strengthening the financial control aspect to meet thecertain resistance, for example: The policy "the discrimination"causes the privately operated enterprise and the major instry cannotthe fair competition, the local authority, the profession controlsection's intervention, causes the privately operated enterprise thefinancial control goal short-term, again is main is the privatelyoperated enterprise financial control owner's influence oversized andso on some subjective factors existences, causes the financial controlthe importance to neglect. Therefore, in its financial control existsquestion also many and varied, I believed, at present the universalexistence question and the reason mainly have: .
(1) financing difficulty, the revolving fund is insufficient, causeslake of the financial control Cheng Duanyuan. At present, the our country privately operated enterprise initiallyestablished has been independent, the channel many Yuan financingsystem, but, financed difficultly, to guarantee difficultly, still wasthe most prominent question which the restriction privately operatedenterprise developed, the main question was: First, is in debtexcessively many, financing cost high, risk big, creates the privatelyoperated enterprise credit rank low, helps the letter relatively to beworse. Second, the majority privately operated enterprise right andwrong major instry, some banks the traditional ideas and theadministrative intervention influence, insufficiently are warm-heartedto its loan. Third, the facilitating agency is not perfect, lacksspecially the financial facilitating agency and the loan guaranteeorganization which serves for the privately operated enterprise loan. Analyzes its main reason to display in two aspects: One is the financeinstry is insufficient to the privately operated enterprise's creditaid. Our country finance system from establishes to the serviceproject, mostly is take the big enterprise as the service object, theprivately operated enterprise's credit service is often neglected.Because the loan is difficult, in the proction management processneeds the fund to be insufficient, enormously has restricted theprivately operated enterprise's development. Some privately operatedenterprises, although exists temporarily difficultly, but the bankonce supports can bring back to life; Two is the privately operatedenterprise's financing channel is unitary, adapts the market demandchange with difficulty. As a result of some privately operatedenterprises, in both cannot obtain the bank the loan support, and doesnot have self- financing or to the social public financing ability,imperceptibly, strengthened the enterprise financial control also tobecome an empty talk, the financial control has also become mediateslake of the source.
(2) financial control is weak, lacks the scientific nature, causes thefinancial control to take a step difficultly. The majority of privately operated enterprises have the financialcontrol link to be weak, moreover to strengthens the financial controlaspect insufficiently to take, has not understood the financialcontrol from the true significance in enterprise's status. The mainquestion includes: One is the fund management is lax, financialcontrol weak, creates the fund to leave unused or to be insufficient.Two is the receivable account funds turnover is slow, causes the fundrecycling difficulty. Three, the inventory control is weak, createsthe fund delay. Four is re- Qian Qingwu, the property drainsseriously. Analyzes its reason mainly is: One is some privately operatedenterprises thought cash more the better, causes the massive cashesnot to participate in the turnover, some are the fund lacks the planarrangement, excessive purchase real estate, but causes the enterpriseto be unable to deal with the management urgently needed fund, fallsinto the financial difficult position. Two is does not have theestablishment strict selling on credit policy, lacks powerfullydestroys receives the measure, should receive money cannot cash orform the ll account. Three is very many privately operatedenterprises end of the month the goods in stock takes the fund oftento surpass its turnover above two times, creates the fund delayturnover to malfunction. Four is many privately operated enterprisessuperintendents, to management and so on raw material, half-finishedproct, fixed asset did not arrive, leaves question nobody toinvestigate, the property waste was serious. Above analyzes thereason, most importantly because the enterprise upper formationleadership financial control idea is backward, lacks the scientificnature, the untrue understanding financial control to does in thethought greatly makes the role which the strong enterprise plays, hasnot bought into line with the financial control the businessmanagement in the effective mechanism, lacks the modern financialcontrol idea, caused the financial control to lose it the status andthe function which should have in the business management, took a stepdifficultly.
3) management pattern boundary, manages the idea obsoletely, causesthe financial control to be dark however 失色. Because receives the old financial system since long ago in thethought the restraint, business management personnel's idea comparisonlag. The main question includes: One is at the same time enterprise'sinvestor is the operator. Two is the enterprise superintendent'smanagement ability and the management quality bad, manages the thoughtto be backward. Analyzes its reason mainly is: The privately operated enterprise modelmanagement pattern is the property rights and the operating righthighly unifies, at the same time enterprise's investors is theoperator, this kind of pattern inevitably will give the enterprise thefinancial control to bring the negative influence, in the privatelyoperated enterprise quite a part will belong to the indivial tooperate privately the nature, in these enterprises, enterprise leadercentralization phenomenon serious, and will lack the understanding andthe research to the financial control theory method which will besupposed to have, will cause its responsibility not to divide, exceedsauthority to handle affairs, creates the financial control chaotic,the finance will supervise the nucleus not to be lax, accountant thepersonnel alone boat difficult line, to think the standard managementwill be very difficult. The majority of enterprises not or are unableto establish the interior auditing department, even if has, also isvery difficult to guarantee the internal audit the independence.Moreover, some enterprises have not bought into line with thefinancial control the business management in the effective mechanism,lacks the modern financial control idea, the most privateenterpreneurs not yet establish such as scientific management the andso on time value, risk value, marginal cost, opportunity cost concept,as a result of the management pattern boundary, manages the ideaobsoletely, causes the financial control to be dark however 失色,has lost it the status and the function which should have in thebusiness management.

⑸ 有誰知道關於市場營銷渠道研究的一些外文文獻求助!提供一些吧。

[1] 菲利普•科特勒, 郭碧翔. 市場營銷的產生與發展[J]. 商業研究, 1985,(02)
[2] 雒永信. 搞好市場營銷 促進經濟發展[J]. 彭城職業大學學報, 1996,(04)
[3] 范麗亞. 如何強化市場營銷[J]. 現代金融, 2004,(02)
[4] 張慶勝. 論市場營銷中的亮點廣告[J]. 金融與經濟, 2005,(04)
[5] 葉文琴. 要區分廣義推銷和狹義推銷[J]. 公關世界, 1996,(10)
[6] 周靜. 說說市場營銷與推銷[J]. 新農業, 2001,(05)
[7] 奚中利. 淺議對市場營銷的再認識[J]. 新疆金融, 2005,(03)
[8] 王利. [市場營銷知識講座二] 對市場營銷的理解[J]. 改革與理論, 1996,(03)
[9] 連朝勃. 市場營銷新觀念[J]. 農機質量與監督, 1998,(01)
[10] 張明毅. 關於市場營銷工作的幾點思考[J]. 煤炭經濟研究, 1999,(01)

[1] 羅國民. 中國市場營銷發展趨勢探索[J]. 南開管理評論, 2000,(02) .
[2] 蘇文浩,潘城文,黃金鋁,張敏. 中國市場營銷理論發展的趨勢探討及其前瞻性分析[J]. 和田師范專科學校學報, 2006,(06) .
[3] 溫鳳雷. 市場營銷發展新趨勢探索[J]. 中國科技信息, 2005,(03) .
[4] 陳巍. 市場營銷發展新趨勢[J]. 市場研究, 2007,(09) .
[5] 孫巧霞. 市場營銷的發展趨勢[J]. 中國有色金屬, 2006,(07) .
[6] 楊淑紅. 淺析我國市場營銷的現狀及發展趨勢[J]. 科技資訊, 2007,(12) .
[7] 肖創林. 淺談市場營銷的發展趨勢[J]. 科技經濟市場, 2006,(10) .
[8]市場營銷十大趨勢[J]. 農化新世紀, 2007,(03) .
[9] 白素傑,郭鵬. 淺談新經濟時代的五大營銷理念[J]. 經濟師, 2004,(11) .
[10] 郭小鵬. 新經濟時代市場營銷發展新趨勢[J]. 現代焊接, 2007,(10) .

⑹ zara的市場營銷策略的英文文獻


Zara: Cool Clothes Now, Not Later

Ask any urban European female under the age of 30 and chances are she has shopped at Zara, the clothier whose inexpensive but stylish offerings have attracted a cult following. Zara also sells men』s fashions, again aimed at the stylish and youthful.

Mathieu Soto, a college tennis player from France with dark eyes and devastating good looks, was asked to compare Zara to The Gap, the U.S. - based clothing giant with a major presence in Europe. His response: 「I don』t know. I』ve never shopped at The Gap.」

Most U.S. young alts have never shopped at Zara, but that seems likely to change in the near future. In the past five years Zara has grown from 179 stores mostly in Spain to 450 stores in 29 countries including the United States and Canada. Zara now has stores in New York, New Jersey, Miami, and Toronto—with more on the way.

While Zara is unlikely to displace The Gap in the U.S. market, they are certain to offer U.S. consumers an option previously unavailable to them. They have a sound if unusual marketing strategy in which logistics plays an important role. Logistics also plays an important role in Zara』s growth plans, notably its expansion into the U.S. market.

Zara』s Marketing Strategy

Zara』s marketing strategy focuses on proct variety, speed-to-market, and store location. It is also notable for what it excludes. Zara does not advertise in the traditional sense. If you want to find out what』s currently available at the Zara stores you have two options: go to the web site or go to the store. Zara puts 10,000 different items on the store shelves in a single year. It can take a new style from concept to store shelf in 10-14 days in an instry where nine months is the norm. In its primary European markets, Zara locates its stores close together. Visitors comment that Zara in Madrid is like Starbucks in a major U.S. city—you see another store on every street corner.

Zara』s Toronto store is located just north of the center of downtown in a major shopping district dense with malls and lined with stand-alone stores and giant office buildings. The potential for intense competition is clear.

「These office buildings are full of the people we want as customers. We want them to stop in at lunch or after work. We want to see them often, so we have to change what we have on the shelves,」 said Zara』s Toronto store manager. 「They could shop in a lot of other stores, so we have to make it worth their time to come here.」

This also helps explain why the company does not advertise. If a Zara customer wants to know what Zara has, he or she must go to the store. The stock changes often, with most items staying on the shelf for only a month, so the customer often finds something new and appealing. By the same token, if the customer finds nothing to buy this visit, the store』s regular customers know that tomorrow or next week—sometime soon—new goods will be on Zara』s shelves. That makes it worth another visit.

Zara relies heavily on store employees for market information. If a customer looks at a sweater and comments, 「That would look really nice with a cowl collar,」 an employee can relay that information to Spain where managers decide whether or not to proce the suggested item. If they decide to make it, they can put it on the shelf in Toronto in two weeks or less, partly because they ship by air. Ocean shipping would add at least another ten days to the time it takes to get the proct in front of the customer, undermining the speed-to-market and proct variety strategy.

The Role of Logistics
Putting the variety of goods on the shelves in Toronto and other North American stores requires an unusual, though not unique, logistics strategy for the fashion instry. Zara air expresses goods from its single distribution center in Spain, usually in small quantities. In the 1970』s, The Limited used a similar strategy to support its test marketing, air expressing small quantities of new styles from Asia to U.S. stores. In Zara』s strategy, however, the speedy shipments are part of the core strategy, not just test marketing. Zara also ships frequently, allowing lower inventories while serving its multinational market from a single distribution center in Spain.

「We receive shipments o n Tuesday and Saturday, which means that we have different items in the store at least twice a week. While each shipment replenishes items that sell well, each also includes new items. That』s why our customers come in often,」 the Toronto store manager said. 「We might get ten of one item and five of another. We』re constantly testing.」

The density of Zara』s store locations in Europe helps achieve logistics efficiencies. They can fill trucks for frequent shipment in markets close to proction and ship larger quantities by air to more distant stores. Zara keeps transportation costs low on the supply side, since most of the proction takes place in Spain. This contrasts radically to most large fashion manufacturers, which rely on low cost manufacturing in Asia and South America, but then pay higher inventory costs and move goods to market more slowly.

The air express strategy also allows Zara to maintain a multinational market presence with only one distribution center. They trade higher transportation costs for lower warehousing and inventory costs. Add to this the idea that fast transportation
supports the proct-innovation strategy that is the heart of Zara』s marketing, and the importance of logistics in Zara』s marketing strategy is clear.

The Results and the Future

Zara』s parent company, Inditex, reached $2.7 billion in 2001 revenue. This made it the fastest growing clothing manufacturer in the world. Zara, Inditex』s fastest growing division, turns its inventory twice as fast as major competitors, with an inventory-to-sales of 7% compared to an instry average of 14%. Their profitability in European operations (15%) is fifty percent higher than that of its major competitors. Zara manufactures 80% of its clothing in Europe, with most of the remaining 20% is sourced in Mexico.

While top managers are understandably closed-mouthed about their plans, Zara seems ideally positioned to penetrate the U.S. market in a major way. With some manufacturing already in Mexico, they could easily open a second distribution center aimed directly at the U.S. market. This would make their youth-oriented styles widely available in the world』s most lucrative market.

Question 1 – Zara』s Business Model and Competitive Analysis

Zara, the most profitable brand of Inditex SA, the Spanish clothing retail group, opened its first store in 1975 in La Coruña, Spain; a city which eventually became the central headquarters for Zara』s global operations. Since then they have expanded operations into 45 countries with 531 stores located in the most important shopping districts of more than 400 cities in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa. Throughout this expansion Zara has remained focused on its core fashion philosophy that creativity and quality design together with a rapid response to market demands will yield profitable results. In order to realized these results Zara developed a business model that incorporated the following three goals for operations: develop a system the requires short lead times, decrease quantities proced to decrease inventory risk, and increase the number of available styles and/or choice. These goals helped to formulate a unique value proposition: to combine moderate prices with the ability to offer new clothing styles faster than its competitors. These three goals helped to shape Zara』s current business model.

Zara』s Business Model
Zara』s business model can be broken down into three basic components: concept, capabilities, and value drivers. Zara』s fundamental concept is to maintain design, proction, and distribution processes that will enable Zara to respond quickly to shifts in consumer demands. José María Castellano, CEO of Inditex stated that "the fashion world is in constant flux and is driven not by supply but by customer demand. We need to give consumers what they want, and if I go to South America or Asia to make clothes, I simply can't move fast enough." This highlights the importance of this quick response time to Zara』s operations.

Capabilities of Zara, or the required resources needed to exploit the opportunities and execute this conceptual strategy, are numerous for Zara. Zara maintains tight control over their proction processes keeping design and manufacturing in-house or with some strategic partnerships located nearby Headquarters. Currently, Zara maintains 80% of its proction processes in Europe, 50% in Spain which is very close to La Coruña headquarters. They have strategic agreements with local manufacturers that ensure timely delivery and service. Through these strategic partnerships and the benefits brought by this proximity of manufacturing and operational processes, Zara maintains the flexibility necessary to design and proce over 12000 new items annually. This capability allows Zara to achieve their strategy of expedited response to consumer demand.

Value drivers for Zara are both tangible and intangible in the benefits that are returned to all stakeholders. Tangibly, Inditex, the parent company of Zara, has 11.02% net margin on operations and their market capitalization (Equity – market value) is

⑺ 求市場營銷英文文獻 10000字左右


The Project Began with a Thorough Review of the Market for Lightbulbs

Specific Marketing Objectives Were Set for the New Proct

Market Research Confirmed a Major New Proct Opportunity

Successful Marketing Plans Eliminate the Negatives

The Marketing Audit

How To Develop A Marketing Plan

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Objectives

Marketing Audit

Understanding Marketing Planning

Talk the service marketing of modern hospital

What Is Brand Identity Marketing

⑻ 市場營銷專業參考文獻





















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