導航:首頁 > 營銷大全 > 實用市場營銷核心英語


發布時間:2024-10-06 22:30:59

A. 市場營銷常用英語句子



1.Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country. 貴國的T恤在我國東部市場很暢銷。

2.We all understand that Chinese slippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price. 我們都知道中國拖鞋因價廉物美而暢銷於你方市場。

3.This proct has been a best seller for nearly one year. 該貨成為暢銷貨已經將近1年了。

4.There is a good/poor/no market for these articles. 這些商品暢銷/滯銷/無銷路。

5.Your bicycles find a ready market here. 你們的自行車在此地銷路很好。

6.They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your procts. 他們詳細地討論了怎樣增加你方產品的銷售。

7.Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery. 由於對此貨物的'需求將不斷增加,請提前補充貨源。

8.They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet. 他們正在盡最大努力以打開銷路。

9.Our demand for this proct is steadily on the increase. 我們對該產品的需求正穩步地增長。

10.We are sure that you can sell more this year according to the marketing conditions at your end. 根據你地的市場情況,我們確信今年你們有望銷得更好。

11.Packing has a close bearing on sales. 包裝對產品的銷路有很大關系。

12.We are trying to find a market for this article. 我們正在努力為此項商品找銷路。

13.We regret we cannot find any market for this article. 我們很抱歉不能為此項商品找到銷路。

14.According to our experience, these handicrafts can find a ready market in Japan. 根據我們的經驗,這些手工藝品在日本銷路很好。

15.We can discuss further details when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our procts. 等你們全面了解我們產品銷售可能性之後,我們再進一步細談。

16.According to your estimate, what is the maximum annual turnover you could fulfill? 據你估計,你能完成的最大年銷售量是多少呢?


B. 市場營銷英語sample


C. 市場營銷怎麼翻譯成英語

市場營銷的英文翻譯是marketing management,作為名詞或課程使用,具體分析如下:

marketing management

英 [ˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋ ˈmænidʒmənt] 美 [ˈmɑrkɪtɪŋ ˈmænɪdʒmənt]



1、Marketing OPerations Management市場運作與管理

2、Wine Marketing &Management紅酒市場營銷及管理

3、MSc Marketing and Management市場與管理

4、Services Marketing & Management服務營銷與管理



1、MarketingManagement,FinanceManagement,OperationManagement, EngineeringEconomy,RiskManagement.




3、 .


4、,consumptioncongestionhas drawn .




6、 Workflow.


D. 關於市場營銷的專業英語翻譯

市場營銷的核心概念包括了解消費者需求、產品定位、市場分析和競爭策略等。這些概念在英文中的表達十分精確,因此,准確掌握相關的英語翻譯對於從事市場營銷工作的人來說是必不可少的。例如,「consumer demand」指的是消費者需求,「proct positioning」指的是產品定位,這些都是市場營銷中非常重要的概念。
此外,市場營銷的專業英語翻譯還包括一些常用的營銷術語和表達方式。例如,「market segmentation」指的是市場細分,「SWOT analysis」指的是態勢分析,「brand strategy」指的是品牌戰略等。這些術語在市場營銷領域中有著特定的含義和應用,掌握它們的英語表達對於准確傳達營銷信息至關重要。

E. 市場營銷的4p和4c的全稱,盡量是英語和漢語都有的!!


F. 求有關市場營銷主要工作的英語作文,大概10句話左右

At all points of the modern marketing system people have formed associations and eliminated various middlemen in order to achieve more efficient marketing.Manufacturers often maintain their own wholesale departments and deal directly with retailers.Independent stores may operate their own wholesale agencies to supply them with goods.Wholesale houses operate outlets for their wares,and farmers sell their procts through their own wholesale cooperatives.Recent years have seen the development of wholesale clubs,which sell retail items to consumers who purchase memberships that give them the privilege of shopping at wholesale prices

G. 急求市場營銷專業翻譯成英文,高分求救!!!!!!!在線等~~~~~~~~

實用英語Practical English
管理學原理Principles of Management
體育physical ecation or training
思修與法律 Repair and legal thinking
公共關系學public relations
演講與口才Lecture and Eloquence
國際貿易理論與實務International Trade Theory and Practice
財務管理financial management
商務談判Business Negotiation
企業營銷策劃Marketing Planning
經濟法Economic Law
電子商務概論Introction to E-Commerce
形勢與政策Situation and Policy
體育physical ecation or training
工程實訓Engineering Training
大學語文College Chinese
政治理論Political Theory
市場營銷marketing and sales
實用英語2Practical English 2
消費心理學Consumer Psychology
推銷學Marketing study
市場調查market research; market survey
經濟學基礎Basic economics
價格學Price Science
供應鏈物流管理Supply Chain Logistics Management

H. 英語翻譯市場營銷方面

Differences in the formulation of appropriate business strategies. Manifested mainly in response to strong branded procts weaknesses improvements or new proct to squeeze into the market, open up a new situation. These procts must be in terms of performance, specifications, structure and other technical indicators with strong brands are significant differences, but also time in marketing, marketing, geography, marketing and other operations on the price difference to start operation. Even in the packaging of such a non-main business segments, but also create a unique differentiation operating effects, such as color, style, use's prowess, can give a fresh feel.
REALFLEET core marketing strategy must proceed from the customer needs to find differences, explore the differences and use the difference for themselves has yet to set foot in the creation of a competitor or do not set foot in the market space, through efforts to become the market leader in the only brand or brands , with the sole or lead their own rapid solid market position, to win the first pot of gold market until becoming the authority to establish a stable of consumer brand loyalty and become cash cows, and ultimately achieve the exclusion of dissidents, the collapse of the opponent's The purpose of this unique and exclusive in nature and is caused by the difference of the core of enterprise marketing strategy connotation.
REALFLEET company marketing mix strategy:
1, proct
Outstanding personalized design customized procts to the popular designs, brought to people's not just a visual appliances fashion company will design the concept of cultural penetration in the life, the design of the extension, the proct of human nature give it more functional.
2, price
The price difference should not be too high. The price is too high enough to discourage the vast majority of customers, turned to a relatively low-cost procts. For Rational customers, the price is not a determining factor in measuring the proct, but it is definitely not care. Prices in the customer's mind, will always be the impact of the purchase of one of the important factors in decision-making, so the price should be differentiated customer expectations in the framework of the ceiling.
3, channels
Insist on direct way to increase the number of concept stores, improve the market network
4, the promotion of
Adhere to the image of the unique positioning, with the professionalization of the creative and design to create corporate brand, using the image of the strategy for market differentiation.



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