導航:首頁 > 方案大全 > 你喜歡去電影院看電影嗎英文翻譯


發布時間:2024-08-17 10:35:24

Ⅰ 喜歡看電影的英語


我喜歡看電影的英語說作"filmwatch",在日常中也可以翻譯為"go to cinema",在《現代英語詞典》中,共找到24個與我喜歡看電影相關的釋義和例句。


1. filmwatch

2. go to cinema

我喜歡看電影翻譯為go to cinema。

示例:Look,just go to a cinema and sit it out till it's dark. just go to a cinema and sit it out till it's dark.

3. see a movie

我喜歡看電影翻譯為see a movie。

示例:Keep up this level of work, and i will see to it your name is on my movie. Keep up this level of work, and I will see to it your name is on my movie.

4. see a film

我喜歡看電影翻譯為see a film。

示例:Did you see the film Trading Places? 你看過"扭轉乾坤"這部電影嗎? Did you see the film Trading Places?

1. filmwatch(看電影)

2. see a film(看電影)

3. see a movie(看電影)

4. moviegoing(常看電影

5. go to cinema(看電影去)


3. You guys seen any movies you like?


4. She and i loved that movie.


5. i mean, i like to read, but i love to watch movies because in movies they don't…

譯文:我喜歡讀書 但更愛看電影因為電影……

6. You don't have to talk at the movies. That's true, you don't have to talk.

譯文:帶他看電影 看電影不用說話。

7. Pardonable i like to see a movie so.


8. - The movies. - The movies. ok.

譯文:看電影 看電影,好。

9. Yeah, it's gonna be the best movie ever!

譯文:- 看電影?。

10. i have no other hoppy... i have only flickers


11. i've been watching them since i was a kid.


12. Because i've always liked watching them.


13. i'm going to watch the movie.


14. i don't... i don't really like movies.


15. Why? She hates when i sit around and i watch movies and i don't contribute.


Ⅱ 你想去看電影嗎英語怎樣寫

1,Do you wanna see movie?
2, Would you like to see movie with me ?
3,Do you like to see movie with me ?
4,Are you interested in seeing movie with me ?
5,Do you have interests to see movie with me ?
6,How about seeing movie together?
choose your favourite one . good luck !!!



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