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發布時間:2024-06-07 07:32:26

Ⅰ 植物大戰僵屍花園大戰宣傳片裡面的吹口哨的歌是什麼歌

植物大戰僵屍主題曲歌名:Zombies on your Lawn 草地上的僵屍們
歌手:Laura Shigihara 英文歌詞
Sunflowers 向日葵們~
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一隻僵屍在草坪上
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一隻僵屍在草坪上
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一隻僵屍在草坪上
We don't want zombies on the lawn 我們不想僵屍在草坪上
I know your type : tall , dark , and dead 我知道你們的特徵:高大,黑暗,還是死的
You want to bite all the petals of my head 你們想要把我頭上的花瓣都吃掉
And then eat the brains of the one who planted me here 然後吃掉把我種在這里的人的大腦
[NO!!! ] 不!!!
I'm just a sunflower but see me 我只是一朵向日葵,但看看我
power an entire infantry 組成了支部隊
You like the taste of brains 你們喜歡品嘗大腦
we dont's like zombies 我們卻不喜歡僵屍
[zombies 僵屍們]
I used to play football 我喜歡玩足球
Road cones protect my head 路障保護著我的頭
I have a screen-door shield 我有鐵窗門做盾
We are the undead 我們是不死族
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一隻僵屍在草坪上
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一隻僵屍在草坪上
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一隻僵屍在草坪上
We don't want zombies on the lawn 我們不想要有僵屍在草坪上
Maybe it's time to reevaluate 也許是時候重新評估了
I know you have a lot of food on your plate 我知道你們的盤子里有許多食物
Brains are qute rich in cholesterol 大腦是富含膽固醇的 [對心臟是重負]
You're dead so it doesn't matter 你們是死人 , 因此沒關系
Instead we'll use this solar power 而我們將使用太陽的力量
to make a lawn defense at any hour 來時刻守護這片草坪
[zombies 僵屍們]
I like your tricycle 我喜歡你的三輪車
There's butter on my head 黃油扣在了我頭上
I'm gonna eat your brains 我要吃掉你的大腦
We are the undead 我們是不死族
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一隻僵屍在草坪上
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一隻僵屍在草坪上
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一隻僵屍在草坪上
We don't want zombies on the lawn 我們不想要有僵屍在草坪上



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