㈠ 如何實現Ariba PunchOut 我想知道是什麼,如何的實現 現在非常的郁悶和痛苦。
具體去搜索ariba punchout開發相關的文檔。
㈡ 電子商務師的報考條件和分級個等級
電子商務師是指利用計算機技術、網路技術,通過專業的網路商務平台等現代信息技術,幫助商家與顧客或商家與商家之間從事各類商務活動或相關工作的人員。可以說是融 IT 與商務於一身的高素質復合型人才。
(1)連續從事本職業工作滿6年。(2)具有以高級技能為培養目標的技工學校、技師學院和職業學院本專業或相關專業畢業證書。(3)取得本職業電子商務員職業資格證書後,連續從事本職業工作4年以上。(4)取得本職業電子商務員職業資格證書後,連續從事本職業工作3年以上。經本職業助理電子商務師正規培訓達規定標准學時數,並取得結業證書。(5)具有本專業大學專科及以上學歷證書。(6)具有非本專業大學專科及以上學歷證書,連續從事本職業工作1年以上。 (7)具有非本專業大學專科及以上學歷證書,經本職業助理電子商務師正規培訓達規定標准學時數,並取得結業證書。
(1)在本職業連續工作13年以上。(2)取得本職業三級職業資格證書後,連續從事本職業工作5年以上。(3)取得本職業三級職業資格證書後,連續從事本職業工作4年以上,經本職業二級正規培訓達規定標准學時數,並取得結業證書。 (4)具有本專業大學本科學歷,取得本職業三級職業資格證書後,連續從事本職業工作4年以上。 (5)具有本專業大學本科學業歷,取得本職業三級職業資格證書後,連續從事本職業工作3年以上,經本職業二級正規培訓達規定標准學時數,並取得結業證書。(6)具有非本專業大學本科學歷,取得本職業三級職業資格證書後,連續從事本職業工作4年以上,經本職業二級正規培訓達規定標准學時數,並取得結業證書。(7)具有碩士研究生及以上學歷,連續從事本職業工作2年以上。
㈢ 你眼中的電子商務是什麼,可以用英文介紹嗎
電子商務,Electronic Commerce,簡稱EC。電子商務通常是指是在全球各地廣泛的商業貿易活動中,在網際網路開放的網路環境下,基於瀏覽器/伺服器應用方式,買賣雙方不謀面地進行各種商貿活動,實現消費者的網上購物、商戶之間的網上交易和在線電子支付以及各種商務活動、交易活動、金融活動和相關的綜合服務活動的一種新型的商業運營模式。電子商務涵蓋的范圍很廣,一般可分為企業對企業,或企業對消費者兩種。另外還有消費者對消費者這種大步增長的模式。隨著國內Internet使用人數的增加,利用Internet進行網路購物並以銀行卡付款的消費方式已漸流行,市場份額也在快速增長,電子商務網站也層出不窮。電子商務最常見之安全機制有SSL及SET兩種。
E-commerce, Electronic Commerce, EC for short. E-commerce usually is refers to is in global around widely of commercial trade activities in the, in Internet open of network environment Xia, based on browser/server application way, buyers and sellers does not met to for various business activities, implementation consumer of online shopping, and merchant Zhijian of online transactions and online electronic paid and various business activities, and transactions activities, and financial activities and related of integrated service activities of a new of commercial operations mode. E-business covers a very wide range, generally can be divided into the business to business or business to consumer both. There are also consumer to the consumer the forward growth model. With the increase in number of Internet use in China, online shopping and payment by bank card using Internet consumption patterns have started to pop, also in fast-growing market share, endless stream of e-commerce website. E-commerce security with SSL and SET two of the most common species. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer Protocol) SET (fully electronic transaction protocol) definition of e-commerce: the first will be divided into General and special e-commerce e-commerce. General e-commerce is defined as, using a variety of electronic tools in the business or activities. These tools range from basic Telegraph, telephone, radio, TV, fax, computers, computer networks, and other modern systems. Business activity is commercial demand reasonable and legitimate activities to goods of consumption dropped after the typical proction processes in all activities. Narrowly defined as e-commerce, mainly use the Internet to engage in business or activity. E-commerce is in a modern society where highly developed technical, economic, and access to information technology and business rules, and systematic use of electronic tools, high efficiency, low cost commodity exchange-centric activities collectively. This analysis highlights has e-commerce of premise, and Center, and focus, and purpose and standard, pointed out that it should reached of level and effect, it is on e-commerce more strictly and reflect times requirements of defines, it from system of views start, stressed people in system in the of Center status, will environment and people, and people and tools, and people and subject of labour organic to contact up, with system of target, and system of composition to defines e-commerce, so makes it has proctivity of nature.
㈣ 用英語介紹一下電子商務這個專業
E-commerce, Electronic Commerce, EC for short. E-commerce usually is refers to is in global around widely of commercial trade activities in the, in Internet open of network environment Xia, based on browser/server application way, buyers and sellers does not met to for various business activities, implementation consumer of online shopping, and merchant Zhijian of online transactions and online electronic paid and various business activities, and transactions activities, and financial activities and related of integrated service activities of a new of commercial operations mode. E-business covers a very wide range, generally can be divided into the business to business or business to consumer both. There are also consumer to the consumer the forward growth model. With the increase in number of Internet use in China, online shopping and payment by bank card using Internet consumption patterns have started to pop, also in fast-growing market share, endless stream of e-commerce website. E-commerce security with SSL and SET two of the most common species. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer Protocol) SET (fully electronic transaction protocol) definition of e-commerce: the first will be divided into General and special e-commerce e-commerce. General e-commerce is defined as, using a variety of electronic tools in the business or activities. These tools range from basic Telegraph, telephone, radio, TV, fax, computers, computer networks, and other modern systems. Business activity is commercial demand reasonable and legitimate activities to goods of consumption dropped after the typical proction processes in all activities. Narrowly defined as e-commerce, mainly use the Internet to engage in business or activity. E-commerce is in a modern society where highly developed technical, economic, and access to information technology and business rules, and systematic use of electronic tools, high efficiency, low cost commodity exchange-centric activities collectively. This analysis highlights has e-commerce of premise, and Center, and focus, and purpose and standard, pointed out that it should reached of level and effect, it is on e-commerce more strictly and reflect times requirements of defines, it from system of views start, stressed people in system in the of Center status, will environment and people, and people and tools, and people and subject of labour organic to contact up, with system of target, and system of composition to defines e-commerce, so makes it has proctivity of nature.
㈤ punchout采購是什麼意思
punch out
Punch out
㈥ 如何用英語簡單介紹電子商務
㈦ 公司里為客戶服務,其中有一項是給客戶提供Punch Out ,這個Punch Out 是什麼意思
㈧ 電子商務專業主要學什麼
在現在這個時代想要從事電子商務方面的工作,那麼首先最重要的是懂得一些最基本的電腦操作,因為電子商務離開電腦的話,那基本上可以就不叫電子商務了,所以電腦方面的操作必須要懂,例如常用的一些電腦辦公軟體,WORD、 Excel、CAD等等,當然根據需要很有可能你也必須學一些別的軟體,不過那些軟體可能都是某些公司針對實際工作所需要的一些軟體,除了這些基礎軟體之外,還有一些技能是我們必須要掌握的,可以說如果不掌握那些技能的話,那麼在我們職業道路上會非常有阻礙,比如說以下幾個技能就非常重要:
㈨ 電子商務指的是什麼啊