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電子商務參考文獻 篇1




































電子商務參考文獻 篇2

1 趙衛東,黃麗華.電子商務模式[M].上海:復旦大學出版社,2006

2 Siau K,Ee-Peng,Lim-Z Shen. Mobile Commence:Promise,challenges,and Research Agenda [J]. Journal of Database Management, 2001(12)

3 Barnes S J. The Mobile Commerce Value Chain: Analysis and Future Developments[J]. International Journal of Information Management, 2002 (22)

4 Ian M, Janusz M, Julio C et al. Business Models for Mobile Content: the case of M-games[J]. Electronic Markets, 2002(2)

5 王燕,高玉飛.移動商務的價值鏈與商務模式研究[J].物流科技,2006(29)(責任編輯:admin)

電子商務參考文獻 篇3

[1] 梁靜 著.銷售互動中的說服效果:給予消費者說服應對的視角[M].杭州:浙江大學出版社,2012:37-38.

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[3] 蔣婷,胡正明. 服務接觸中遊客間互動行為研究--基於關鍵事件技術的方法[J]. 旅遊學刊.[37] 張岳.信任與感知風險對客戶網路購物意願的影響研究[J].商業經濟,2012(392),2:150-86-91.

[4] 黃瑩,朱建榮.網路口碑質量對服裝消費者購買意願影響的實證研究[J].現代商業,2013:22-24.

[5] 綦曉燕.網路購物感知風險的研究綜述[J].科技創業月刊,2010(11),144-146.

[6] 馮建英,穆維松,傅澤田.消費者的購買意願研究綜述[J].現代管理科學,2006(11):7-9.

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[8] 井森,周穎,王方華.網上購物感知風險的實證研究[J].系統管理學報,2006,2(16):164-169.

[9] 孫瑾 著.消費者服務購買決策過程的影響機制研究 [M].北京:中國社會科學出版社,2010:47-50.

[10] 吳佩勛.感知質量和感知風險對自有品牌購買意願的影響[J].中國流通經濟,2013(2):83-89.

[11] Tan S. J. Strategies for recing consumers' risk aversion in Internet Shopping[J]. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 1999(16):163-180.

[12] 李小梅,李定家. 網路購物之降低風險策略研究[J]. 第一屆網站經營學術暨實務研討會論文集,2000:132-136.

[13] Li B., Bolton R., Bügel M.S., et al .Customer-to-customer interactions: Broadening the scope ofword of mouth research [J]. Journal of Service Research. 2010(13):267-282.

[14] Langeard E, Bateson JEG, Lovelock CH, et al .Service marketing: New insights from consumers and managers. Cambridge mass [R]. Marketing Science Institute. 1981:467-487.

電子商務參考文獻 篇4









電子商務參考文獻 篇5

[1] 鄭懷望. 陝西裝備製造產業集群發展中的政府治理分析[D]. 西北大學 2009

[2] 陳加新. 遼寧裝備製造產業升級研究[D]. 沈陽師范大學 2013

[3]王緝慈. 創新的空間--企業集群與區域發展[M]. 北京大學出版社. 2002

[4] 楊瑾,尤建新.基於快速響應的產業集群與供應鏈系統集成效應研究[J]. 華東經濟管理.2006, (2): 58-62


[6] 黎繼子,劉春玲. 集群式供應鏈:產業集群和供應鏈的耦合[J]. 現代經濟探討.2006,(5): 5-9

[7]李延朋. 河南省裝備製造企業價值鏈升級的機理與路徑研究[D]. 鄭州大學 2012

[8] 徐偉. 區域性裝備製造企業集群戰略、整合機制及其實施[D]. 沈陽工業大學 2004

[9] 鄭業卿. 鄭州市物流產業集群競爭力的實證研究[D]. 陝西師范大學 2011

[10] 黃永春,鄭江淮,楊以文,譚洪波. 全球價值鏈視角下長三角出口導向型產業集群的升級路徑研究[J]. 科技進步與對策. 2012(17)

[11] 程永軍,丁薇,劉昌衛,孫長宜. 遼寧產業集群發展研究[J]. 中國工程咨詢.2007(05)

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[13] 王國躍,李海海. 我國裝備製造業產業集群發展模式及對策[J]. 經濟縱橫.2008(12)



電子商務參考文獻 篇6

[1] 黃崇珍, 杜蓉.電子商務下第三方物流研究[J] 信息技術, 2004 年11月,第28 卷 第11期

[2] 崔介何主編,《電子商務與物流》,中國物資出版社,2002年4月第一版

[3] 張曉燕.對中國B2C 電子商務發展思路的探索[J]商場現代化.2005 年9 月(中),總第443 期.

[4] 張鐸,林自葵.電子商務與現代物流[M].北京: 北京大學出版社, 2002.

[5] 譚清美,王子龍,城市物流對經濟的拉動作用研究——以江蘇南京為例,工業技術經濟,2004年01期

[6] 王健,方佳林,美、日、歐現代物流發展的比較與啟示,東北亞論壇,2005年02期

[7] 王淑琴,陳峻,王煒,城市現代物流系統布局規劃研究——以揚州市為例,規劃師,2005年02期

[8] 梁燕君,《電子商務物流新舊模式之比較》,商品儲運與養護,2009年第五期

[9] 王文斌,馬祖軍,武振業,現代物流業與區域經濟發展,經濟體制改革,2002年01期

[10] 李輝民,現代物流的形成趨勢與對策,集裝箱化,2009年04期

[11] 汪鳴,馮浩,我國現代物流業發展政策及建議,宏觀經濟研究,2010年05期

[12] 張林紅,陳家源,新世紀我國航運企業物流運作模式的探討,世界海運,2011年05期

[13] 王成鋼,陳登斌.B2C電子商務配送系統建設[M].長沙:湖南師范大學出版,2008.

[14] 仲岩,蘆陽,李霞.電子商務實物[M].北京:北京大學出版社,2009.

[15] 常連玉,陳海燕.B2C電子商務配送模式的思考[J].物流技術 .2010(8).

[16] 孫勇.我國B2C電子商務物流配送問題與對策[J].現代商業.2010(7).


② 求助 一篇有關電子商務的英文文獻

一篇電子商務英文文獻(The development of e-commerce )-
A perfect market

May 13th 2004
From The Economist print edition

E-commerce is coming of age, says Paul Markillie, but not in the way predicted in the bubble years

WHEN the technology bubble burst in 2000, the crazy valuations for online companies vanished with it, and many businesses folded. The survivors plugged on as best they could, encouraged by the growing number of internet users. Now valuations are rising again and some of the dotcoms are making real profits, but the business world has become much more cautious about the internet』 potential. The funny thing is that the wild predictions made at the height of the boom—namely, that vast chunks of the world economy would move into cyberspace—are, in one way or another, coming true.

The raw numbers tell only part of the story. According to America』s Department of Commerce, online retail sales in the world』s biggest market last year rose by 26%, to $55 billion. That sounds a lot of money, but it amounts to only 1.6% of total retail sales. The vast majority of people still buy most things in the good old 「bricks-and-mortar」 world.

But the commerce department』s figures deal with only part of the retail instry. For instance, they exclude online travel services, one of the most successful and fastest-growing sectors of e-commerce. InterActiveCorp (IAC), the owner of expedia.com and hotels.com, alone sold $10 billion-worth of travel last year—and it has plenty of competition, not least from airlines, hotels and car-rental companies, all of which increasingly sell online.

Nor do the figures take in things like financial services, ticket-sales agencies, pornography (a $2 billion business in America last year, according to Alt Video News, a trade magazine), online dating and a host of other activities, from tracing ancestors to gambling (worth perhaps $6 billion worldwide). They also leave out purchases in grey markets, such as the online pharmacies that are thought to be responsible for a good proportion of the $700m that Americans spent last year on buying cut-price prescription drugs from across the border in Canada.

Tip of the iceberg

And there is more. The commerce department』s figures include the fees earned by internet auction sites, but not the value of goods that are sold: an astonishing $24 billion-worth of trade was done last year on eBay, the biggest online auctioneer. Nor, by definition, do they include the billions of dollars-worth of goods bought and sold by businesses connecting to each other over the internet. Some of these B2B services are proprietary; for example, Wal-Mart tells its suppliers that they must use its own system if they want to be part of its annual turnover of $250 billion.

So e-commerce is already very big, and it is going to get much bigger. But the actual value of transactions currently concluded online is dwarfed by the extraordinary influence the internet is exerting over purchases carried out in the offline world. That influence is becoming an integral part of e-commerce.

To start with, the internet is profoundly changing consumer behaviour. One in five customers walking into a Sears department store in America to buy an electrical appliance will have researched their purchase online—and most will know down to a dime what they intend to pay. More surprisingly, three out of four Americans start shopping for new cars online, even though most end up buying them from traditional dealers. The difference is that these customers come to the showroom armed with information about the car and the best available deals. Sometimes they even have computer print-outs identifying the particular vehicle from the dealer』s stock that they want to buy.

Half of the 60m consumers in Europe who have an internet connection bought procts offline after having investigated prices and details online, according to a study by Forrester, a research consultancy (see chart 1). Different countries have different habits. In Italy and Spain, for instance, people are twice as likely to buy offline as online after researching on the internet. But in Britain and Germany, the two most developed internet markets, the numbers are evenly split. Forrester says that people begin to shop online for simple, predictable procts, such as DVDs, and then graate to more complex items. Used-car sales are now one of the biggest online growth areas in America.

People seem to enjoy shopping on the internet, if high customer-satisfaction scores are any guide. Websites are doing ever more and cleverer things to serve and entertain their customers, and seem set to take a much bigger share of people』s overall spending in the future.

Why websites matter

This has enormous implications for business. A company that neglects its website may be committing commercial suicide. A website is increasingly becoming the gateway to a company』s brand, procts and services—even if the firm does not sell online. A useless website suggests a useless company, and a rival is only a mouse-click away. But even the coolest website will be lost in cyberspace if people cannot find it, so companies have to ensure that they appear high up in internet search results.

For many users, a search site is now their point of entry to the internet. The best-known search engine has already entered the lexicon: people say they have 「Googled」 a company, a proct or their plumber. The search business has also developed one of the most effective forms of advertising on the internet. And it is already the best way to reach some consumers: teenagers and young men spend more time online than watching television. All this means that search is turning into the internet』s next big battleground as Google defends itself against challenges from Yahoo! and Microsoft.

The other way to get noticed online is to offer goods and services through one of the big sites that already get a lot of traffic. Ebay, Yahoo! and Amazon are becoming huge trading platforms for other companies. But to take part, a company』s procts have to stand up to intense price competition. People check online prices, compare them with those in their local high street and may well take a peek at what customers in other countries are paying. Even if websites are prevented from shipping their goods abroad, there are plenty of web-based entrepreneurs ready to oblige.

What is going on here is arbitrage between different sales channels, says Mohanbir Sawhney, professor of technology at the Kellogg School of Management in Chicago. For instance, someone might use the internet to research digital cameras, but visit a photographic shop for a hands-on demonstration. 「I』ll think about it,」 they will tell the sales assistant. Back home, they will use a search engine to find the lowest price and buy online. In this way, consumers are 「deconstructing the purchasing process」, says Professor Sawhney. They are unbundling proct information from the transaction itself.

All about me

It is not only price transparency that makes internet consumers so powerful; it is also the way the net makes it easy for them to be fickle. If they do not like a website, they swiftly move on. 「The web is the most selfish environment in the world,」 says Daniel Rosensweig, chief operating officer of Yahoo! 「People want to use the internet whenever they want, how they want and for whatever they want.」

Yahoo! is not alone in defining its strategy as working out what its customers (260m unique users every month) are looking for, and then trying to give it to them. The first thing they want is to become better informed about procts and prices. 「We operate our business on that belief,」 says Jeff Bezos, Amazon』s chief executive. Amazon became famous for books, but long ago branched out into selling lots of other things too; among its latest ventures are health procts, jewellery and gourmet food. Apart from cheap and bulky items such as garden rakes, Mr Bezos thinks he can sell most things. And so do the millions of people who use eBay.

And yet nobody thinks real shops are finished, especially those operating in niche markets. Many bricks-and-mortar bookshops still make a good living, as do flea markets. But many record shops and travel agents could be in for a tougher time. Erik Blachford, the head of IAC』s travel side and boss of Expedia, the biggest internet travel agent, thinks online travel bookings in America could quickly move from 20% of the market to more than half. Mr Bezos reckons online retailers might capture 10-15% of retail sales over the next decade. That would represent a massive shift in spending.

How will traditional shops respond? Michael Dell, the founder of Dell, which leads the personal-computer market by selling direct to the customer, has long thought many shops will turn into showrooms. There are already signs of change on the high street. The latest Apple and Sony stores are designed to display procts, in the full expectation that many people will buy online. To some extent, the online and offline worlds may merge. Multi-channel selling could involve a combination of traditional shops, a printed catalogue, a home-shopping channel on TV, a phone-in order service and an e-commerce-enabled website. But often it is likely to be the website where customers will be encouraged to place their orders.

One of the biggest commercial advantages of the internet is a lowering of transaction costs, which usually translates directly into lower prices for the consumer. So, if the lowest prices can be found on the internet and people like the service they get, why would they buy anywhere else?

One reason may be convenience; another, concern about fraud, which poses the biggest threat to online trade. But as long as the internet continues to deliver price and proct information quickly, cheaply and securely, e-commerce will continue to grow. Increasingly, companies will have to assume that customers will know exactly where to look for the best buy. This market has the potential to become as perfect as it gets.

[1]Singh M P, An Evolutionary Look at E-Commerce, IEEE Internet Computing,2001.5,P77~78
[2]Rabinovitch E, The state of E-commerce, IEEE Communications magazine,2001.3,P12~12

[3]Amit R, Zott C. Value creation in e-business. Strategic Management Journal 2001;22:493–520

③ 電子商務畢業論文的題材以及內容以及參考文獻

【2】高功步,焦春風.中國中小企業電子商務國際化發展戰略〔J〕.世界經濟與政治論壇, 2005,(02).
【3】宋遠方、姚賢濤:《電子商務》 電子工業出版社 2003年6月
【4】樊茂勇、王海東:《電子商務對國際貿易的影響》,《國際貿易問題》 2002年第2期
【5】岑彩雲、李淑貞:《淺析電子商務對國際貿易帶來的影響》, 《青島科技大學學報》 2002年第2期
【6】黃曉生:《電子商務在我國外貿中的應用及改進思路》, 《中山大學學報論叢》 2003年第2期
【7】李鋼:《虛擬經營:企業經營模式的創新》, 《經濟工作導刊》 2001年第12期

④ 求兩篇關於電子商務英文參考文獻

⑤ 2017電子商務參考文獻



篇一:電子商務 論文 參考文獻

[1] 宋義秋,魏亞楠. 淺談電子商務帶來的 企業管理 的變革[J]. 科技 資訊, 2009,(03) .

[2] 林魯生. 談電子商務企業組織結構設計[J]. 商業時代, 2009,(12) .

[3] 周星. 淺析電子商務的發展趨勢[J]. 科技創新導報, 2009,(07) .

[4] 徐曉雨. 電子商務——傳統企業管理現代化的加速器[J]. 遼寧省交通高等專科學校學報, 2008,(01) .

[5] 王尊民. 電子商務促進企業管理現代化[J]. 現代商業, 2008,(08) .

[6] 周海兵. 電子商務時代的企業管理變革[J]. 時代經貿(下旬刊), 2008,(11) .

[7] 石正喜. 電子商務對企業管理的影響及應對策略[J]. 商場現代化, 2007,(27) .

[8] 李莉. 論電子商務環境下企業管理新模式[J]. 企業經濟, 2008,(05) .

[9] 吳靳. 電子商務對企業 財務管理 的影響[J]. 會計 之友(中旬刊), 2009,(03) .

[10] 林震. 論電子商務對企業物流管理的影響[J]. 現代商貿工業, 2009,(09) .

篇二: 電子商務論文 參考文獻

[1]趙曉津。 計算機 安全技術在電子商務中的應用探討[J]。矽谷,2014(4):140-141。

[2]雷殷睿。 網路安全 技術在電子商務中的融合[J]。計算機光碟軟體與應用,2014(4):162-163。

[3]余佩穎。 微信 電子商務模式探討[J]。軟體,2013(10):124-125。







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[1] 文化 .傳統企業的電子商務化[J].廣東 財經 學院院報,2006(3)



[4]多琦.基於電子商務的顧客滿意信息 收集 與評價系統設計的研究[D].哈爾濱理工大學,2003(2)




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[1] 黃崇珍, 杜蓉.電子商務下第三方物流研究[J] 信息技術, 2004 年11月,第28 卷 第11期

[2] 崔介何主編,《電子商務與物流》,中國物資出版社,2002年4月第一版

[3] 張曉燕.對中國B2C 電子商務發展思路的探索[J]商場現代化.2005 年9 月(中),總第443 期.

[4] 張鐸,林自葵.電子商務與現代物流[M].北京: 北京大學出版社, 2002.

[5] 譚清美,王子龍,城市物流對經濟的拉動作用研究——以江蘇南京為例,工業技術經濟,2004年01期

[6] 王健,方佳林,美、日、歐現代物流發展的比較與啟示,東北亞論壇,2005年02期

[7] 王淑琴,陳峻,王煒,城市現代物流系統布局規劃研究——以揚州市為例,規劃師,2005年02期

[8] 梁燕君,《電子商務物流新舊模式之比較》,商品儲運與養護,2009年第五期

[9] 王文斌,馬祖軍,武振業,現代物流業與區域經濟發展,經濟體制改革,2002年01期

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[11] 汪鳴,馮浩,我國現代物流業發展政策及建議,宏觀經濟研究,2010年05期

[12] 張林紅,陳家源,新世紀我國航運企業物流運作模式的探討,世界海運,2011年05期

[13] 王成鋼,陳登斌.B2C電子商務配送系統建設[M].長沙:湖南師范大學出版,2008.

[14] 仲岩,蘆陽,李霞.電子商務實物[M].北京:北京大學出版社,2009.

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