A. 懇求【電子商務】專業的英文介紹
Management of the economy and to cultivate a solid theoretical basis, the information science and technology and the meanswith the use of modern information technology to conct business activities,engaged in the operation and management of high-quality modern e-business complex talent.Asked the students access to modern information technology, management theory and methods of modern business theory and practice.marketing theory and practice to master e-commerce systems analysis, design, realization and evaluation of technologies,understanding of e-commerce related law, with a high degree of sense of competition,innovation and a strong e-commerce capabilities, has mastered a foreign language, reading, writingtranslation and other aspects ofa higher level.The professional training to support the Party's basic line, Germany, Chile, body-round development.meet the needs of first-line business management, information technology management, business website management at the grass-roots level.e-commerce websites grassroots management positions and mastering modern networking technology and business management knowledge,Strong market analysis, network marketing and e-commerce capabilities of the higher technical applications personnel.E-commerce is of a higher quality and proce more directly engaged in the application of e-commerce capabilities of the senior management personnel.This goal has stressed that the quality of professional e-business e-commerce is facing the front line.are directly involved in the e-commerce business, is engaged in the business management personnel.therefore must have strong technical capabilities.This capability is the ability to conct business activities, such as engaging in market research, negotiations, contract settlement, orders management,sales management, marketing and business decision-making and planning.Employment orientation : Internet marketing, online payment, online sales, logistics and distribution, and business management
B. 誰知道電子商務的英文
C. EC(電子商務)是什麼
其內容包含兩個方面,一是電子方式,二是商貿活動,EC(電子商務)指的是利用簡單、快捷、低悔衡成本的電子通訊方式,買賣雙方不謀面地進行各種商貿活動。 電碧岩做子商務可以通過多種電子通訊方式來完成。
2、另一種說法是: EC是電子羅盤(Electrical Compass,EC)的簡稱。
它可通過對地球磁場等信息的讀取、計算,精確輸出載體的航向角和俯仰角等姿態角參數。EC具有體積小、成本低等優點,航向精度較高,是常用的航向測量設備,被廣泛的應用於各種工業儀表和導航系統中 。
EC (Electronic Commerce) 電子商務是利用計算機技術、網路技術和遠程通信技術,實現整個商務(買賣)過棗燃程中的電子化、數字化和網路化。人們通過網路上的商品信息、完善的物流配送系統和方便安全的資金結算系統進行交易(買賣)。
總的來說,電子商務可以包括企業對企業客戶的電子商務(即B2C)、企業對終端的電子商務(B2B)、消費者對消費者之間的電子商務(即C2C)、企業對「職業經理人」(Business to Manager )之間的電子商務(即B2M)、企業與政府機構之間進行的電子商務(即B2A/G)等模式。
D. 電子商務英語介紹 電子商務英語簡介
1、電子商務英語(BUSINESS ENGLISH )是以適應職場生活的語言要求為目的,內容涉及到商務活動的方方面面。
E. 電子商務英文是什麼
EC (Electronic) 電子商務1.EC:Embedded Controller,嵌入式控制器)在一組特定系統中,新增到固定位置,完成一定任務的控制裝置就稱為嵌入式控制器。2.國際生物化學會酶學委員會(Enzyme Commission,EC)3 歐洲共同體 (European Communities)4.外部鏈接 (External Connector)5.EC (Echo Cancellation) 回波消除。為了建立多個信道,ADSL可通過兩種方式對電話線進行頻帶劃分:一種方式是頻分復用(FDM),另一種方式是回波消除(EC)。6.EC (Electronic) 電子商務。是利用計算機技術、網路技術和遠程通信技術,實現整個商務(買賣)過程中的電子化、數字化和網路化。人們通過網路上的商品信息、完善的物流配送系統和方便安全的資金結算系統進行交易(買賣)。分類情況:B2B、B2C、 C2C、B2M四類電子商務模式B2B (Business to Business)商家(泛指企業)對商家之間的電子商務as in businesses doing business with other businesses,商家(泛指企業)對商家的電子商務,即企業與企業之間通過互聯網進行產品、服務及信息的交換。通俗的說法是指進行電子商務交易的供需雙方都是商家(或企業、公司),她(他)們使用了Internet的技術或各種商務網路平台,完成商務交易的過程。這些過程包括:發布供求信息,訂貨及確認訂貨,支付過程及票據的簽發、傳送和接收,確定配送方案並監控配送過程等。有時寫作B to B,但為了簡便乾脆用其諧音B2B(2即to)。 B2B的典型是阿里巴巴,中國製造網 ,慧聰網等。更直接在例子有,韓國的B2B平台EC21,國內跟著他出現了ECVV,EC45等直接在域名(網址)里直接體現EC(電子商務)。B2C(business to customer)企業對消費者之間的電子商務B2C模式是我國最早產生的電子商務模式,以8848網上商城正式運營為標志。B2C即企業通過互聯網為消費者提供一個新型的購物環境——網上商店,消費者通過網路在網上購物、在網上支付。由於這種模式節省了客戶和企業的時間和空間,大大提高了交易效率,特別對於工作忙碌的上班族,這種模式可以為其節省寶貴的時間。 C2C(Consumer To Consumer)消費者對消費者之間的電子商務C2C同B2B、B2C一樣,都是電子商務的幾種模式之一。不同的是C2C是用戶對用戶的模式,C2C商務平台就是通過為買賣雙方提供一個在線交易平台,使賣方可以主動提供商品上網拍賣,而買方可以自行選擇商品進行競價。 C2C的典型是淘寶網等。B2M (Business to Manager )企業對「職業經理人」之間的電子商務B2M是相對於B2B、B2C、C2C的電子商務模式而言,是一種全新的電子商務模式。而這種電子商務相對於以上三種有著本質的不同,其根本的區別在於目標客戶群的性質不同,前三者的目標客戶群都是作為一種消費者的身份出現,而B2M所針對的客戶群是該企業或者該產品的銷售者或者為其工作者,而不是最終消費者。 企業通過網路平台發布該企業的產品或者服務,職業經理人通過網路獲取該企業的產品或者服務信息,並且為該企業提供產品銷售或者提供企業服務,企業通過經理人的服務達到銷售產品或者獲得服務的目的。職業經理人通過為企業提供服務而獲取傭金。 B2M與傳統電子商務相比有了巨大的改進,除了面對的用戶群體有著本質的區別外,B2M具有一個更大的特點優勢:電子商務的線下發展!以上三者傳統電子商務的特點:商品或者服務的買家和賣家都只能是網民,而B2M模式能將網路上的商品和服務信息完全的走到線下,企業發布信息,經理人獲得商業信息,並且將商品或者服務提供給所有的百姓,不論是線上還是線下。 以中國市場為例,傳統電子商務網站面對1.4億網民,而B2M面對則是14億的中國公民!B2B的典型是E步伐等另外還有兩類:B2A(Business-to-administrations)的電子商務指的是企業與政府機構之間進行的電子商務商業機構對行政機構(Business-to-administrations)的電子商務指的是企業與政府機構之間進行的電子商務活動。例如,政府將采購的細節在國際互聯網路上公布,通過網上競價方式進行招標,企業也要通過電子的方式進行投標。目前這種方式仍處於初期的試驗階段,但可能會發展很快,因為政府可以通過這種方式樹立政府形象,通過示範作用促進電子商務的發展。除此之外,政府還可以通過這類電子商務實施對企業的行政事物管理,如政府用電子商務方式發放進出口許可證、開展統計工作,企業可以通過網上辦理交稅和退稅等。政府應在推動電子商務發展方面起到重要的作用。在美國,柯林頓政府已決定在近期對70%的聯邦政府的公共采購實施電子化。在瑞典,政府已決定至少90%的公共采購將在網上公開進行。我國的金關工程就是要通過商業機構對行政機構的電子商務,如發放進出口許可證、辦理出口退稅、電子報關等,建立我國以外貿為龍頭的電子商務框架,並促進我國各類電子商務活動的開展C2A(Consumer-to-administrations)消費者對行政機構的電子商務消費者對行政機構(Consumer-to-administrations)的電子商務,指的是政府對個人的電子商務活動。這類的電子商務活動目前還沒有真正形成。然而,在個別發達國家,如在澳大利亞,政府的稅務機構已經通過指定私營稅務,或財務會計事務所用電子方式來為個人報稅。這類活動雖然還沒有達到真正的報稅電子化,但是,它已經具備了消費者對行政機構電子商務的雛形。政府隨著商業機構對消費者、商業機構對行政機構的電子商務的發展,將會對社會的個人實施更為全面的電子方式服務。政府各部門向社會納稅人提供的各種服務,例如社會福利金的支付等,將來都會在網上進行。2. eceC,是一位加拿大人jerome歷時十二年開發的一門編譯型編程語言,擁有C++項目的性能和Java的跨平台性以及Python的方便性。目前eC擁有自己的IDE,專用的面向對象資料庫。eC的理念是:開發一次,部署在所有平台,包括Windows,linux,Mac os,僅僅依賴一個輕量級的運行庫!它擁有與C++一樣的性能,擁有和Java一樣的跨平台性。這來自與eC語言自行開發的GUI庫,3D圖形庫,Socket庫…… 這些使得你能夠迅速的開發你的軟體(沒錯,就像python一樣快捷),然而卻擁有像C++開發的軟體一樣的性能!eC擁有自己的IDE,當然IDE也是用eC寫成。IDE名叫Ecere。
F. 什麼是 電子商務
G. 用英語解釋什麼是電子商務70單詞
Electronic commerce, commonly written as e-commerce or eCommerce, is the trading or facilitation of trading in procts or services using computer networks, such as the Internet. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web for at least one part of the transaction's life cycle, although it may also use other technologies such as e-mail.
E-commerce businesses may employ some or all of the following:
Online shopping web sites for retail sales direct to consumers
Providing or participating in online marketplaces, which process third-party business-to-consumer or consumer-to-consumer sales
Business-to-business buying and selling
Gathering and using demographic data through web contacts and social media
Business-to-business electronic data interchange
Marketing to prospective and established customers by e-mail or fax (for example, with newsletters)
Engaging in pretail for launching new procts and services
Online financial exchanges for currency exchanges or trading purposes
H. 請問電子商務的英文解釋是什麼謝謝
電子商務源於英文ELECTRONIC COMMERCE,簡寫為EC。顧名思義,其內容包含兩個方面,一是電子方式,二是商貿活動。
電子商務指的是利用簡單、快捷、低成本的電子通訊方式,買賣雙方不謀面地進行各種商貿活動。 電子商務可以通過多種電子通訊方式來完成。簡單的,比如你通過打電話或發傳真的方式來與客戶進行商貿活動,似乎也可以稱作為電子商務;但是,現在人們所探討的電子商務主要是以EDI(電子數據交換)和INTERNET來完成的。尤其是隨著INTERNET技術的日益成熟,電子商務真正的發展將是建立在INTERNET技術上的。所以也有人把電子商務簡稱為IC(INTERNET COMMERCE)。
I. 用英語介紹一下電子商務這個專業
E-commerce, Electronic Commerce, EC for short. E-commerce usually is refers to is in global around widely of commercial trade activities in the, in Internet open of network environment Xia, based on browser/server application way, buyers and sellers does not met to for various business activities, implementation consumer of online shopping, and merchant Zhijian of online transactions and online electronic paid and various business activities, and transactions activities, and financial activities and related of integrated service activities of a new of commercial operations mode. E-business covers a very wide range, generally can be divided into the business to business or business to consumer both. There are also consumer to the consumer the forward growth model. With the increase in number of Internet use in China, online shopping and payment by bank card using Internet consumption patterns have started to pop, also in fast-growing market share, endless stream of e-commerce website. E-commerce security with SSL and SET two of the most common species. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer Protocol) SET (fully electronic transaction protocol) definition of e-commerce: the first will be divided into General and special e-commerce e-commerce. General e-commerce is defined as, using a variety of electronic tools in the business or activities. These tools range from basic Telegraph, telephone, radio, TV, fax, computers, computer networks, and other modern systems. Business activity is commercial demand reasonable and legitimate activities to goods of consumption dropped after the typical proction processes in all activities. Narrowly defined as e-commerce, mainly use the Internet to engage in business or activity. E-commerce is in a modern society where highly developed technical, economic, and access to information technology and business rules, and systematic use of electronic tools, high efficiency, low cost commodity exchange-centric activities collectively. This analysis highlights has e-commerce of premise, and Center, and focus, and purpose and standard, pointed out that it should reached of level and effect, it is on e-commerce more strictly and reflect times requirements of defines, it from system of views start, stressed people in system in the of Center status, will environment and people, and people and tools, and people and subject of labour organic to contact up, with system of target, and system of composition to defines e-commerce, so makes it has proctivity of nature.
J. 英文表達什麼是電子商務
e-commerce, e-business
Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, eCommerce or e-comm, refers to the buying and selling of procts or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.